How To Transfer From One University To Another In Australia

As you may already know, a student may transfer to institutions in Australia for many reasons. One of these reasons could be that the current university, curriculum, and course need to meet the student’s needs.

Another reason could be that the course of study could be easier for the student. So, you’ll learn how to transfer from one university to another in Australia in this article.

Are you studying at a university in Australia that needs to meet your needs? Kindly read down carefully to learn how to change from one university to another in Australia.

When students apply to study in Australia, their research about a particular university may only be accurate once they enter the institution.

In such a case, the institution may not offer what the student desires or expects. This, however, makes the student consider changing the university to another in Australia.

On the other hand, the course of study for which the student applied may not interest the person anymore. To resolve this, the student may find a way how to transfer to another Australian university where the student’s dream course is offered.

In this post, I will show you easy ways to transfer from one university to another in Australia. It worked for me. I hope it works for you too.

Why should I study in Australia?

Australia is home to some of the best research institutions in the world. You can find top-notch academic programs like nursing and healthcare, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and engineering in most of Australia’s universities.

This is because the educational degrees which Australian universities award are recognized worldwide. The study abroad program in Australia is usually a valuable addition to every international student’s resume.

For several years, thousands of international students have studied in Australia. Most of the best universities in Australia welcome international students and offer programs and services to them.

These programs and services are tailored toward helping study-abroad students make the most out of their educational experience.

Studying in a country where English is not the first language is usually difficult for many international students. This is usually seen in other countries but never in Australia, as students can communicate freely in English.

The Australian government awards international students scholarships worth over $200 million annually. The grants are usually given based on merit. Also, there are certain requirements for application, such as grade requirements, financial needs, etc.

International students can work part-time while on a student visa, which will help them to reduce the price of studying abroad in Australia. Students can work up to 40 hours every two weeks in jobs that require only basic skills.

The minimum wage in Australia, which is $17 per hour, can help students cover a good chunk of their expenses and tuition.

You can also read: Best Universities in Australia for International Students 2024 | Ranking

What are the eligibility requirements to study in Australia?

There may be variations in the eligibility requirements and admission procedures for international students from one university or VET provider to another.

However, if you already know the qualification levels of your dream school, kindly visit the school’s website.

This will help you to know the institution’s specific eligibility requirements and the detailed admission procedures for their desired program of study.

The eligibility requirements for a study in Australia include the following:

  • Virtually all universities in Australia accept the 3-year graduation system for entry into most postgraduate programs. What this means is that; a bachelor’s degree such as a B.A., B.Com. Or B.Sc. from another country is equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s (Ordinary) Degree.
  •  Some courses and universities may need a qualification equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s degree, which requires either an honors graduation degree like a B.A. (H), B. Com (H), or sixteen years of academics. This would mean an extra year after graduation or a four-year degree course like B.E., B. Tech, and other such courses.
  •  Most Universities always require a good first degree from a leading university in India or its equivalent.

Eligibility Requirements for Undergraduate courses in Australia

  • The students who wish to pursue undergraduate programs in Australian Universities must first be eligible. If you’re ineligible, remember that the university will not process your application, and you will not get a refund of your money. Therefore, eligibility requirements are very important.
  •  Applicants must have completed the Senior Secondary Level of qualification. This implies that the candidates should have completed Class XII and must be 17 years and above before the program starts.
  •  The students must have a minimum score of 60% to qualify. This is because all the renowned universities, as well as the TAFE institutes, usually have a minimum score or cutoff.
  •  Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation and an admission essay which will also be evaluated before making the final admission decision.
  •  The students must pass the tests of English Proficiency such as IELTS and TOEFL or other tests such as GMAT. Candidates should read the admission brochure of the universities to know the tests accepted for admission in a particular course.
  •  Some universities also have a clause as per which the TOEFL and IELTS requirement is waived if the candidates can produce the letter of recommendation from the institution they have last attended. This letter should indicate that the candidate has been studying in English medium throughout and is proficient in it.
  •  Applicants should a relevant work experience for admissions.

Eligibility Requirements for Postgraduate courses in Australia

  • A postgraduate applicant must complete their graduate course of at least three years from an accredited institution.
  •  The candidate should also pass the English Proficiency Tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. Some universities also require passing the candidate to pass the GMAT or GRE.
  •  Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation, certificates of passing Class X and XII, and the essay of admission.

Admission Procedure to Australian Universities 

  • This process involves applying to the university by getting the forms through Email, University Website, or University Representatives.
  •  Applicants should endeavor to send in their applications at least 12 months before the admission commencement. The duration may also differ for different courses and universities.
  •  The candidates must submit the Statement of Purpose along with the other documents because it will also play a major role in deciding the admissions.
  •  Applicants for PG programs in Australia should make sure that they submit the Research Proposal for the research-oriented programs.

