How to Get Student Visa with Spouse in 2024

To get a student visa with your spouse simply entails that an international student’s spouse may accompany them to the United States at any time.

In getting a student visa with a spouse, the spouse of an international student may apply for F-2 or J2 visas at the same time the international student applies for an F-1 or J-1 visa, or they may apply for F-2 or J-2 visas at a later date.

If they grant them the visa, they may enter the United States at the same time as the international student, or they may enter at a later date.

However, as discussed in this article, for a student visa with a spouse, the spouse will not automatically be granted a visa. Also, keep in mind that certain consulates, particularly in Southeast Asia, have denied student visas to a spouse to ensure the student’s return. Let’s get started.

What must you do to get a Student Visa with Spouse?

First, as discussed above, to get a student visa with a spouse, you must demonstrate that the spouse is indeed your spouse.

They would also be required to complete a separate set of application forms, which are summarized on the checklist below.

Once you’ve completed your form and prepared your documents, assisting your spouse with their applications should be a breeze.

You have most likely already addressed some requirements for your family members’ applications, such as demonstrating that your financial resources covered your spouse as well as yourself.

If you like to study in New Zealand, read; How to Get New Zealand Student Visa | Step-by-Step Procedures

Eligibility Requirements for a Student Visa with a Spouse

The primary criterion for obtaining a student visa with a spouse is that the relationship is long-term and genuine. This entails that-

  • You and your spouse have a permanent residence together.
  • That you must have been married to your spouse within the last 12 months.
  • Your spouse and yourself must both meet health and character requirements.
  • The financial requirements, as you will need to show that you can support your family without relying on government help.
  • The accommodation requirement is to provide adequate housing for your family to live together in the UK. A shared tenancy agreement or a mortgage are examples of proof that you meet the accommodation requirement.
  • The English language requirement, so your non-British applicant must be able to speak and understand English.
  • Any other documentation that proves you and your partner are in a genuine relationship.

You may be required to provide additional documentation, depending on your circumstances. If you meet the requirements for a student visa with a spouse, they will issue a Fiancé Visa for a six-month period during which they expect you to marry.

A visa for an unmarried partner or spouse is valid for 30 months. After 30 months, you will apply for a 30-month extension. After the five years is up, you will apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and, later, citizenship.

Canada is one country with good visa requirements for your spouse. Read to learn How to Apply for Student Visa in Canada | Interview, Requirements, Permit

Student Visa with Spouse Checklist

Although your spouse’s visa applications depend on yours, each member of your family must prepare a complete application with the same care that you do.

If your spouse does not prepare a satisfactory application, is inadmissible, or does not appear likely to return to your home country, they may deny their visas.

You should include the following items in your spouse’s applications:

  • Receipt for completing Form DS-160, Nonimmigrant Visa Application Online; one digital passport-style photo to be uploaded with the DS-160; and proof of family member’s relationship to you (copy of marriage or birth certificate)
  • A copy of the SEVIS-dependent Form I-20 of your family member (received from your school)
  • Passport (valid for at least six months beyond the intended stay of your family members)
  • Documents showing that your family members will return to your home country for reasons of their copies of your documents showing that you can pay your tuition, fees, and living expenses for the entire family while in the United States, as well as visa fees

Following preparing visa applications for yourself and any accompanying family members, the next step is to prepare for your interview at a US embassy or consulate in your country, as described in The Day of Your Consular Interview.

To enjoy seamless application as a Germany aspirant, check out How to Pass Germany Student Visa Interview | 2024

How do you apply for a Student Visa with Spouse?

Step 1: Gather your documents.

You must prepare yourself to get any document that will help your immigration or visa process.

Step 2: Apply for a student visa with a spouse

You must submit an online partner visa application. You must pay the fees and keep the receipt once you have submitted the partner visa application.

Step 3: Request a decision from the DHA.

The DHA takes several months to decide on your partner visa application after you submit it.

Step 4: Wait for approval.

Once the DHA has approved your application, you will be able to receive your visa and begin your journey.

It is important to note that a spouse visa typically takes a year or more to process before it is granted. As a result, it is best to begin your application process as soon as possible.

China is one great country to study. Read this Sure Tips to get China Student VISA Fast

What costs do I need to consider for Student Visa with Spouse?

When applying for a dependent visa, your spouse must show that they have enough money to support themselves during their stay.

To issue an I-20 form, the US International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) requires proof of funding for $4,500 per year for a spouse.

Although this is the bare minimum you must prove, the cost of living in the United States is rising, so do your research to find a realistic estimate of the funds you will need to cover rent, food, and other expenses.

Dependents must also show that they intend to return home once the F-1 student’s education is completed. A return flight can be used to demonstrate this.

While international students may be able to find on-campus jobs or work, spouses of international students are not permitted to work under F-2 visa regulations and will not be issued a social security number.

Are you low on a budget? Read How to Get Student Visa Sponsorship | Step-by-Step Procedures to learn how to work on a budget.

Some Countries and Student Visa with Spouse Requirement.

1. Spouse visa Canada

You may bring your spouse or common-law partner to Canada with you. The spouse or partner of an overseas student can apply for an open work permit.

This permit permits the holder to work in Canada with no Labor Market Opinion or a job offer. To get a student spouse visa in Canada, you will need to meet certain standards.

The work permit will usually be valid for the same amount of time as the student visa.

Read also: How to Apply for Student Visa in Canada | Interview, Requirements, Permit

 2. Spouse Visa Australia

Under the Dependent Visa program, international students can bring their spouses and families to Australia.

