Intra-Africa GENES Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships for Africans, 

Applications are called for the ongoing Intra-Africa GENES Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships for Africans in 2024. GENES is funded by the Intra-Africa Program of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.

Intra-Africa GENES Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships will foster diversity and gender equity in the workplace. Therefore, women and persons from underprivileged groups are especially encouraged to apply.

About GENES Intra-Africa

GENES is funded by the intra-African program of the Executive Agency of Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) of the European Commission. The consortium intends to:

  • Produce ten world-class Pold Holders plant breeders for Africa to accelerate the cultivation of the cultivar development to adapt to current and future challenges related to climate change and food and nutrition security;
  •  Train 36 MSc holders genomics scientists and eight support staff with strong capacity in cultivar development and new molecular breeding approaches to increase knowledge and prospects of improving major crops, including cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and biofuels used in Africa for food and nutrition security and the crop production industry;
  •  Harmonize the training programs and the research program of consortium members (universities) on the use of
  • genomic selection to accelerate the development of cultivars and increase the resistance of crop production systems;
  •  Foster national, regional, and global collaboration and programmatic agenda that promotes genomic breeding research and training for agricultural innovations within Africa.

GENES exhibit the potential to accelerate the in-depth reform, scope, quality, and harmonization of genomic breeding training programs throughout Africa.

GENES will also reshape academic research adapted to the continent’s needs, focusing on adaptation strategies using genomics, metabolomics, and transcriptomics.

As curriculum review takes place at intervals within the University systems following standard procedures, harmonization of programs can take place among higher education institutions (HEIs) in the consortium.

One of the major outputs of the GENES partnership will be establishing and reinforcing the programmatic relationships between four universities from three regions of Africa.

Two universities in western Africa (Ebonyi State University in Nigeria and the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin), one University in eastern Africa (Jimma University in Ethiopia), and one University.

Programs and courses of the consortium are available at GENES will foster diversity and gender equity in the workplace.

Therefore, women and persons from underprivileged groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Level/Field of Study

Offers are available to pursue Masters and Ph.D. programs.

Intra-Africa GENES Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships are for study Mobility for plant genomics scholars to accelerate climate-smart adaptation options and food security in Africa / GENES.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is for Universities in Africa.

Eligible Nationality

The GENES mobility grant is open to all students from partner universities (Target Group 1) and students from other African universities (Target Group 2).

Target Group 1: This category includes students enrolled (for M.Sc application) or graduated (for Ph.D. application) from all partner universities as follows:

  1. Ebonyi State University; Nigeria
  2.  University of Abomey-Calavi; Benin
  3.  Jimma University; Ethiopia
  4.  University of Yaounde 1

Target Group 2: Students from all African countries

Scholarship Worth

In line with the Agreement with the Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme of EACEA, the scholarship will cover the following:

  • Round trip flight ticket and visa costs (using a preferred travel agent and calculated against direct linear distance);
  •  Direct participation costs such as tuition fees, registration fees, and service fees where applicable;
  •  Comprehensive travel insurance (Health, Accident, and Travel)
  •  A monthly subsistence allowance for the mobility period.

Scholarship Number 

Currently, 10 Ph.D. and 20 Masters scholarships are available.


To be eligible for this scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a national and resident in any of the eligible countries covered by the Intra-Africa Mobility program of the EACEA, and
  •  Register to or have an HEI degree (or equivalent) from one of the HEIs included in the GENES consortium (Target group 1)
  •  An HEI is not in the GENES consortium but is established in an eligible country (Target group 2).
  •  Have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses in the host countries.
  •  Students with one-year post-B.Sc but has yet to be in any of the Partner HEIs is also eligible to apply. However, mobility will begin in the study’s second year, i.e., GENES sponsorship will be for research work only.
  •  Applicants whose first language is not English are to provide evidence of proficiency in English at a higher level by the University.

Application Procedure

Admission regulations for Doctoral and MSc Studies are to be found on the prospective HEIs website. This application is for GENES Project scholarships only.

The Scholarship application form and other required documents should be sent as a unique PDF attachment to the emails indicated below.

You may download the MS Word version of the application form and complete it before sending it.

Important also is the student proposal that should be sent together within the application as ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT, preferably PDF.

Applicants should submit a complete application and all supporting documents by email to with a copy to Mr. Dennis Okporie,

They should indicate in the subject line (if submitting by email) or superscribe the envelope (if submitting by post) ‘Application for GENES MSc/Ph.D. program.’

Other necessary documents are:

  1. Cover letter
  2.  Scholarship Application form (download from GENES website)
  3.  Student proposal (guidelines available from GENES website)
  4.  National ID or Copy of Passport Data page
  5.  Certificate of degree
  6.  Transcript records
  7.  Support letter from sending HEIs
  8.  Recommendation letter of home supervisor (mandatory for all applicants)
  9.  Enrollment proof in degree course from home institution (for MSc applicants)
  10.  Curriculum Vitae
  11.  Employment certificate (only for staff)
  12.  Certificate of English or French language skills
  13.  Proof of socio-economic vulnerability (if available)

You can begin the application by clicking on the link below.

Application Deadline

The submission of the application ends on the 30th of May, 2024.

Get more details by clicking the Here

To access other opportunities, click Africa Scholarships


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