25 Less Stressful Jobs for Retired Teachers

Being a Retired Teacher is not a guarantee to becoming poor. There are quite less stressful jobs for retired teachers who can earn a good salary while taking time from work.

Not only are there part-time online jobs for retired teachers but they are also one of the best jobs for retired teachers. You will agree with me also that there are retirement careers for retired teachers and post-retirement for retired teachers.

The truth is that for all teachers, retirement will surely come eventually. It might be due to many reasons ranging from age to injury or maybe one having the desire to move into a new profession.

This post provides information about 25 Less Stressful Jobs for Retired Teachers that you can keep busy with instead of staying home.

You can quickly check the table of content below to get an overview of what to expect from this post.

Jobs for Retired Teachers

Whenever retirement happens due to age or injury, this may limit the employment opportunities they will have once they leave the teaching profession.

However, all teachers may wonder what they can do exactly once they finish their careers. Not to worry, we have made all this available; jobs for retired teachers. As well as careers for retired teachers and part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

For this reason, teachers should always be attentive to what they want to do once they believe it is time to move on. Knowledge and preparation can facilitate the transition of the teaching profession.

The most exciting part is that there are consulting jobs for retired teachers. As well as jobs for retired teachers and administrators. You can find all this in this great article for the best and good jobs for retired teachers.

25 Less Stressful Jobs for Retired Teachers

Did you know that suitable jobs for former teachers are abundantly available? This may not be the case if you recently left teaching or plan to leave your profession sooner. But it is true: your teacher’s degree, as well as the transferable skills you have learned, both in and out of class, can make you a good candidate for all types of professional opportunities. You need to know what to target, when to get additional training and how to market your incredible talents.

This article lists several alternative jobs for teachers who need a change or have left the field and need to establish new careers. Some of these options will require additional training or continuing education. Others may require your enthusiasm, perseverance, professionalism, and creativity. Explore now so you can start living the life you want.

#1. Tutors

One of the most natural transitions for teachers is the change from teaching to tutoring. In this role, teachers can continue their passion for the education of others, but without the restriction of teaching. Important differences between teaching and tutoring make tutoring a rewarding experience, eliminating the stress of being a teacher.

Another way to make tutoring more relaxing than teaching is also due to the lack of paperwork that tutors have to deal with. Teachers must constantly monitor each student’s progress, write discipline reports and communicate with administrators. The guardians do not. Most of the paperwork many tutors face is recording their work hours.

Tutoring can be done in different ways. The most traditional form of tutoring occurs when teachers create advertisements and market their services individually. The disadvantage of this approach is that it can be difficult to attract clients. For this reason, teachers often turn to organizations that market tutoring services and link to new content. This saves money for the tutor, who do not have to worry about investing time and money in advertising their services.

#2. Blogger/Writer

As mentioned above, strong writing skills are valued. If you are ready for something completely new, you can use your skills as a blogger or writer, focusing on educational topics or anything that interests you and knows a lot. To get started in this area, be prepared to start before changing the switch and leaving the classroom forever. Full-time writing careers are based on connections, and you must build your network before committing.

#3. Online Teacher

For teachers who still love work but want to work at home, online education offers opportunities for all areas. Some virtual teachers focus on home-based education students. For example, others may focus on adult students or on-the-job training programs.

It isn’t easy to find information on the salaries of virtual teachers in relation to teachers’ salaries in class. But judging from job offers and anecdotal reports. Kindergarten-grade 12 teachers should be prepared to accept a salary cut for homeschooling. However, if you plan to move to a place where the cost of living is lower?

Or if you plan to supplement your teaching salary with one or more goals, this concert could be done for you. These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

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#4. Writers

It is not uncommon for teachers to become experienced writers during their careers. This may not surprise teachers who specialize in English and literature.

But teaching is a career that requires teachers to communicate effectively with students, teachers, and parents. Teachers must develop effective lesson plans and communicate instructions accurately to students.

When teachers do not write to their peers or supervisors, they also write to parents to inform them about their children’s performance.

This can be a sensitive issue that requires teachers to be sensitive to the needs of parents.

And at the same time be direct enough to communicate what is happening in a student’s life clearly.

However, there are also homework options for teachers with solid writing skills. Many agencies are constantly looking for contracts with independent professionals.

