15,500 IE Foundation Digital Scholarships for Teachers, Students, and Young Professionals

We know that the Scholarship that will be best for this season is a scholarship that can fund online schooling.

Therefore, we have researched and found out that IE Foundation Digital Scholarships for teachers, students, and young professionals are awarding Online Scholarships to 15,500 Students globally.

We are sure that at the end of this post, you can apply for the scholarship. So, go read on to join the thousands to start immediately!

Scroll through the table of contents to have an overview.

About the Sponsors of IE Foundation Digital Scholarships

Banco Santander is determined to achieve inclusive and sustainable progress and growth. They intend to do this through a consolidated commitment to higher education. Therefore setting it apart from other financial institutions around the world.

With more than 1,800 million euros earmarked for academic initiatives by Santander Universities since 2002. They have more than 430,000 university scholarships and grants since 2005.There’s a recognition to the company as one that invests the most in education worldwide (Varkey / UNESCO / Fortune 500 Report ).

The IE Foundation, a foundation of IE University, is a non-profit organization that works to improve IE’s social impact. They do this by using its own resources and working with strategic partners.

The foundation, founded in 1997, promotes the institution’s values: entrepreneurship, diversity, inclusion, and innovation. They have a focus on the humanities as a fundamental aspect of higher education.

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Why IE Foundation Digital Scholarships?

Banco Santander has launched the Santander IE Educational Aid Fund through the Santander Universities. This is to benefit 15,500 educators, students, and young professionals from around the world.

Fellows receive special online training on digital transformation to develop the key skills necessary to navigate a new global landscape during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, this scholarship fund reflects the shared commitment of Banco Santander and the IE Foundation to society and the strong support of education.

Thanks to this agreement, 10,000 school teachers and university professors from around the world benefit from the Santander IE online specialization for digital education for trainers.

These online courses will strengthen your knowledge and skills in digital education. They also help continue academic activity in schools and universities.

  • 10,000 Santander Scholarships targeted at educators for programs designed to develop essential tools for successful online course delivery. It also aims to help ensure academic activity following the global health emergency generated by COVID-19.
  • 5,000 Santander Scholarships are to boost digital and leadership skills among young people between the ages of 20 and 35.
  • 500 Santander Scholarships for IE High Impact Online Programs (HIOPs) focusing on technology and innovation and aimed at outstanding candidates from around the globe.

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How Much Are the IE Foundation Digital Scholarships?

Recipients of the 10,000 Teacher Scholarships and 5,000 College Scholarships participate in an online learning journey, a program developed by IE University experts that offers various specialized skills through interactive tutorials, videos, interviews, podcasts, etc.

Students selected for the 500 High Impact Digital Transformation Program scholarships complete a five-week course in English or Spanish covering areas such as new business technologies, digital marketing, leadership in uncertain times, or science and data visualization, all leading IE teachers are offered in these areas.

Who is Eligible for the IE Foundation Digital Scholarships?

5,500 Santander scholarships are for students and young professionals from 14 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Great Britain, Uruguay, and the United States).

The Santander IE online Scholarship for digital strategy, technology, and leadership not only allows 5,000 young people between the ages of 20 and 35 to develop their digital and leadership skills. It is also for, 500 other candidates who can complete HIOP (High Impact Online) programs) for digital transformation with the Santander IE High Impact online program learning grants.

How to Apply for the IE Foundation Scholarships

 There are many course details at Becas Santander (see program-specific dates).


  • ie.edu– Digital scholarships for teachers university students and young professionals
  • becas-Santander


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