Jinan Sister City Scholarship Program

Jinan Sister City Scholarship Programs are currently available at Shandong University in China. The scholarship is organized by Jinan Municipal Government and tailored for international talents from Jinan’s sister cities to further their education and conduct research.

The Jinan government scholarships, which mainly function as a study grant, includes a full scholarship and a scholarship abroad. A full scholarship will be awarded to international full-time students (including foreign students holding a doctorate, master or bachelor’s degree) and long-term students without a degree, whose programs (including language and professional programs) are at least one academic year.

The Distinguished International Students Scholarship is awarded to international students attending language or professional programs lasting less than one academic year and students undergoing short-term exchanges. A student can only receive a scholarship.

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About the Shandong University in China

Shandong University is a public comprehensive university in Shandong, China. It is one of the largest universities in China by student-population.

It gets its support directly from the government.

Located in the economic powerhouse and cultural heartland of China, Shandong University (SDU) is one of China’s top universities. Its reputation is from the world-acclaimed researchers. It has dedicated teaching staff, and superior campus facilities and services.

Level/ Field of Study

Jinan government scholarship covers a Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. program. Moreover, scholarships will be awarded to learn the courses offered by the university.

Host Nationality

Jinan Sister City Scholarship is hosted by Shandong University in China.  The Scholarship is taken in China.

Eligible Nationality

Shandong university scholarship is opened for non-Chinese citizens of the sister cities of Jinan.

Aside from the Jinan Sister City Scholarship, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Jinan Government Scholarship Worth

The Shandong university scholarship is A fully-funded Scholarship.

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Eligibility for Jinan government scholarship

The following criteria qualify the applicants for the Jinan government scholarship award:

  • The candidates must be non-Chinese citizens of the sister cities of Jinan. Candidates must be in good health and friendly with China.
  • Applicants must comply with the laws and regulations of the Chinese government, behave well, and meet Shandong University’s eligibility requirements.
  • The candidates must have a good attitude towards the study. Applicants do not need to have documentation in order not to follow university rules.
  • Only applicants who have not received any other funding or scholarships can apply for a scholarship.

Admission Requirements for the College

Entry requirements: Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens of the sister cities of Jinan. Candidates must be in good health and friendly with China.

Requirements for the English language: Applicants from outside the country of origin often have to fulfill certain language requirements in English or other languages in order to study in that country.

How to apply for Jinan Sister City Scholarship 2022

  • Please refer to the application requirements attached to the attachments and send the scanned copy by e-mail to apply-at-sdu.edu.cn.
  • All applicants must submit the original of all application materials to the SDU International Student Admissions Office (C301 Mingde Building, Shandong University Central Campus, No. 27 South Shanda Road). Jinan, China).

There also will be no need to return the application to the candidates. Students who have already received the scholarship can only submit the material in a simplified procedure when they apply for the second time.

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Jinan Sister City Scholarship 2024 Application Deadline 

The Shandong university scholarship is available twice a year for the application. However, the first period runs from February to May (the scholarship will be awarded in October) while the second period runs from September to November (the scholarship will be awarded in March).

You can also click on the link below to check the official website.

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FAQs On Jinan Sister City Scholarship Program 2022

The scholarship is organized by Jinan Municipal Government and tailored for international talents from Jinan’s sister cities to further their education and conduct research.

For degree students: Not more than 25,000yuan per person per academic year for no longer than the program’s duration stipulated by the university.

For Long-term non-degree students: Not more than 20,000 yuan per person per academic year for not longer than two academic years.

Non-degree students whose programs are not shorter than three months: Not more than 1,000 yuan per person per month and not more than 5,000 yuan per person in total..

Non-degree students in language programs that last for less than three months; exchange students The standard will be made by the Foreign Affairs Office of Jinan People’s Government according to the situation.

For degree students and long-term non-degree students, the scholarships last for the program’s stipulated duration. However, if the program lasts less than an academic year, the sum would be calculated according to the actual duration of it.

For non-degree students, it is a one-time scholarship—once awarded, the students cannot apply for it again within three years.

To apply, interested applicants are to fill the application form on the scholarship website indicated above.

Editor’s Recommendations

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