Latest Hillsdale Free Online Courses In 2024

In 2011, Hillsdale College began producing free online courses to educate people on civil and religious liberty.

Hillsdale free online courses are taught by Hillsdale College faculty and are patterned after the education offered on the Hillsdale College campus.

Also, Hillsdale College produces free online course that provide timeless lessons on politics, history, philosophy, literature, religion, and economics. 

The exciting thing about the Latest Hillsdale College Free Online Courses is that you can partake in the free online courses without paying a dime. The courses will train you and be an eye-opener to you in many things like politics, history, religion, etc.

Therefore, you can use your free time at home to learn any of the Hilldale free online courses.

Carefully read this article as we have compiled every detail you need about the latest Hillsdale free online courses.

Why Choose Free Online Courses

Attending Hillsdale or learning free Hillsdale online courses is a serious and personal commitment. However, there a lot of reasons why people choose online courses.

Here are some good reasons why you should choose online courses.

#1. You Can Save Money

Online education is typically half the price of traditional education. This is because you don’t have to pay for campus fees, meal plans, dorm fees, parking fees and other fees associated with physical colleges. Also, there are online courses that don’t even cost that much; it all depends on your desired course.

#2. Convenience

Many college students have a morning ritual: Waking up early, driving through traffic, finding their seats, taking notes, etc. People who take classes online can skip the morning ritual and go straight to work.

They do not need to fight through crowds of people, wake up early, and take extensive notes to pass a test.

Also, this is great for people with a family or a full-time job. It allows them to work on their time, not the college’s.

#3. Greater Quality of Learning

One reason many college students have such a hard time during class is that it is hard for them to digest the information given by professors. College teachers often don’t explain the topic enough for many students or present the information too fast.

Online courses are primarily text-based, giving students all the time they need to digest and understand the information. A tutor is usually available to chat at any time for any questions the student may have.

How Can I Take Hallsdale Free Online Courses 

Hillsdale College has fully online programs designed to interest you and are modeled on the core curriculum and other trendy classes.

Some free courses include Western Heritage, American Heritage, the Great Books 101 and 102, Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.

Each course comprises six to twelve lectures and has free downloadable readings. The video lectures are available in downloadable audio files to be listened to on the go.

This is how to start.

Firstly, you create an account. Creating an account will give you access to free videos and audio lectures. After creating the account, select a course you want, and you will be asked to enroll without paying tuition fees.

Secondly, Choose a program. Here, you can choose the program, Then listen or watch lectures on the website. Also, You can start with the foundation, Academy or institute.

Thirdly, you have to ensure that you attend all your classes. The great value is being systematic, working through all the classes, from the first to the last. 

In addition,  you can explore the site to get more programs; you can go for it once you have obtained your certificate for completion.

You can check 15 Free Project Management Courses Online

Why Should I Study Hillsdale Free Online Courses?

You’ll study with the same Hillsdale faculty who teach on our campus. It’s a great way to experience aspects of Hillsdale’s Core Curriculum and learn from some of today’s best teacher-scholars in politics, history, economics, and English. Other reasons include.

  • Hillsdale college online courses deepen your understanding of the great ideas of Western Civilization.
  • These courses analyze Allied and Axis investments and strategies that led one side to win and the other to lose.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Online Classes In Hillsdale College?

Online courses with certificates are becoming very popular among students around the world. It is as dynamic and interactive as on-campus learning.

The Advantages

  • Online courses are convenient- The most significant advantage of an online system is that your classroom and instructor (theoretically) are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your only excuse for missing class is not getting online! Otherwise, everything is available to you.
  • Online courses offer flexibility – You can study at any time you want. You can study with whomever you want. 
  • An online course allows one to get to know other students via bulletin boards, chat rooms, and mailing lists.
  • Online courses promote life long learning – Having that spark of interest and knowing how to find information online ensures that your learning is always available. 
  • You can acquire lots of financial benefits from online courses
  • Online courses teach you to be self-disciplined
  • Online courses bring education to your home – everyone gets involved in learning. Your family and friends’ support makes you more likely to succeed.
  • Online courses offer more individual attention – Because you have a direct pipeline to the instructor via e-mail, you can get your questions answered directly. Your opportunity to learn is enhanced.

The Disadvantages

  • Online courses require more time than on-campus classes – you will spend more time studying and completing assignments online than in an on-campus course. How can that be? The online environment is text-based. 
  • Online courses make it easier to procrastinate
  • Online courses require good time management skills
  • It also requires you to find your path of learning.
  • Online courses require you to be an active learner
  • Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!

List Of Other Universities That Offers Free Online Courses

The schools featured below are highly regarded higher education institutions that offer a wide range of free online courses. These courses typically let students access materials anytime, allowing them to self-pace their studies.

However, these materials are commonly offered through university OpenCourseWare projects or various open online course provider platforms. 

Here are the well-known schools that offer free online courses.

  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • University of California – Berkeley
  • University of California – Irvine
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • University of Massachusetts – Boston
  • University of Michigan
  • Yale University
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Utah State University

Carnegie Mellon University

The Carnegie Mellon University offers several free online courses through its Open Learning Initiative project website. The courses comprise unit and module lessons with no teachers and no tests.

The subject areas include computer science, life sciences, arts and humanities, math, technology, languages, and social sciences. 

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University of California – Berkeley

Berkeley offers a plethora of courses in a wide range of disciplines through the edX online course platform. Classes are provided in a podcast or webcast format; for the most part, there are no exams or homework assignments.

However, Berkeley’s free online offerings include the following:

  • Marketing Analytics
  • Academic and Business Writing
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
  • Foundations of Data Science
  • Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation

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Yale University

Yale University offers around 40 free online physical and life sciences, social sciences, and humanities courses. Course materials comprise audio and transcripts of lectures, videos, readings, quizzes and exams.