With Internet connectivity, retired teachers can find work in the comfort of their own homes.

By combining their research and writing skills, they can find written jobs for research agencies, publishing companies, or advertising agencies.

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#5. Writing Coach

In a 2016 PayScale report, 44% of managers said that writing skills were the most difficult skills graduates lacked. You can help reverse this trend by working with students and corporate clients to perfect these essential skills.

As with tutoring, writing coaching concerts benefit from technologies such as video conferencing. Which facilitates more than ever communication with students at a distance. These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

#6. Curriculum Developer

” If you spent a lot of time in class. To teach your material, you know what works and does not. Use this experience wisely and build a second career as a curriculum designer.

The main job offers continuously have lists for curriculum developers. Some, like In fact, will allow you to filter home opportunities. These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

#7. Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is a broad term that encompasses many different things. Therefore, it isn’t easy to specify precisely how teachers can become entrepreneurs.

To be honest, what a teacher can do as an entrepreneur after retirement will depend mainly on their work area. Different domains will have different levels of demand.

Teachers with experience in mathematics may find that their skills translate into a company’s management in general.

You can find organizations looking for contracts with people with solid mathematical knowledge and find work that way.

They can analyze productivity data, review commercial data or provide quantitative analysis. Retired math teachers should be ready to bring various skills to the consultant role.

These are just two examples of how old masters can start businesses when they retire. Retired teachers should not be content with becoming entrepreneurs in their previously taught areas. Instead, teachers are involved in the business field with a wide range of skills.

Especially those that can prepare them to run a business. In general, they have the communication skills necessary to work with clients.

As well as the organizational skills to manage the many paperwork requirements inherent in the ownership of the company. So also the reasoning necessary to understand how they intend to grow their business.

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#8. Teaching Materials Provider

If you already have your teaching materials, refined by years of trial and error in the classroom, why not share that wealth of knowledge and make sure that your hard work pays off at the same time? Teachers Pay Teachers Pay allows you to share your lesson plans, activities, classroom decorations, and more and earn money.

You probably do not earn a fortune on the site, but you could earn a few more monthly cents, which is very useful when you start a post-class career: some salespeople seem fine.

“Currently, I sell more teaching sales resources than if I had continued teaching,” writes Rachel Lynette in Edutopia. “According to TpT, the best-selling seller has earned more than $2 million. While 164 teachers have earned more than $50,000.

As well as thousands more are paying a few hundred dollars a month. This can make all the difference when living with a teacher’s salary “.

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#9. Educational Writer/Editor

The educational publication is a natural option for teachers who leave the classroom. Independent writers/reviewers usually charge an hourly wage of between $15 and $75, depending on the intensity of the concentration.

As well as the depth of the research required and the level of writing/reporting required.

But if independent life does not appeal, you do not have the opportunity to work for a company.

An increasing number of employers in all sectors have adopted flexible schedules. Which include full-time job distance functions and contract assignments.

If you are ready to do a careful job search, you can find the ideal writer/editor position that allows you to work from home. These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

#10. Test Scorer

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) continually searches for test markers online and on-site for TOEFL, GRE, and other tests. This is usually a part-time and cyclical job since the needs vary throughout the year.

This can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

#11. Educational Consultant

Educational consultants advise school districts or work in these districts for various purposes. Some consultants can advise districts on integrating technology better, for example.

These former teachers can have extensive experience in different types of technology and be familiar with the current state of teaching methods that integrate everything from computers to mobile tablets.

A nasty little secret of professional life is that consultants often earn more than employees who offer a similar experience. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can create a company that will advise teachers and administrators.

Remember that this work is inadequate, as you should probably consult clients directly. However, being your boss requires a lot of flexibility (and responsibility).

#12. Online Tutor

Whether you specialize in ESL, computer science or SAT preparation? Online tutoring can be a lucrative way to make a living from home or pay your wages at work every day.

Technologies such as Skype and other video conferencing software make it easier than ever. To replicate an in-person tutoring session and reduce travel time.

These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

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#13. Consultants

One area in which teachers are successful is acting as educational consultants. Retired teachers know and have the extensive experience necessary to inform the educational process.

Upon retirement, teachers may still want to contribute to student growth. Even if they do not wish to continue being teachers. In this case, they can act as consultants to school districts.

