Steal Our Letter of Intent Medical School Templates

Stating clearly your intentions at every stage of your academic journey is golden. For you, writing a letter of intent for medical schools should not be a herculean task. Feel free to steal any of our letter of intent medical school templates.

With this, you can improve your chances of getting into medical school by sending in a top notch letter of intent after an interview.

Basically, medical schools across the globe receive thousands of application letters. Many of these students may just be basking in the euphoria of being called medical doctors. While others may just want to study medicine at any institution.

A letter of intent is a strong indication that you do not just want to study medicine but you wish to study it in that particular school. In fact, most medical schools are receptive to a letter of intent if it expresses a strong interest in the program.

So, if you read this detailed guide on how to write a letter of intent for medical schools, you will definitely churn out one that will be well received by your choice of institution. To make it easier for you, simply use any of our templates below for an amazing piece.

Take a quick glance at the table of contents below to get highlights of all the subtopics discussed in the article.

What is a Letter of Intent for Med School?

A letter of intent is written to a medical school by applicants to state, clearly, why they intend to attend a particular medical program. It must express your clear desire to attend a particular medical school due to your perceived fit with its curriculum, academic environment, student body, culture, and so on.

The letter of intent is important because medical schools want to accept applicants that will actually attend their school. They are more likely to accept you if they know that they are your top choice.

A medical school letter of intent is written communication sent by an individual with the expressed desire to attend a particular educational institution for the study of medicine.

A medical school letter of intent should only be sent to a medical school if this is the applicant’s top choice for their education. In summary, a medical school LOI is a letter sent, usually, after attending an interview, to further state why you deserve a place in the institution.

Also Read: How Long Does it Take to Become a Doctor.

What is in a Medical School Letter of Intent?

For clarity, it is important you understand that a letter of intent should only be sent out to a school that you will accept its offer of admission irrespective of other schools’ standing. Therefore, a letter of commitment must show your level of commitment to the institution.

Practically, it must be free of grammatical errors as this may show you off to the institution as lackadaisical, careless, or not ready for the program you are applying for.

Also, your med school letter of intent must be concise and very informative. Avoid ambiguous and unnecessary stories that may not be relevant to the purpose of writing.

Typically, letters of intent for medical schools should have the following data and information:

  • Your name
  • Recipient of the med school letter of intent
  • Self-introduction
  • Why you chose the institution
  • Recent accomplishments
  • Closure /Summary of the letter.

How Many Letters of Intent should You Send?

Well, there is no general rule on how many letters of intent you should send. The med school letter of intent is not legally binding. However, it is best you send one letter of intent to your most preferred school.

Letters of intents are, basically, written to show full commitment to an institution. So, if you send a letter of intent to more than one school, there is a possibility of being found out by them.

Most importantly, what happens if you receive acceptance from more than one school since you will only be able to matriculate into only one program? It will definitely, be obvious that you have been untruthful.

For integrity’s sake, sending only one letter of intent to your most preferred medical school is advisable.

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Is Letter of Interest same with Letter of Intent?

A letter of interest states clearly your interest and enthusiasm to attend a particular medical program in an institution if given the opportunity. While it is similar to a letter of intent, a med school letter of interest can be sent to as many schools as possible without restrictions and fear of being found out.

Generally, a letter of interest should express your enthusiasm for a medical school’s academics, offerings, and culture. While a letter of intent is written to medical schools by applicants to state, clearly, why they intend to attend a particular medical program.

Though they appear similar in function, they are not the same. A major difference evident between the two is that you can send as many as possible for a letter of interest. However, a letter of intent is advised to send to your most preferred institution.

Most medical schools appreciate letters of interests because it gives them the feeling and aura of being pursued by prospective students. It is important to be an edge over your competitors, by reaching out and expressing excitement over various programs.

In summary, your letter of interest should contain the following data and information:

  • An expression of thanks for considering your application
  • An emphasis of what you most appreciate about their program
  • Updates since your last communication
  • The connection between your updates and their offerings
  • How you will contribute to the school
  • Statement about your continued interest in their program
  • A second expression of thanks for considering your application.

When Do You Send A Letter of Intent Medical School?

A well-written letter of intent for med school sent at the wrong time may become ineffective and utterly useless. So, it is important you send in your letter of intent at the right time.

For most medical schools, students may send a letter of intent after the med school interview has been conducted. However, this must come before the school makes its decision. Also, students may send in their medical school letter of intent after a waitlist decision.

In summary, a letter of intent is best sent after you have completed all or a majority of your medical school interview. This will give you enough room to send a letter of intent only to your most preferred institution.

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How Do You Write an Effective Letter of Interest for Medical Schools?

The effectiveness of your med school letter of intent may be influenced by a number of factors. One of which covers your general output during your interview. Your ability to meet up with other medical school requirements may influence the effectiveness of your letter of intent.

However, a well-written letter of interest should categorically, state the institution’s program is your absolute first choice. In fact, if you have previously received acceptances, it is wise you mention it in your letter. Though you do not need to mention the names of the institutions.

This will further prove your commitment to the institution and undying love for the program. Afterward, you should explain why you are drawn to the program. Clearly, state what is obtainable in this medical program that makes you want and desire to study in this institution.

One practical way to explain your findings is to talk about the new information you garnered from the people you have met. Especially, during your interview day. Furthermore, state how the med school’s program may help you achieve your career goals.

