Kenya Defence Forces Recruitment

Do you wish to apply for the 2024 Kenya Defence Forces Recruitment exercise? This page walks you through all you need to know about the Kenya Defence Forces Recruitment in 2024.

As you read on, you would discover the definitive guidelines about the KDF recruitment exercise, the method of application, list of documents required for the application, and the closing date.

Before we discuss details of the KDF recruitment exercise, let’s take a look brief look into the history of the Kenya Defence Forces.

How can I join Kenya Defence force?

Candidates seeking to join the Defence Forces must satisfy the following requirements: (1) They must be residents of Kenya. (2) Between 18 and 26 years of age. (3) Education-average KCSE’s grade D (plain) minimum.

How much do Kenya Defence forces earn?

A new recruit of the KDF takes home a paycheck of KES 7,172. Privates receive a salary of between KES 19,941 and KES 30,000 in the Kenya Security Forces. The pay scale of Lance Corporals is from KES 26,509 to KES 50,000, while corporals receive salaries ranging from KES 32,250 to KES 70,000.

What is the next recruitment of KDF?

The Kenya Defence Forces recruitment of Servicemen/ Women, Constables & Tradesmen/ Women is scheduled to take place at various centres nationwide from 12 February to 13 March 2024.

How long does KDF training take in Kenya?

Basic Military Training (BCT) for all Army, Navy, Air-Force consists of the first ten weeks of the overall Basic Training period and is equivalent. For each service, the specifications and duration of the training period vary.

Brief History of Kenya Defence Forces

The Kenya Defence forces comprise of three arms forces which include the Kenya Army, Kenya Navy and Kenya Air Force all of which are responsible for safeguarding the lives and properties of the citizens.

In accordance with the Kenya constitution, the elected presidents at every given point in time are invariably the Commander-in-chief of the Kenya Defence Forces. Any major decision or project undertaking by KDF must be sanctioned by the president of the country.

The Defence force was created several years ago during the colonial era and after independence, the forces continued to exist and in 2010, KDF became fully established under Article 241 of the 2010 Kenyan constitution.

KDF was first created during the fall of the 19th century in the British colonial era when the movement to abolish the slave trade was at the peak. The British protectorate formed a group known as the King’s African Rifles had the responsibility to protect the people.

In the early ‘90s, the group moved from Mombasa to Nairobi to join forces with another group called 5KAR. The consolidated group was responsible for resisting rebels and another group that fought against the British protectorate in the region.

The Rifles later transformed into Kenya Military Forces at the independent day and since then, have undergone series of transformation.

In 1964, Kenya formed her Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy to become part of the nation’s defence system.

The primary duty of the Kenya Defence Force is to protect the country against foreign invasion. They also collaborate with other authorities during emergencies such as in the case of disaster management.

As of the time of filing this report; the democratically elected president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, is the Commander-in-Chief of the KDF.

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KDF Recruitment

Several young Kenyan citizens are always on the look-out to apply for positions in the Kenya Defence Force. The reasons behind the ambition to join KDF varies with many young men and women; especially those applying for the love of the job. Others probably join for the benefits that come with being a force-man in the country. It is however unfortunate that not all persons who apply for positions in KDF are recruited.

Also, in some cases, people who are selected to participate in the recruitment exercise end up not graduating.

The reasons vary, these categories of people could have been disqualified for disobeying orders; while some may have elected to return home because of the rigorous training experienced.

Therefore, early physical and mental preparations are key to enable you to successfully participate in KDF recruitment.

Eligibility Requirements for KDF Recruitment

Over the years, the KDF recruitment process has remained pretty much the same with no significant changes in activities. In most cases, the minor changes observed during recruitment process include the application period and the closing dates. The recruitment structure remains the same.

To take part in the recruitment process, prospective applicants must meet some requirements which include;

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  • Interested applicants must have a KCSE certificate and should have a minimum of D
  • Applicants who score B or above would be placed on special offers and officer training
  • Applicants must be Kenyan citizens
  • Must be aged 18 – 26 years
  • Applicants must not be weighed less than 54.55kg
  • Must be taller than 5.3’

Prospective applicants applying to become officers have slightly different requirements which include

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  • You must be aged between 18 and 29 years
  • Must not weigh less than 54.55kg
  • You must have scored a minimum of B in KCSE
  • Officer schools are given to graduates first
  • Applicants must have at least two years of experience in their field of specialization


The KDF recruitment exercise has been an honest process over the years apart of few cases where applicants have colluded with some officers to ensure they desperately get positions in KDF. In cases where unfortunate incidence like this has occurred, KDF has disqualified and prosecuted such applicants as well as discharging officers involved in the incidence.

Generally, the KDF recruitment exercise is usually conducted with integrity and applicants deserving applicants who are deemed the most successful and fit are recruited into the Kenya Defence Forces.

Prospective applicants are to please not note the Kenyan Defence Forces frowns at bribery and all forms of corruption and as such, any individual caught in such activities would be disqualified, made to lose their money, arrested and made to face the full wrath of the law.

Also, applicants who wilfully present a false certificate during application would be caught and prosecuted. Over the years, they have been a few cases of such incidents and offenders have been caught and prosecuted accordingly.

KFD thereby wishes to inform applicants not to engage in any malpractices as these go against the core value of our system.

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KDF Application Process

As earlier stated the KDF is made of Kenya Air force, Kenya Army, and Kenya Navy and applicants must choose which arm they wish to apply for.

To take part in the process, applicants must apply with their original testimonial and ID card as photocopies would not be accepted.

When is the Next KDF Recruitment Date?

Kenyan citizens have stormed the internet in their thousands to ask questions about the next recruitment date of the KDF. Some media outlets and website have capitalized on the increased interest of the citizens to announce false dates about KDF recruitment.

We categorically state that as of the time of publishing this article, there is no official date yet for application into Kenya Defence Forces.

We urge interested applicants to keep constantly return to this page to check for the update about KDF. When the KDF officially announces the date of application we are certain to update our page and send notifications to prospective applicants who subscribe to our page.

The closing date into KDF is not yet announced. The closing date would be announced when the application portal is open.

For more information, do well to visit the website using the button below

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You can join the Kenyan Defence Force by checking and passing the eligibility requirements listed in this artcile before picking up the application form.

As at this time, there is no recruitment going on. We’ll keep you updated as to when the recruitment process begins.

There are currently no recruitment centers because recruitment is not ongoing.

You can get only join the Kenyan Defence Force when you have a minimum of D in your KSCE.

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