In other cases, the consultants can be deployed as consulting professors. Teacher consultants are hired to help improve the performance of district teachers who do not meet expectations.

A teacher consultant goes to the underperforming teacher. As well as talks with him to observe his teaching methods and documents ways in which he can improve.

By acting as external observers, they can share their experiences and help underperforming teachers better understand how to teach their students better.

#14. Online Adjunct Professor/Instructor

An adjunct professor is difficult to obtain, but one of the advantages for postsecondary teachers is that the positions of virtual teachers and instructors are likely to continue to grow.

The relatively low salary of assistant teachers is much easier to bear if you can teach from the comfort of your home.

These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

#15. Child and Family Social Worker

Many teachers are naturally compassionate people. This makes them very good at pursuing a career in social work, particularly those that protect vulnerable children from harm and help families get the essential help they need.

You can be like a true guardian angel, which has a significant impact that lasts a lifetime for each person you help.

Average salary: $46,270
Highest salary: $76,750 or more

#16. Personal Trainer

Are you passionate about exercise and nutrition? Why not direct your teaching in this direction?

Fitness clubs and private clients are always looking for coaches who are natural motivators and understand how to plan pieces of training and evaluate a person’s progress. Also, it does not take long to be certified in this area.

Average salary – $39,820
Highest Salary: $76,090 or more

#17. Sales Representative

Would you agree with the following statement? To be an effective teacher, you must be able to involve people individually and in groups.

Now, think about what it takes to sell something. Can you see the similarities? Many former teachers are excellent sales representatives because they know how to convey a message and convince others of their enthusiasm, knowledge, and interpersonal skills.

Median annual compensation of representatives of non-technical products: US $58,510
The highest annual salary for non-technical sales reps: $122,770 or more
The average annual salary of sales representatives – $54,550
The highest annual compensation for sales representatives: $116,090 or more

#18. Interpreter or Translator

Do you have experience in teaching a foreign language? Are you perfectly comfortable in this language?

If this is the case, you may qualify for a career that involves translating documents or interpreting live or recorded conversations. This area is full of interesting opportunities, including jobs that could take you abroad.

Average salary – $49,9302
Highest salary – $90,610 or more

#19. Private Nanny

This option may not be a priority for most teachers, but some former teachers thrive in this role. After all, the best babysitting jobs allow you to help and contribute to the personal development of young people. And it is much more intimate than teaching a great class of children.

You can develop deeper links and track a child’s progress over a longer period. In addition, many good opportunities are available abroad. And residency positions usually come with free room and board.

Average salary – $23,963
Highest salary – $51,521 or more

#20. School Guidance Counselor

Counseling is a natural option for many former teachers. In fact, this is one of the best jobs for teachers who do not want to teach but still enjoy individual interactions with their students.

You may need a master’s degree, but being qualified to help students face social and academic challenges, and seeing them thrive, can make the additional education worthwhile.

Average salary – $56,310
Highest salary – $94,690 or more

#21. College or University Academic Advisor

Former teachers often know what students need to navigate their academic requirements. And each postsecondary institution has specialized personnel to help students in this aspect of university life.

Therefore, being an educational adviser is usually appropriate for people who have left the teaching profession but do not want to leave the education sector.

Average salary – $42,786
Highest salary: $56,867 or more

#22. Coach

Do you have significant experience in any sport or recreational activity? Many young people and community organizations need quality people for coaching positions.

As a teacher, you probably have a natural ability to train and motivate people. Therefore, he could be a good candidate for many coaching jobs as a retired teacher, especially if he has received training in physical education or sports and recreation management.

Average salary – $33,7802
Highest salary – $77,880 or more

You can Apply for any of the 21 Scholarships for Teachers and Tutors to Study Abroad

#23. Corporate Trainer

Training other professionals in a professional environment can be an excellent way to use your presentation, communication, and leadership skills.

Many former teachers prefer this career to a job in a traditional classroom because they can teach without worrying about the bureaucracy of a school.

In addition to forming groups of business professionals. The company’s trainers can train individual executives or use their services for non-profit organizations.

Average salary – $60,8702
Highest Salary – $102,740 or more

​​#24. Museum Educator

Here is an option that allows you to contribute to the cultural vitality of your community. Many museums organize educational programs, events, and activities.

With his teaching experience, he can help supervise the development of these programs, advise volunteers or even hold educational conferences or excursions for the public.

