Jew Plant: All You Need to Know About Jew Plants

Jew Plants, also known by various names such as Jade Plant, Money Plant, or Crassula Ovata, are renowned for their captivating appearance and symbolic significance. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of Jew Plants, offering a thorough exploration of their characteristics, cultivation, symbolism, and practical tips for care. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner in the realm of gardening, this article aims to provide you with all the essential knowledge about Jew Plants.

Understanding Jew Plants

Identification and Appearance:

They belong to the Crassulaceae family and are native to South Africa. Known for their distinctive, fleshy leaves and branching structure, these succulents often exhibit a tree-like form.

The leaves, typically green or jade-colored, are thick and oval-shaped, contributing to the plant’s unique aesthetic appeal. Understanding the physical characteristics is crucial for identifying and appreciating the diverse varieties within the Jew Plant family.

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How To Care For Wandering Jew Plants

Cultivating Wandering Jew plants is an enjoyable experience, and the various available varieties make it even more exciting. This comprehensive guide on Wandering Jew plant care covers everything you need to know about growing Tradescantia, whether indoors or outdoors.

These plants, also known as inch plants or wandering dude, are cherished for their vibrant colors and trailing growth pattern.

Whether showcased in hanging baskets or positioned on a pedestal, the cascading tendrils add to their visual appeal. Personally, I enjoy training mine on ornate obelisks during the summer outdoors, and then seamlessly transitioning them indoors as houseplants during the winter.

With numerous types available for collection, the good news is that the care instructions for Wandering Jew plants remain consistent, making this detailed guide applicable to all varieties.

How To Cultivate and Care For Jews

Light and Temperature Guidelines:

They flourish in bright, indirect light, making them perfect for indoor environments. Gain insights into the ideal light conditions and the gradual acclimatization of your Jew Plant to sunlight. Explore temperature preferences and protective measures against extreme conditions for optimal plant health.

Soil and Potting Practices:

Unearth the perfect soil blend for Jew Plants, emphasizing well-draining mediums that prevent waterlogging. Discover the intricacies of repotting and the importance of selecting an appropriately sized pot for your plant’s development. Proper soil and potting techniques play a crucial role in enhancing the overall well-being and vibrancy of Jew Plants.

Watering Regimen:

An essential facet of Jew Plant care revolves around comprehending their water needs. Delve into the delicate balance between underwatering and overwatering, and familiarize yourself with signs indicating when your Jew Plant requires hydration. Mastering the art of watering is pivotal for preventing root rot and fostering a thriving succulent.

Trimming and Reproduction Techniques:

Explore the methods of pruning them to maintain their desired form and stimulate robust growth. Additionally, investigate propagation techniques, including leaf and stem cuttings, to expand your collection or share these captivating plants with fellow enthusiasts.

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Scientific name:Tradescantia
Classification:Tropical plant
Common names:Wandering jew, wandering dude, inch plant
Hardiness:Zones 9-11
Flowers:Light purple, white, or pink
Light:Partial to full shade
Water:Consistently moist, do not overwater
Humidity:High to average humidity
Fertilizer:General purpose in spring and summer
Soil:Houseplant potting soil
Common pests:Spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats


Wandering Jews (Tradescantia) are trailing tropical plants that are originally native to Mexico.

They’re commonly sold as annual plants in cold climates, but they are actually tender perennials.

When you hear “wandering jew plant”, you might think about the classic variety with purple and silver variegated leaves (Tradescantia zebrina, aka “inch plant” or “wandering dude”).

But the common name refers to a whole family of plants that fall under the scientific name of “Tradescantia”. They require similar care, and all are fairly easy to grow.


There are countless varieties, and each one is just as lovely. There are varieties with fuzzy leaves, purple, variegated, and plain green leaves.

How would you ever choose which species to grow—I suppose you could just start a collection like me—with so many options.

This is a collection of the most prevalent types of wandering Jews; you can see what some of them look like by clicking through the images on this site.

Discover the vast selection of Jew Plants, which includes the traditional Crassula Ovata, which has a compact, tree-like form, and the more branching, woody Crassula arborescens. Variegated foliage, unique leaf forms, and various sizes are just a few of the unique traits that distinguish different species.

Delve into the world of Jew Plants to discover the diversity that these captivating succulents bring to indoor and outdoor spaces.

  • Bolivian (while this is called “wandering jew”, it’s actually a different species)
  • Bridal veil
  • Red burgundy
  • Purple fuzzy leaves
  • Green fuzzy leaves
  • Tricolor (‘Nanouk’)
  • White/green variegated
  • Purple queen (aka: purple heart)

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Where To Plant The Wandering Jews

Before we get into the specifics of caring for wandering jew plants, there are a few things you should know about the best places to grow them.

Developing Outdoor Wandering Jew

during long-term wandering jew plant care, I find it much easier to bring them outside during the summer, when they grow enormously and thrive!

Every summer, as I indicated earlier, I cultivate my wandering dude plants outdoors on my shaded front step. I have two big containers that are great for holding orbs.

I train the vines to climb the supports as they get longer. They are stunning by mid-summer, and every year I receive a ton of compliments on them.

Symbolism and Cultural Significance

Historical Associations:

Uncover the historical context and associations that Jew Plants have held in various cultures. From ancient folklore to modern symbolism, explore the rich tapestry of meanings that people have attributed to these resilient succulents.

Feng Shui and Prosperity:

Learn how Jew Plants have become popular in Feng Shui practices, symbolizing wealth, prosperity, and positive energy. Discover placement tips and the belief systems surrounding Jew Plants in the context of enhancing financial well-being.

Common Challenges and Troubleshooting

Pests and Diseases:

Understand the potential challenges that Jew Plants may face, including common pests like mealybugs and aphids. Explore preventive measures and natural remedies to keep your plants healthy.

Leaf Drop and Root Rot:

Dive into the reasons behind leaf drop and root rot, two common issues that can affect Jew Plants. Gain insights into early detection, troubleshooting techniques, and effective solutions to ensure the longevity of your plants.

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Jew Plants stand as more than just aesthetically pleasing succulents; they represent resilience, prosperity, and cultural significance. This comprehensive guide has provided you with the essential knowledge needed to cultivate, care for, and appreciate the allure of Jew Plants. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener, may this guide enhance your understanding and passion for these remarkable succulents?


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