Read and apply: Australia Scholarships.

How can I transfer from one university to another in Australia?

Before you transfer from one Australian university to the other, you should note that most universities in Australia have transfer policies.

So, consider a few things that will help you make the transfer easy and fast. This consideration will also help you to make a sensible decision.

Therefore, before you transfer from one university to another in Australia, you should take the following steps:

#1. Book an appointment with a Student Advisor in your present institution 

The first step you should take if you want to change a university in Australia is to set up a meeting with your student advisor or course coordinator and explain your transfer plans.

This student advisor will now sit you down and explain to you in detail the university’s exact policy regarding any transfer. This person will also guide you about the financial obligations that changing universities in Australia involves.

International students should bear in mind that this change in universities in Australia will involve certain visa considerations.

Similarly, the authorities will not permit the new university to accept the transfer if you don’t complete at least six months of the main course of study at your current institution.

If you also wish to transfer before the completion of six months, you will have to get a ‘Letter of Release’ from your current institution.

You should also note that every change from one university to another in Australia is always different. So, in this situation, the student advisor will give you the correct information to help you through the transfer process.

Read also: List of Australian Universities and their Websites.

#2. Consider visa requirements 

The most important you should consider while transferring is your Australian student visa.

Once an international student gets a visa, the student must meet some requirements for visa acceptance. These requirements usually come from the student’s current institution.

So, to transfer to another Australian university, you must meet the visa requirements of your new institution(s). If they grant you a streamlined student visa, you will only transfer to the universities that are eligible for a streamlined student visa.

But, if you wish to change to an institution that is not eligible for a streamlined student visa, you may have to cancel your current visa and reapply. Here, you can see that visa requirements decide if you wish to transfer to another university.

Most importantly, you need to contact the visa authorities to explain any of these cases.

See Also: Australia VISA Lottery Scam or Legit? See What Works For Immigrants

#3. Examine your financial obligations

Transferring from one university to another in Australia usually comes with a amount of financial planning because the tuition fees of each institution differ.

So, remember that you could pay higher if your new university is more expensive. If you’re changing by the middle of the year, you may not qualify to get loans and aid as you might have used them in your current university.

Another important thing to note is that you should settle every financial due you have at your current university. Every institution sets a date after which the student will be required to pay the full cost of that semester.

In a situation where you change to another institution before that date, you will get some amount of refund. So, you must know your financial dues from the current university before you transfer.

#4. Select a new course or institution

Before you consider transferring, you should check the characteristics and policies of the university that you wish to change to. The hint here is that you should check the institution’s infrastructure, course curriculum, and tuition to know if they meet your needs.

When you’re sure about your choice of university, gather information about the transfer policies of that university and start the transfer process immediately.

You may encounter some challenges while transferring from one university to another. If you are an international student, note that you must keep a copy of any cancellation and enrolment paperwork. You should also check your student visa requirements carefully because it is the deciding factor of your studentship.

Finally, remember to contact the Department of Home Affairs and provide an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate from your new institution.

Read also: Most Affordable Medical Universities in Australia for International Students.

How to Transfer from US College to Australia

Whether you are transferring from one college in US to another college in Australia, follow the guidelines on how to transfer from one university to another in Australia.

The process is pretty much the same. First, discuss your transfer plans with your student advisor in your current school. You will get the rest of the transfer information from your advisor.

FAQs on How to Transfer from One University to Another in Australia

Is it possible to transfer from one university to another?

Yes. Sometimes, it’s possible to transfer from one university to another, usually during the first few weeks of your first year or between the years of your study if the courses are very similar.

How do I transfer from one university to another in Australia?

You can do this by:
1. Booking an appointment with a student advisor in your current institution.
2. Considering Visa Requirements.
3. Checking your financial obligations.
4. Select a new course or university.

Can I go to school while processing my transfer?

Yes, you can. It will take you a few weeks or months to complete the transfer process. So, you must attend your current university until your transfer request is approved; afterward, you start your new school.


Changing universities in Australia is always a good idea if your current institution or course of study needs to meet your needs. However, it would be best if you were very careful about transferring to another university in Australia.

Please seek the advice of your student advisor first because the information you get from them will guide you during the transfer process. Also, make sure you make proper inquiries about the new university you wish to transfer to avoid “had I known.”

The steps to transferring from one university to another in Australia listed in this article helped me when I transferred from La Trobe University to the University of Sydney.

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