Average salary – $35,683
Highest salary: $49,061 or more

#25. Private Tutor

Do you prefer to help students individually instead of trying to manage a large classroom?

As more and more parents turn to school at home or seek additional support for their children, the market for good private tutors seems to be growing.

In addition, tutoring is one of the best part-time jobs for teachers who need the flexibility to choose their clients and schedules.

These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

Average annual salary: $50,9393
The highest annual salary – $104,166 or more

#26. Substitute Teacher

If you want to continue making a difference for students in the classroom, with the flexibility of retirement, alternative learning can be the ideal solution.

Retired teachers can become substitute teachers in many ways. You can enroll directly in a school or district (it’s often a relatively simple transition if you were a full-time teacher in that school or district) or you can partner with an organization like Swing Education.

Of course, each approach has its advantages and disadvantages (you will know better the inhabitants and students of your current district, while an external organization such as Swing could offer greater flexibility and a greater variety of teaching possibilities).

In both cases, you will continue to help students while earning additional income that is always useful.

If alternative education is proper for you, complete this quick registration form!

Careers for Retired Teachers

Fortunately, the skills acquired by teachers can be applied in different ways. Once a teacher leaves the profession, they can use their existing skills and apply them creatively in a new field.

These are some of the jobs in which educators can succeed once they have withdrawn from formal education.

As a retired teacher, you can also perform editing jobs in any of the above capabilities. Many people write in today’s world, mainly because of the Internet. But not everyone knows the basic structure of grammar or sentences, nor do they know how to organize their work coherently.

1. Professional Speaking

This area is natural for teachers. After all, as a teacher, you appear regularly in front of a group and give a speech. This is what you do most days of your career. You probably have more achievements and more confidence than the average person as a retired teacher.

This is not a tiny point, either. Most people consider speaking in public is one of their biggest fears, even more than the fear of poisonous snakes. An article in Psychology Today even states that people are more afraid to speak in public than to die!

As a retired teacher, you must understand that what is a fundamental skill for you in your career is terrifying for others. His ability to speak in front of groups is unique and has a market value. These can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

You can convert your speaking skills into a professional speech by entering a career or business as a retired teacher, where you will be presented to groups.

This could involve giving presentations on essential topics, offering group training, organizing seminars or even group presentations. These careers are the most top-notch for retired teachers.

Can you afford a full-day presentation in a room full of children? Especially, spending an hour or two in front of a group of adults should be a breeze! Then, these listed careers can fit you as a retired teacher.

2. Anything Involving Research

Research is another part of teachers’ work. But like public speaking, it is not something everyone feels comfortable with. As a teacher, you know the research methodology, determine what is relevant and learn how to package and present it.

Since research is necessary for many areas, there is virtually no limit on how and where to apply it in a career after retirement or as a retired teacher. This can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

Medical research, legal research, scientific research, technical research, social research, political research, and marketing research, to name just a few.

Research is probably one of those career transitions that will be too short for a retired teacher. You already know the basics of research; you need to learn how to apply these skills to the discipline in question.

And if you have taught several subjects in your career, transitioning from one discipline to another should not be as tricky as a retired teacher.

3. Writing and Editing

As a teacher, you have learned to write even before leaving university. And since he has spent his career editing documents, he is also perfectly familiar with revision as a retired teacher.

Even if you have never written or edited professionally, you already have the basic skills necessary to do so. This will give you the advantage of starting a career after retirement or as a retired teacher.

There are many ways to convert a freelance writer’s career into a retired teacher. You can try to write under your signature. This can be done in blogs (or even in a blog of your choice), in written publications, and online.

Technical writing is also an extremely broad field. For example, you can write articles, marketing articles, and research documents for law firms. As well as doctors’ offices, marketing companies, small, medium, and large companies, municipalities, and non-profit organizations. benefit.

You can also write in the ghost as a retired teacher. Many business people and executives need to publish content regularly but do not have time. You can use the writing skills you have learned as a teacher to become the written voice of others.

With writing and editing, you can work as an employee or employer or even manage your own company that provides the services.

There is a lot of flexibility in this career area for retired teachers. You might even find yourself writing a book or e-book for a substantial fee. Writing or editing can also be an ideal situation for working from home.

This can also serve as part-time online jobs for retired teachers.

