Study in Keio University 2024: Admission, Tuition Fees, Scholarship, Courses, and Ranking

Keio University is one of the leading universities in Japan, with a great number of international students.

Are you an international student who desires to study abroad in Japan? Awesome! Keio University is a sure bet.

We have compiled all details about its admission, tuition fees, scholarships, courses, and ranking to enable you to live out your Japan college dreams.

We promise that by the end of this post, you’ll see between the lines what will motivate you to study Keio University.

Keio University is a private institution located in Japan’s capital, Tokyo.

Facts about Japan

Japan is a country in the continent of Asia. It is a sovereign island nation in the eastern part of Asia.

It is surrounded by water bodies like the Sea of Okhotsk in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east, the East China Sea in the southwest, and the Philippine Sea (farther from Japan and close to the Philippines) in the southern part of the East China Sea.

The country has neighboring nations like China and Philippines (although separated by water bodies).

Like nations like the Bahamas, Hawaii, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand, etc., Japan is also an archipelago. (An archipelago is a collection of islands.).

It is also a stratovolcano―consisting of composite volcanoes formed over many years. It is one of the world’s most densely populated nations and has a greater percentage of forested land area.

The official language spoken in Japan is Japanese. (The Chinese language influences the Japanese language.)

Apart from Japanese, other languages like the Ryukyuan, Hokkaido Ainu, Nivkh, Uilta, and Bonin English are spoken, which are considered as minority languages. Foreign languages spoken in Japan include English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Japan has four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

Japan is an advanced nation and member of the G7 countries of the world and is referred to as a great power.

It has a robust economy with one of the world’s largest GDP (Gross domestic product) values. It thrives in both Import and Export commerce.

Japan has a very high standard of living and a population of workforce that is highly skilled.

It is advanced in science and technology, an industrialized nation, and one of the world’s tourist locations.

About Keio University

Education in Japan is one of the best. Japan is one of the most educated nations in the world, with a great percentage of educated individuals and graduates.

Keio University is privileged to be situated in Tokyo, a world-renowned large and busy populous city in Japan.

The school was established in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuzawa (initially a school for Dutch Studies which he founded after his studies in the U.S. and later evolved into a higher institution.)

It is known for Advanced Education and Research. It is highly rated in research, with various research centers on its campuses and other locations to help in research and education.

The University also offers Continuing Education Studies for Working Adults. Most of the courses offered at Keio University are taught in the Japanese language.

Keio has a history as the oldest institution of modern higher education and a pioneer of many modern education systems, the first indigenous private institution of higher learning, and the first university in Japan to accept international students.

It runs with the motto “Calamus gladio fortior” which means “the pen is mightier than the sword.”

The University is one of the Japanese Ministry (of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) 13 Global 30 Project Universities.

(Global 30 Project is a Japanese Government initiative that aims to foster and encourage foreign students to study in Japan by offering English Undergraduate Programs.)

Keio University hosts one of the international offices of W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), just like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S., and other high-profile institutions, making it one of the world’s Web technology institutions.

It even sponsors Web technology through its Advanced Publishing Lab.

Keio University Ley Achievements and Evolvements Overs The Years

  • 1858: A School for Dutch studies in Edo (now Tokyo) was founded by Yukichi Fukuzawa.
  • 1863: The School’s focus was switched to English studies.
  • 1868: The School was renamed after the Keio Era.
  • 1871: The School was moved to Mita.
  • 1899: Keio became Japan’s first private university to send students abroad: four to Germany, and two to the United States.
  • 1906: Graduate programs were established.
  • 1917: Original School of Medicine was established.
  • 1918: Original Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care were established.
  • 1920: Keio University was accredited by the Japanese government as one of the first private universities.
  •       Shinanomachi Campus opens.
  • 1934: Hiyoshi Campus opens.
  • 1944: Fujiwara Institute of Technology donated to Keio University and became the Faculty of Engineering.
  • 1949: New university system established. (Faculties of Letters, Economics, Law and Engineering)
  • 1951: Graduate Schools under the new educational system were established. (Graduate Schools of Letters, Economics, Law, Human Relations and Engineering)
  • 1956: Graduate School of Medicine established.
  • 1957: Faculty of Business and Commerce established.
  • 1961: Graduate School of Business and Commerce established.
  • 1962: Keio Business School established.
  • 1978: Graduate School of Business Administration established.
  • 1981: Faculty of Engineering is reorganized and expanded as the Faculty of Science and Technology.
  • 1985: Graduate School of Science and Technology established.
  • 1990: Shonan Fujisawa Campus opens with two new faculties, Policy Management and Environmental Information (renamed Faculty of Environment and Information Studies in 2007).
  • 1994: Graduate School of Media and Governance established.
  • 2001: Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care established.
  • 2004: Law School established.
  • 2005: Graduate School of Health Management established.
  • 2008: Faculty of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences established due to a merger with Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy.
  • Graduate School of System Design and Management and Graduate School of Media Design established.
  • 2015: 125th Anniversary since the Establishment of the First University Departments

