Joshua Nkomo Scholarships for Zimbabwean students

You can win full funding right from high school to college if you’re an academically excellent Zimbabwe student in the country. The Joshua Nkomo Scholarships is one of such scholarships for Zimbabwean students that you can use to fund your education to the highest height.

Higherlife Foundation is offering Joshua Nkomo Scholarships for Zimbabwean students. The Joshua Nkomo Scholarships are awarded to pursue an undergraduate degree in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM). 

The Joshua Nkomo scholarship is offered to the best students in the final 2 to 3 years of high school, and top university and college students in their first and straight Masters degrees.

If this meets you right and you meet the requirements, take advantage of this opportunity and apply for the Joshua Nkomo Scholarship 2023 The WSF Team has researched and come up with all the details you need to win the Scholarship.

About Higherlife Foundation

Higherlife Foundation is an Africa-based social impact organization committed to investing in children’s future through Education. The Foundation is working to scale its impact across Africa by raising 2 million African leaders by 2024.

The Foundation targets orphans and vulnerable children, as well as students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and focuses its work on education in the three key areas of Providing Access to education, Improving the Quality of education, and Providing Lifelong Development.

About Joshua Nkomo Scholarship

The Joshua Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program that focuses on identifying young Zimbabwean talent through a rigorous selection process and creating the opportunity for them to get the best and most relevant education at world-class local and overseas tertiary learning institutions. The scholarships are available to Zimbabwean citizens who are under the age of 21 at the time of applying.

World Scholarship Forum popular searched Scholarships 2024

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Education in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe considers human capital investment via education a major tool for sustainable development. Education is recognized as a fundamental human right and necessary for the development of people in society.

Zimbabwe’s education sector has suffered from several challenges that have deteriorated its quality. These include poor physical infrastructure, brain drain, and declining standards in school performance.

The vision of the Education Sector Strategic Plan is to “be the leading provider of inclusive, quality education for socio-economic transformation by 2024.” The plan includes four pillars:

  1. Access for all, including providing adequate infrastructure, opportunities for non-formal education, early identification of children at risk of not entering the system, dropping out or falling behind, and strategies to support those unable to meet education fees.
  2. Quality and relevant learning with the introduction of a competency-based curriculum that includes ICT, STEAM/STEM, education for sustainable development, and life skills.
  3. Focus on learners by building, developing, monitoring, and upgrading the professional skills of teachers already in the profession and by developing a responsive pre-service curriculum.
  4. Strong leadership, management and monitoring provide efficient and effective service delivery within an institution that has the right structural framework.

Responding to these pillars, five core programs have been identified:

  • Introduction, monitoring and adjustment of new curricula at all levels
  • Enhancing infrastructure to meet population growth needs, and ensure learning environments are inclusive and age-appropriate
  • Introduction of a teacher quality improvement program, to build professional skills and competencies, and formalize professional standards
  • Establishing a capacity development program, in order to manage institutional change for a modern and progressive education system
  • Development of a Center for education research, innovation, and development, and building the country’s capacity to provide and analyze data that will inform its policies.

In order to monitor the implementation of the ESSP, Zimbabwe has identified performance indicators for outputs, outcomes, and processes, which will be disaggregated by gender, location, and socioeconomic status and reviewed during annual reviews.

Level/Field of study:

Joshua Nkomo Scholarships are awarded to study undergraduate and postgraduate programs for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) studies and other disciplines.

Host Nationality:

The Joshua Nkomo Scholarship is hosted by Higherlife Foundation Africa, Zimbabwe.

Eligible Nationality:

Joshua Nkomo Scholarships is open to Zimbabwean students.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Aside from Joshua Nkomo Scholarship 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Benefits:

70% of the scholarships will be for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) studies, whilst 30% is reserved for other disciplines. The program includes leadership training and mentorship through internships, community involvement and life-long engagement through an active alumni network.

Scholarship Number:

The number of offers was not specified.

Eligibility For The Joshua Nkomo Scholarship 2024:

  • Academic Merit as determined by applicant performance in public examinations (mainly ZIMSEC and Cambridge)
  • For A-Level applications, a minimum of SEVEN (7) “A” grade passes is required
  • For University applications, a minimum of TEN (10) points for females and TWELVE (12) points for males is required
  1. Where there are ties, the extra criterion is applied as follows:
    • Leadership Potential as demonstrated by levels of responsibility and office bearing in the School and surrounding
    • Communities, as well as confirmed indications of Community Engagements and extra-curricular activity
    • Personal Integrity as deduced from School Reports and reports from other responsible authorities Documentation Required
    • Academic certificates/public exam results
    • Birth Certificate
    • National ID
    • Character Reference Form (Download Here)
    • Character Reference Form to be hand-delivered to any Higherlife Foundation office NB: Scholarships are for Zimbabwean public institutions only.

Application Procedure For Joshua Nkomo Scholarship:

All applications are to be made online at the scholarship official site.

For more information on How/when to on this.

Application Deadline

Currently, this scholarship is unavailable but we shall keep you posted on the new date


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