Best Part-Time Online Jobs for Retired Teachers

1. Sell ​​Educational Resources

One of the best ways teachers can earn extra money online is to sell the resources they use in their classes.

As a teacher, you know how much time you spend developing materials for the class.

Many teachers are willing to support 100% of other teachers by paying for their excellent resources instead of spending time building them themselves.

2. Start a Blog

Alternatively, you can also sell your resources on your blog! It works better if you have a blog related to teaching or education, of course.

Set up a link in your menu for your “Store” and create a free e-commerce script, such as Zen Cart, to start the process. If you do not have a blog yet, you can register with Shopify. This site is an all-in-one gift box for anyone who wants to start selling online.

This will give you your online store and a blog to attract customers.

3. Online Tutoring and Teaching

Do you want to find flexible tutoring jobs that allow you to work on a schedule that meets your needs?

There is no need to look beyond these websites, which offer flexible hours and a good salary for experienced teachers.

4. Bonus: Create your Courses

If you want to better control the lessons you give to students, creating your courses online may be the best option.

Places like Udemy facilitate the creation of a course on the subject you want to teach and then sell it to people worldwide who want to learn. You set your prices and can even pay extra for Edemy to offer you the course, making it an excellent passive income source.

Want more? Check out our list of the best tutoring and teaching companies to work online!

5. Answer Questions Online

Even more flexible than online tutoring is answering questions online. You can still use your experience, but you can connect and answer questions from other people who need your help each time you have more time.

6. Writing Educational Articles or Study Guides

These opportunities are excellent for teachers who also like to write. You will use your training and pedagogical experience to share your knowledge with others in writing!

7. Freelance Blogging/Content Writing

Check the education blogs to see if they need help writing a blog or article. Some blogs only pay for exposure, which means you’ll get a signature and a link to your article.

Others, however, pay in cash for accepted items. You can also create your blog focused on education and monetize it through sponsorships of blogs, ads, affiliate sales and more.

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8. Test Scoring/Essay Grading

Finally, there is the test notation and the dissertation’s notation. Instead of doing all this in the traditional classroom, you can do it in the comfort of your home!

Most of these jobs are very flexible, allowing you to work at times that work best for you and your family.

What To Look Out For In A Job As A Retired Teacher

In addition to the obvious criteria such as pay, benefits, and whether or not you’ll enjoy the job, there are a few other elements that you should consider when looking for a position as a Retired Teacher:

1. Less stress

Some people thrive in chaos or stressful jobs, and if that’s you, kudos. Others are often looking for a way out of the craziness of managing a classroom full of energetic kids and their sometimes difficult parents. If this is the case for you, you should look for a job that doesn’t bring a lot of stress with it.

Jobs with a straightforward task to accomplish in a reasonable amount of time or jobs that allow you to work in a quiet environment might be good fits. Something that you don’t have to take home in the evenings — mentally or physically — would likely be an attractive option as well.

2. Flexible schedule

It would be best if you looking for a career that offers you a low-stress level and a flexible schedule. You have retired after all, and while that doesn’t mean you don’t still love working or need a paycheck, your objective will probably require some time to accomplish.

As a result, positions that allow for remote work or flexible hours are frequently suitable for retiring teachers. Even better, consider part-time, seasonal, or freelance work that will enable you more flexibility with your schedule.

3. Ability to utilize your skills

Unless you want to put your teaching days behind you, you and others in your community could likely benefit from using the skills you’ve honed throughout your career.

Many companies are looking for experienced communicators and instructors to fill roles, and retired teachers often fit this bill. Or, if you genuinely love kids, there are plenty of opportunities to work with them in non-educational roles. You can also find jobs that are less on-the-nose matches for your skillset, though. For example, you probably have excellent customer service and conflict management skills now, so a position that allows you to put those to use could also be fulfilling.


Once they leave the profession, teachers have many options. Retired teachers have several essential skills that they can apply in different ways. If they want to continue in education in any capacity, they can become tutors or act as advisers to schools and districts.

They can also use their developed communication skills to become writers, from technical writers to content creators. Retired teachers can also use their acquired skills and apply them as entrepreneurs, trying to start their businesses and find a job for themselves.

Regardless of the chosen path, retired teachers can be sure that they provide high-demand skills to multiple roles and that they can probably find employment through this knowledge and accumulated experience.


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