Keio University Campuses

Keio University operates several campuses and some affiliated higher institutions, and also with college, secondary, and elementary schools.

The six major campuses Keio University have are:

  • Shinanomachi Campus
  • Hiyoshi Campus
  • Shonan Fujisawa Campus
  • Mita Campus
  • Yagami Campus
  • and Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus.
  • Other Keio University Campuses are Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus, Tsuruoka Town Campus, Keio Osaka Riverside Campus, and Keio Marunouchi City Campus.

Its high school in the U.S. is known as Keio Academy of New York, established in 1990.

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Keio University Architecture And Facilities

Keio University has many historical buildings and structures, including story buildings and towers. In its various campuses can be found several facilities like Gymnasium. Sports Ground, Library, Stores, Health center, Cafeteria, Research centers and labs, Halls, Multimedia rooms, Athletic field, Cafes, etc.

Keio University Notable Alumni

Keio University has a great Alumni Network and Associations. Their alumni are fondly called the name Jukuin.

Past Japan Prime Ministers in the persons of Tsuyoshi Inukai, Ryutaro Hashimoto, and Junichiro Koizumi are all Keio-known alumni.

Keio University is also said to have produced post-war period Governors and Leaders. Its Alumni Network is said to include many CEO of big companies and conglomerates.

Keio Univerisity School Rankings

  • In the Universities Research Ranking, it is rated with Very High Research Output
  • It is highest ranked in the 2019 University Rankings for private universities in Japan.
  • 10th in the year 2018 Japan University Rankings
  • 9th in QS University Ranking in Japan
  • 37th in QS University Ranking in Asia
  • 58th in 100 most innovative universities in the world (by REUTERS)
  • 175TH in CWUR World University Ranking for 2018-2019
  • 198TH for QS Global World Ranking 2019

Keio University Faculty and Graduate School

Keio University has ten Faculties and 13 Graduate Schools.


  • Faculty of Letters
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Business and Commerce
  • School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Faculty of Policy Management
  • Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
  • Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care
  • Faculty of Pharmacy

Graduate Schools:

  • Graduate School of Letters
  • Graduate School of Law
  • Graduate School of Economics
  • Graduate School of Human Relations
  • Graduate School of Business and Commerce
  • Graduate School of Medicine
  • Graduate School of Science and Technology
  • Graduate School of Business Administration
  • Graduate School of Media and Governance
  • Graduate School of Health Management
  • Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Graduate School of Media Design
  • Graduate School of System Design and Management

Keio University Courses

Faculty of Letters:

  • Aesthetics and Art History
  • American Literature
  • Anthropology
  • Area Studies
  • Art & Design
  • Arts Management
  • Asian history
  • Chinese Literature
  • Classics & Ancient History
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Education and Training
  • English Language and Literature
  • Ethics
  • Ethnicity, Gender, and Diversity
  • French Literature
  • German Literature
  • History and Archaeology
  • Human Sciences
  • Japanese History
  • Japanese Literature
  • Library & Information Management
  • Linguistics
  • Modern Languages
  • Musicology
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies
  • Western History

Faculty of Economics:

  • Geography
  • History and Archaeology
  • Finance
  • Area Studies
  • Development Studies
  • Economics and Econometrics
  • International Relations/Studies/Affairs
  • Public Policy
  • Statistics and Operational Research

Faculty of Law:

  • Area Studies
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Faculty of Law
  • International Relations/Studies/Affairs
  • Journalism
  • Law and Legal Studies
  • Politics
  • Public Policy
  • Sociology

Faculty of Business and Commerce:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Business & Management Studies
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Economics and Econometrics
  • Human Resources Management
  • International Relations/Studies/Affairs
  • Statistics and Operational Research

School of Medicine:

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Dentistry
  • Medicine
  • Medicine-related Studies
  • Pharmacology

Faculty of Science and Technology:

  • Architecture
  • Urban Planning
  • Administration Engineering
  • Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics
  • Computer Science and Information Systems
  • Engineering – Aeronautical
  • Engineering – Chemical
  • Engineering – Civil and Structural
  • Engineering – Electrical and Electronic
  • Engineering – General
  • Engineering – Manufacturing & Production
  • Engineering – Mechanical
  • Engineering Management
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • System Design Engineering
  • Biological Sciences
  • Biosciences and Informatics
  • Pharmacology
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Astronomy
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Studies
  • Materials Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Physics & Astronomy
  • Sustainable Development
  • Statistics and Operational Research

Faculty of Policy Management:

  • Linguistics
  • Urban Planning
  • Business & Management Studies
  • Marketing
  • Area Studies
  • Development Studies
  • Economics and Econometrics
  • International Relations/Studies/Affairs
  • Law and Legal Studies
  • Policy Management
  • Politics
  • Public Policy
  • Sociology
  • Statistics and Operational Research

Faculty of Environment and Information Studies:

  • Architecture
  • Art & Design
  • Built Environment
  • Linguistics
  • Urban Planning
  • Computer Science and Information Systems
  • Biological Sciences
  • Medicine-related Studies
  • Psychology
  • Environmental Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Sustainable Development
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Environment and Information Studies
  • Sports-related Courses

Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care:

  • Medicine-related Studies
  • Nursing

Faculty of Pharmacy:

  • Medicine-related Studies
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacy & Pharmacology


  • Undergraduate:
  • Faculty of Economics: PEARL (Programme in Economics for Alliances, Research and Leadership)
  • Faculty of Policy Management/ Environment and Information Studies: GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) program
  • Graduate:
  • School of Economics: Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Economics
  • Sciences Po-Keio Double Master’s Degree in Economics Programme
  • School of Business and Commerce: Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program in Taxation Policy and Management
  • School of Medicine: Doctoral Program
  • School of Science and Technology: International Graduate Programs on Advanced Science and Technology (Master’s and Doctoral Programs)
  • Global Environmental System Leaders Course (Masters and Doctoral Programs)
  • School of Media and Governance: International Advanced Degrees Course (Master’s Program)
  • Environmental Innovator’s Course (Master’s and Doctoral Programs)
  • School of Health Management: (Doctoral Program)
  • School of System Design and Management: System Design and Management Course (Masters and Doctoral)
  • School of Media Design: (Masters and Doctoral Programs)
  • Global Innovation Design Program (Master’s)
  • Law School: Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Global Legal Practice
  • Other Courses Offered in English: Global Interdisciplinary Courses (GIC)
  • Professional Career Program (PCP) in the Faculty of Economics
  • Global Passport Program (GPP)
  • International Centre Courses


Double Degree Programs enable students to obtain double degrees from Keio University and the international partner institution.

Faculty of Economics:

  • Double degree program with HEC Paris (in France)
  • Double degree program with Sciences Po (France)
  • Double degree program with Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)

Faculty of Business and Commerce:

  • Double degree program with ESSEC Business School (France)

Graduate School of Letters:

  • Double degree with Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)

Graduate School of Economics:

  • CEMS MIM (Master’s in International Management) Master’s program
  • Double degree program with Sciences Po (France)

Graduate School of Human Relations:

  • Double degree program with the University of South Australia (Australia)
  • Double degree with Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)

Graduate School of Business and Commerce:

  • CEMS MIM (Master’s in International Management) Master’s program

Faculty/Graduate School of Science and Technology:

  • Double degree program with Ecole Centrale Group (Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, CentraleSupélec) (France)
  • Double degree program with Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
  • Double degree program with Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (Belgium)
  • Double degree program with IMT Atlantique (France)
  • Double degree program with MINES Paris Tech (France)
  • Double degree with Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)
  • Double degree program with RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
  • Double degree program with Technische Universität München (Germany)
  • Double degree program with Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Double degree program with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) (Spain)
  • Double degree program with KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
  • Double degree program with Lund University (Sweden)

Graduate School of Business Administration (Keio Business School):

  • Double degree program with ESSEC Business School (France)
  • Double degree program with HEC Paris (France)
  • Double degree program with WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)

Graduate School of Media and Governance:

  • Double degree program with Fudan University (China)
  • Institut Teknologi Bandung, Gadjah Mada University, and Brawijaya University (Linkage Program)(Indonesia)
  • Double degree program with Yonsei University (I) (Korea)
  • Double degree program with Yonsei University (II) (Korea)

Graduate School of Media Design:

  • CEMS MIM (Masters in International Management)

Keio University Law School:

  • Double degree program with University of Washington School of Law(U.S.A.)