No course credit or certification is available with any of Yale’s free online course offerings, which include:

  • Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering
  • Introduction to Ancient Greek History
  • Game Theory
  • Roman Architecture
  • The Psychology, Biology, and Politics of Food

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University of Massachusetts – Boston

The University of Massachusetts Boston’s OpenCourseWare comprehensive free online course offerings are rooted in subject areas such as chemistry, history, political science, psychology and special education.

However, the online courses include:

  • Chemical Principles 1
  • International Relations
  • Social Attitudes and Public Opinion
  • Nineteen Century Europe
  • Psychosocial Aspects of Visual Impairment

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University of Michigan

The University of Michigan also offers free courses through the edX platform in numerous subjects, including material provided in their medical school.

Courses here are delivered through lectures, projects, and assignments, including student presentations.

The course selection includes the following:

  • Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change
  • Python Data Structures
  • Introduction to Continuum Physics
  • Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy
  • Social Work: Research

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List Of The Latest Hillsdale College Free Online Courses

There are lots of free online courses from Hillsdale college that you can enroll without paying anything. Over the years, these courses have helped thousands of people to know more about politics in America, histories, literature, etc.

Here are the list of courses.

  • Introduction to the Constitution
  • Constitution 101
  • Economics 101
  • The Presidency and the Constitution
  • The Federalist Papers
  • Great Books 101
  • Great Books 102
  • The Young Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey
  • A Proper Understanding of K-12 Education
  • Theology 101
  • American Heritage
  • The Second World Wars

#1. Introduction to the Constitution

This twelve-lesson course explains the principles underlying the American founding outlined in the Declaration of Independence and secured by the Constitution. 

The Founders believed that the principles in these documents were not simply preferences for their day but were truths that the sovereign and moral people of America could always rely on as guides in their pursuit of happiness through ordered liberty.

Official Website

#2. Constitution 101

This course will introduce you to the meaning and history of the United States Constitution. The course will examine several original source documents from the Founding period, especially the Declaration of Independence and The Federalist Papers. 

In addition, this course will also consider two significant challenges to the Founders’ Constitution: the institution of slavery and the rise of Progressivism.

Official Website

#3. Economics 101

This course will focus on the foundational principles of the free market. Topics include the relationship of supply and demand, the “information problem” behind the failure of central planning, the rise of macroeconomics under the influence of John Maynard Keynes, and the 2008 financial crisis.

Official Website

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#4. The Presidency and the Constitution

This course will help you understand the structure and function of executive power in the American constitutional order. More so, The period begins with the president’s place in the constitutionalism of the Founding Fathers and examines how that role has changed with the rise of the modern Progressive administrative state.

Official Website

#5. The Federalist Papers

The federalist papers, are Written between October 1787 and August 1788, a collection of newspaper essays written in defense of the Constitution. This course will explore major themes of The Federalist Papers, such as the problem of majority faction, separation of powers, and the three branches of government.

Official Website

#6. Great Books 101

This course will introduce you to great books from antiquity to medieval times. You will explore the writings of Homer, St. Augustine, Dante, and more. Moreso, This course will challenge you to seek timeless lessons regarding human nature, virtue, self-government, and liberty in the pages of the great books.

Official Website

#7. Great Books 102

This course will introduce you to great books from the Renaissance through the modern era. You will explore the writings of Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Austen, Twain, and more. Also, it will challenge you to seek timeless lessons regarding human nature, virtue, self-government, and liberty in the pages of the great books.

Official Website

#8. The Young Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey

Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the greatest English novelists. Her first novel was published shortly after her death which was Northanger Abbey, which parodies the romanticized fiction popular in Austen’s day. A close study of Jane Austen’s ebullient writings reveals timeless truths about human nature and illuminates the beauty of everyday life.

Official Website

#9. A Proper Understanding of K-12 Education

The American Founders recognized the central importance of education for inculcation the kind of knowledge and character essential to the maintenance of free government.

This course will consider the older understanding of the purpose of education, the more recent Progressive approach that has become dominant today, and some essential elements of K-12 education.

Official Website

#10. Theology 101

The Western theological tradition stretches back thousands of years to the time of the ancient Hebrews. This course will consider the origins and development of Western religious theology from the Old Testament through the twentieth century.

Official Website

#11. American Heritage

This course will consider the history of America from the colonial era to the present, including significant challenges to the Founders’ principles.

Official Website

#12. The Second World Wars

World War II, the most significant armed conflict in human history, surrounded global fighting uniquely. This course analyzes Allied and Axis investments and strategies that led one side to win and the other to lose.

 Also, it considers how the war’s various theaters, belligerents, and fighting methods eventually defined a single war.

Official Website

What are the Benefits of an Online Certificate?

Online certification programs offer individual attention from teachers and classmates, you learn life lessons like self-discipline and time management, and there are specific certification programs that will help you get a new career in coding and transcription.

Here are some of the benefits of an online certificate.

  • One of the benefits is that it boasts one’s resume, Aside from being more accessible and faster to acquire than a traditional degree.
  • Online certification training helps you achieve your professional goals 
  • Also, it increases your chances of advancement most affordably and conveniently.
  • Online certification training gives you a choice between taking instructor-led modules with fixed schedules and deadlines for submitting assignments and worksheets and enrolling in a progressive learning mode.
  • It Enriches seif image and reputation among peers.
  • In addition, online certificate encourages life long learning and professional development.


In conclusion, the latest Hillsdale free online courses include politics, religion, economics, education, and literature. Its contents are rich, eye-opener, and enlighten one’s reasoning. So, when you are ready to take the courses, I recommend you choose any of the Hillsdale free online course options we have provided in this article.



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