How To Prepare For Medical School Interviews 

As with most medical schools, interviews are conducted before one can enrol. That is why the medical school interview identifies candidates with readiness, compassion, and excellent interpersonal skills.

If you find the interview an arduous task, tips on medical school preparation have been garnered to make your dream of enrolling on one come true.

The knowledge of the different aspects of the interview formats makes your journey to preparation a bit difficult.

Reading through this article will give you an insight into how best to prepare for the different styles of medical interviews and all that you should expect, including a typical time frame.

Kindly go through the table of contents below to have an overview and to automatically take you to any part of this article that interests you more.

About Medical School Interview

The importance of the medical school interview can’t be overemphasized. This is because it is the very reason why many applications in medical school are turned down.

An applicant once you get a notification for an interview from a medical school, only then should you consider yourself a qualified applicant.

Only those with a certain GPA will be considered for an interview. When a medical school doesn’t prioritise the GPA requirement, you must consider going for an internship.

Do Medical School Admission Requires Interviews?

Medical school interviews are an essential part of the admission process. While some medical schools may not require interviews, most institutions view this step as a chance to evaluate applicants beyond their academic credentials.

Interviews provide a platform for the admission committee to assess an applicant’s communication skills, professionalism, and overall fit for the program.

Medical school interviews typically fall into traditional and multiple mini-interviews (MMI). In traditional interviews, candidates meet with one or two interviewers who ask open-ended questions about their backgrounds, experiences and motivations.

On the other hand, MMIs involve rotating through several stations where applicants answer structured questions or participate in scenario-based activities that test their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Regardless of which type of interview is used during the admissions process, applicants must prepare adequately beforehand.

What Is The Average GPA For A Medical School?

The medical school admission process is very competitive. So, as a pre-med undergraduate, you must work hard to secure a slot for yourself in medical school. Aim to achieve a GPA of 3.5 or even higher.

Since grades in science classes are highly scrutinized to ascertain whether you are academically fit for a medical school, go for the A’s and B’s.

In addition, one thing you can consider if you don’t have a relatively high GPA is to go for internships.

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Types Of Medical School Interview

Not all types of medicine interviews are the same. Therefore, medical schools use different kinds of interviews to evaluate their candidates. It is certain that you probably will encounter one or all types of medical consultations.

However, it would be best to familiarise yourself with the basic types of medical school interviews. Also, as well as understanding what each type of interview involves, you need to note which medical school uses which type of interview.

  • Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) – most medical schools now use MMIs. They require candidates to face a series of testing for different qualities. These might involve communicating with patients, undertaking ethical situations, or problem-solving.
  • Traditional Interviews – The traditional interview format involves asking questions about your application and reasons for desiring to study medicine, either one person or the panel.
  • Group Interviews – Related to the traditional interview, the only difference is that you will be in a group setting and will likely be given a topic to discuss with your group and before the interviewers before moving on to a panel interview.

What Are The Medical School Interview Preparation Tips?

In your preparation for a medical school interview, there are essential tips you should follow and keep. They are as follows.

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Be Prepared

One’s inability to predict all the questions you might encounter at a medical school interview doesn’t hinder you from coming to the table prepared for the same. While you’re at it, make an all-round preparation and be ready to discuss your:

  • Academic background
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Employment experience
  • Relevant ethical issues
  • Why you want to become a medical practitioner


Interviews are used to see how you can manage stress. Putting you in an uncomfortable position tells more of how mature you can handle the pressure. Therefore, if you feel uneasy about the kind of questions you’re asked, take a deep breath, and be in control of the moment in an articulating manner.

Furthermore, as much as you resist the urge to show that you’re scared, ask for clarity. In doing this, you exhibit the two characteristics essential in a good doctor, making it a win-win situation.

Ask Great Questions

Make your interview session as interactive as possible. Do not also fail to learn more about anything as important as you consider a medical school program.

Keep Up Your Attitude

Remember that ‘first impression matters a whole lot. Therefore, do not take your being considered for an interview for granted.

Therefore, be punctual and dress conservatively too. Make sure to use a firm handshake and wear an approving smile. Also, carry your documents along in a portfolio.

Samples Of The Medical School Interview Questions You Might Encounter

To aid you with a more helpful tip that guarantees your confidence through the interview door, below are some questions you need to have their answers at the tip of your finger. However, do not always be in haste to give responses to questions.

Think it through!

  • Education-Oriented Questions
  • Medicine-Related Questions
  • Motivation-Oriented Questions
  • Personal Questions

Medical School Interview Questions

Q: Why are you interested in becoming a healthcare professional?
What interviewers want to know: They want to know what motivates you to pursue a medical education. Answering this question can involve discussing your professional goals, mission statement, and why this career choice is best for you. The interviewer might also ask you to share a specific story or experience that led to your decision to apply to medical school.

Medical School Interview Answer

I’ve always been enthusiastic about helping people and solving problems, but I became a nurse after my little brother was diagnosed with liver disease. I spent months helping my mom to care for him and make him comfortable while he was undergoing treatment. Ever since I have wanted to study nursing and allow others the same way I helped him.

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Q: How would you answer a family member if they asked you to share a patient’s private information?
What interviewers want to know: They ask about ethics in to ascertain your commitment to uprightness and your understanding of medical policies. To answer this question, you must understand the basics of patient confidentiality. When preparing for your medical school interview, it could be beneficial to acquaint yourself with common ethical predicaments that healthcare professionals encounter.


‘If sharing the information they are asking for would break the doctor/patient confidentiality agreement, I would rather tell them that I am not at liberty to discuss that topic in detail. If they are upset, I would explain the nature of patient confidentiality and offer them any non-confidential information concerning the patient.

Q: What is the most critical issue healthcare professionals are handling today?
What interviewers want to know: They want to know how knowledgeable you are on relevant medical issues and allow you to share your opinion. There is not just one correct answer to this question, but you must prepare in advance to ensure your answer is insightful and exact.

Possible Answer

‘I believe the most pressing issue in modern healthcare is the lack of trained doctors and nurses in rural and impoverished areas. The need for quality healthcare in these communities continues to grow as deaths from treatable diseases become more common. I believe medical professionals must prioritize providing care to less accessible areas.

After The Interview, What Next?

There is something about gratitude that makes way for not just a medical school applicant but everyone.

It is a good idea to send a ‘thank you’ letter after each interview thanking them for the opportunity to meet with them. This could be through individual letters or one that addresses the interview panel.

In the letter, state clearly how much you still desire to be addressed as a student of that medical school.

This will leave the medical school with no other option but to place you on a ‘hold’ list while they wait to see what the application pool looks like.

Finally, if any academic or extracurricular feat you’ve achieved isn’t included in your application, that will be the right time to send it in.


What three traits should a medical student have?

A focus on service.
Social abilities.
Cultural sensitivity.
Verbal exchanges.
Moral Obligation to Oneself and Others.
Trustworthiness and Dependability.
Flexibility and resilience.

What footwear is most appropriate for a medical school interview?

The greatest footwear for an interview day is a pair of dress shoes that matches your belt. You will walk a lot on the interview day, so make sure to break in any new shoes.

What should a woman wear to an interview for medical school?

Generally speaking, feminine clothes should consist of a skirt or pant-suit in a neutral colour, such as black, grey, or navy blue. Under the blazer, wearing a white, pastel, or soft-coloured button-down or pullover blouse is best.


You must apply and be accepted into a medical school before you can study your dream course. If you are considering applying to a medical school, I hope you find this article helpful.



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