Keio University extracurricular activities

Athletics and Recreation:

  • Keio University has a great number of Athletic Fields and Associations. They are:
  • Archery/kyudo
  • American football
  • Ultimate
  • Gliding/aviation
  • Cricket
  • Kendo
  • Golf
  • Cycling/bikes
  • Soccer
  • Mountaineering/hiking
  • Shooting
  • Judo
  • Weightlifting
  • Swimming/boating
  • Squash
  • Skiing/snowboarding
  • Skating
  • Sepak takraw
  • Softball
  • Gymnastics/competitive dance/cheerleading
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • Soft tennis
  • Triathlon
  • Equestrian
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Volleyball
  • Handball
  • Fencing
  • Martial arts
  • Futsal
  • Bowling
  • Boxing
  • Hockey/ice hockey
  • Water sports
  • Motorsports
  • Baseball
  • Soft baseball
  • Rugby
  • Lacrosse
  • Track and field

Other Student Groups and Organizations:

  • Anime/manga
  • Go/shogi/chess
  • Fortune telling
  • Film
  • Drama
  • Bands
  • Choirs
  • Music fans
  • Foreign languages
  • Student Association
  • Academic
  • Environment
  • Karuta
  • Games/quizzes
  • International exchange/studying abroad
  • Classical performing arts
  • Computers/Internet
  • Nature/outdoors
  • Philosophy/religion
  • General interest
  • Food/cooking
  • Calligraphy/flower arrangement/tea ceremony
  • Politics/economics/management/law (9)
  • Dance
  • Art and crafts
  • Culture/History
  • Literature
  • Debates
  • Volunteer/social welfare
  • Law
  • Magic/juggling
  • Media


As of 2017, Keio University, through its Promotional Video, claims to have international students from 74 Countries and Regions.

 Keio University Acceptance Rate

Keio University’s acceptance rate is 23.9%.


Admission requirements for Undergraduate Programs:

Admission requirements for Graduate Programs:

Admission requirements for the PEARL Program:

Admission requirements for the GIGA Program:




Shinanomachi Campus:

35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)3-3353-1211

Hiyoshi Campus:

4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 223-8521 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)45-566-1000

Shonan Campus:

5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-0882 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)466-49-3404

Mita Campus:

2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1517

Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus:

1-5-30 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8512 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)3-3434-6241

Yagami Campus:

3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522 Japan

Tel: +81 (0) 45-566-1454

Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus:

7-1 Shin-Kawasaki, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0032 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)44-580-1580

Tonomachi Town Campus:

Research Gate Building TONOMACHI 2-A,

3-25-10 Tonomachi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0821


Tel: +81 (0)44-201-7466

Tsuruoka Town Campus:

14-1 Baba-cho, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0035 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)235-29-0800

Urawa-Kyoritsu Campus:

600 Kaminoda, Midori-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 336-0977 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)48-878-0469

Keio Osaka City Campus (Japanese):

Knowledge Capital Tower C 10F, Grand Front Osaka, 3-1 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011 Japan

Tel: +81 (0)6-6359-5547

Keio Marunouchi City Campus (Japanese):

Mitsubishi Bldg. 10F, 2-5-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Japan

Tel: + 81 (0)3-5220-3111 (Keio Academic Enterprise Co., Ltd.)

Keio Official Website:

Keio University Key Contact:

Undergraduate Admissions:

Graduate Admissions:

Japanese Language Program:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1614

Research Matters (Japanese Research Coordination and Administration):

Student Exchange Program:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1798

Academic Exchange Program:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1613

Scholarships for International Students:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1610

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1612

Housing for International Students:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1615

Housing for Visiting Scholars:

Tel: +81 (0)3-3451-3182

World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1616

CEMS MIM Programme:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1617

Clerkship / Research Program for Undergraduates at the School of Medicine:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5363-3662

Office for Global Initiatives:

Office of Communications and Public Relations:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1541

Office of Alumni Affairs:

Tel: +81 (0)3-5427-1881

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