The Kirby Laing International Scholarships

If you are looking to pursue a master’s degree, you can now apply for the Kirby Laing scholarship.

Each passing year, the scheme gives up to three Kirby Laing International Scholarships to students domiciled in the ‘Majority World’ who are accepted for postgraduate masters study in the School of Theology for the 2024-2024 academic session.

About Kirby Laing Foundation

The Kirby Laing Foundation was established in 1972 by Sir Kirby Laing, with the intention that both income and capital should be applied, at the Trustees’ discretion, for general charitable purposes

The Foundation continues to be open to unsolicited applications as part of a smaller grants program that will continue to run alongside a spend-down program. It is anticipated that most grants awarded will be near £2,000 to £20,000.

About University of Edinburgh

Located in the United Kingdom, the University of Edinburgh is your sixth-oldest university in the world. It really is among the planet’s finest universities, always ranked 18th at the 2019 QS World University Rankings. It’s a global reputation for innovative research over a vast array of subjects.

At the University of Edinburgh, the university supplies a range of aid for students. The award-winning Careers Service with the university provides practical ideas and aid to aid the applicants to accomplish their livelihood objectives.

It gives many opportunities for applicants to build a wide selection of skills and develop confidence.

Level/Field of Study:

Kirby Laing International Scholarships are meant for students who are pursuing a master’s degree in the School of Theology, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. If you wish to explore more information on Theology Scholarships, click on the link.

Host Nationality:

Kirby Laing Scholarships are taken in the School of Theology, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH UK. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you: Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality:

All international and UK applicants for the Kirby Laing Scholarships 2024 will be considered for scholarships. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits:

Kirby Laing International Scholarships has a benefit of tuition and maintenance allowance worth of £12,000

Scholarship Number:

The Kirby Laing International Scholarships has three offers.

Eligibility for Scholarship

In order to qualify, you need to:

  • Have applied for the admission at the school
  • Be enrolling on a full-time basis for a one-year postgraduate Master’s program of study
  • Get academic merit
  • Have or be willing to get a UK 2:1 honours degree in a relevant discipline or the international equivalent

Application Procedure: 

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Click the following link for More Information

Application Deadline:

The application deadline for Kirby Laing Scholarships until April/May 2, 2024.

Author’s Recommendation

We have other great scholarship opportunities that might be of help to your search

We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response on the comment box for us to serve you better.

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