You can either include a visa application for them with your original student visa application or file their visa application after you have begun your studies program in Australia so that they can move to Australia. Dependent Visa schemes are available for spouses and partners.

 3. Spouse visa United States of America (USA)

A foreign student can visit the United States with their spouse or family at any time. The international student’s spouse can apply for their F-2 or J2 visas at the same time that the international student does for his or her F-1 or J-1 visa, or they can apply for their F-2 or J-2 visas later.

If they approve their visa application, they may enter the United States at the same time as the international student or at a later time.

After receiving legal authorization, J-2 dependents are granted work rights in the United States. After the J-2 bearer has entered the country, they can ask this authorization for.

Look at this: What are the Student Visa Requirements in the U.S?

4. Spouse visa United Kingdom (UK)

International students who want to bring their partners to the United Kingdom can apply for a UK student visa with a spouse. International students may not bring their dependents to the United Kingdom unless they are:

  • Sponsored by a higher education institution and enrolled in a program with an NQF level of 7 or higher.
  • Enrolled in a master’s degree program or higher in the United Kingdom for 12 months or longer.
  • A new government-sponsored student enrolled in a course lasting at least six months.

Your spouse can work in the United Kingdom if you are enrolled in a program that lasts more than a year; otherwise, they are not allowed to work there. To get entry permission as quickly as possible,

To know more visit: UK Student Visa Requirements 2024 [DETAILED]

5. Spouse visa Germany

A student visa with a spouse in Germany allows international students to bring their family members to reside with them throughout their studies, but both of them must meet specific standards.

A German visa for family members of international students is a residence permit that allows your non-EU/EEA relatives to visit and stay in Germany while you are studying in Germany with a German Residence Permit.

Visa for a German Family Holder can find paid employment in Germany if they are of working age and have the necessary qualifications.

For more information, go here: How to Pass Germany Student Visa Interview | 2024

6. Spouse visa New Zealand

An international student can bring their spouse to New Zealand to study for a level 7 or above qualification on our Long Term Skill Shortage List, or a postgraduate qualification.

In New Zealand, the holder of a student spouse visa is permitted to work. The work visa will have “Open” conditions, so the visa holder will be able to work any legal employment for any amount of hours.

Check the requirements for a student spouse visa in New Zealand before applying.

Look at How to Get New Zealand Student Visa | Step-by-Step Procedures

7. Spouse visa Finland

A spouse of an international student can apply for a residence visa so that they can join their spouse in Finland while they study. Finnish immigration will process concurrently both applications.

If the spouse desires to work in Finland, they must apply a residence permit for, even if the stay would be less than three months.

Citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, as well as their spouses, do not require any type of work permit.

For more information, read this; Easy Step By Step Procedures To Get Finland Student Visa

8. Spouse visa Denmark

A spouse of an overseas student who wishes to join them in Denmark can apply for a Denmark Student Dependent Visa.

The family member coming in does not need a work permit to live and work in Denmark once the application for a student-dependent visa is completed.

As a result, people are free to live and work in Denmark because of this.

Learn more from: How to Get a Student Visa in Denmark | Step-by-Step Procedures

9. Spouse visa France

By filing for a stay/residence permit in France, a spouse or registered partner of an overseas student can join the student in France.

With the use of an EU Blue Card, which is a document that allows its holder, a non-EU foreign citizen, to enter and remain in France for up to three years to engage in paid activity and explore career options in their profession, with the option to prolong the stay.

More information can be found here: How To Apply For a Student Visa In France | Interview, Requirements, Permit

10. Spouse visa Spain

If you are staying in Spain for over six months on a student visa, your spouse is welcome to join you. With your course expenses, you must demonstrate that you can subsidise them as well as yourself.

They must apply for their TIE at the local Oficina de Extranjeros ( Spanish Foreigner Identity Card).  The student’s temporary residence permit is valid for the same period as the student’s stay in Spain.

Your spouse is allowed to work without having to apply for a work visa.

Also see: How To Apply For a Student Visa In Spain | Interview, Requirements, Permit

 11. Spouse visa Sweden

You can apply for a student visa with a spouse visa together with your student visa application if you are an international student studying at a university or university college.

The dependents’ residence permit would be valid for the same amount of time as the duration of the study program. In Sweden, spouses can likewise work without limits.

Learn more from this article: How to Get a Student Visa in Sweden | Step to Step Procedures


Yes. If you are an international student studying at a university or university college, you can apply for a spouse visa as a dependent along with your student visa. The dependents’ residence permit would be valid for the same period as the duration of the study program.

If you are married and applying for an Australia Study Visa, you may bring your spouse with you. As the primary applicant, you must meet the Visa requirements. If the primary applicant meets the Visa requirements, the spouse will be granted the Visa as well.

Estonia. This small Baltic country has stunning scenery and architecture, as well as a high-quality educational experience; and Finland. Finland has some of the world’s best higher education institutions, offering top English-taught bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.

Yes, you may be able to bring your spouse or common-law partner, as well as your dependent children, to Canada. They may be able to obtain a study or work permit, as well as a visitor visa. When you apply for your study permit, you must submit your applications online.

As of now, spouses may not work unless they apply for their separate work visas. If the rules change, spouses who currently hold H4 visas will be able to apply for work visas or work as well.


The student visa with spouse visa application process is complicated and time-consuming. Before applying for a spouse visa, you must gather evidence for all required documents and meet certain eligibility criteria. We hope this post has detailed everything you needed to know.



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