A hint on how to express this is by simply stating if any specific doctors you may like to work with after your first year of medical school. State that you will love to conduct research in their field and why it interests you.

The last component of the most effective letter of intent medical school is to clearly state how you intend to contribute to the program. Simply discuss your skills, talents, hobbies, and their relevance to this med school program.

An effective letter of intent could tell how good you are with research and how you intend to use it to affect the program. If you have held a leadership position such as in student government, talk about what you can do to improve the medical school experience for your peers.

Step by Step Guide to Writing a Letter of Intent

This guide to med school letter of intent will help you churn out an acceptable and endearing piece. To write a letter of intent for a medical school,

#1. Address the Letter Properly

To write an acceptable letter of intent, make sure you address it properly. Basically, you must address the letter to the dean or director of admissions. It is important you make your research and take note of the dean’s name and titles.

Use the correct title and spell the names correctly. You can also include the names of one or two interviewers you clicked within the ‘cc’ line.

 #2. Introduce Yourself

Immediately, after addressing the letter properly, you should proceed to introduce yourself and clearly state why you are writing.

No twisting of words or unnecessary usage of vocabularies. In unambiguous words, state your name, when you interviewed, and why you are writing this letter.

#3. State why you chose the School

Subsequent paragraphs should posit legitimate reasons why you chose to attend the med school. At this point, it is important for you to mention all the blissful experience, and memorable moments with the school. This could include, your interview experience, learning style and how they have influenced your personality.

Moving forward, you should throw more light on the vision, mission, or certain emphasis of the school and hos it sits right with you. In summary, state clearly why you are different from every other applicant and the best fit for the school.

Here, you can place emphasis on some accomplishments that make you unique. Though it may not be a med school update letter, a few sentences to state your most recent accomplishments will go a long way to make an effective letter of intent.

#4. Close the Letter Properly

To close your letter properly, give a final statement that reaffirms your interest and strong desire to attend the med school. Clearly, thank the institution, and state how enthusiastic you are about joining them soon.

Remember it is a formal letter. So, you must use a formal closing remark like yours sincerely or best wishes. In summary, you can send multiple letters o intent to your most preferred med school when you have attended all the interviews.

These letters can be sent on a monthly basis. If they are well written, unique, and informative, then, your letter of intent will not be a bug but will be highly received.

World Scholarship Forum Med School Letters of Intent Templates

These templates are just are just to guide you, write an amazing letter of intent for your most preferred med school.

The names that appear in each template are pure fictions. Carefully, analyze each of the templates to churn out an amazing letter of intent.

Letter of Intent for Medical school Template 1

The Dean of Studies,
Medical University Admissions Authority,
Harrogate, Norton,
London, HG3
15th March 2020

Letter of Intent for Medical School

I am John Detter and I am applying for a medical school course this fall season. I have been interviewed on the 1st of March 2020 and received a letter from Norton Medical university for admission.

The initial speech by the interviewer regarding the medical profession and a brief introduction to the medical schools was amazing. I was asked about my opinion regarding my career aim and reason
for pursuing medical studies.

I was advised to choose a school that provides me the best opportunity to take up the specialization that I desire to undertake. With regard to this, I wish to request your esteemed medical authority to give me an opportunity to take admission from Edinburgh Medical university which provides me a chance to take up bio-medical studies which I am highly interested in.

I am right now learning the different ways of research that the field of biomedical study proposes and this has helped me to a very large extent in getting a clear grasp of the subject matter. Moreover, Edinburgh Medical university is one such university that has continuous research being undertaken by the world’s most renowned medical experts.

Thank you so much for your consideration. I hope to join this school of medicine soon.

Best Wishes,

John Detter.

Letter of Intent for Medical School Template 2

Beth McClurkin,
Director of Stanford’s Med School,
Director, Stanford Cardinal Free Clinics,
Stanford University School of Medicine.

Dear Sir,

Letter of Intent for Medical School

My name is Yoo Jung Kim. I am a medical school applicant who interviewed at the Stanford University School of Medicine this past October, and now that I have completed my interview season I would like to express that Stanford is my No. 1 choice.

Stanford will allow me to pursue my goal of becoming a skilled physician-investigator through its resources in biomedical research and patient care. I am particularly drawn to Dr. X’s work on pancreatic cancer, and I hope to contribute my experience in pathway analysis to further the field of cancer development research by taking a research year through Stanford’s MedScholars program.

Furthermore, the Stanford Cardinal Free Clinics and the educational opportunities at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center will give me the skills to take care of underserved patients. Ultimately, I hope to become an academic physician that Stanford will be proud to call its own.

Finally, I would like to provide a list of peer-reviewed publications to which I have been accepted since I submitted my medical school application: Julia M. Chandler, Yoo Jung Kim, Justin L. Bauer, Irene L. Wapnir “Dilemma in Management of Hemorrhagic Myositis in Dermatomyositis,” Rheumatology International, 12/23/2019. Yoo Jung Kim, Gun Ho Lee, Bernice Y. Kwong, Kathryn J. Martires, “Evidence-based, Skin-directed Treatments for Cutaneous Chronic Graft-versus-host Disease,” Cureus, 12/25/2019.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Yoo Jung Kim

Letter of Intent for Medical School Template 3

James Philips,

Dean, School of Medicine

Boston University Boston, MA 02215,

United States.


Letter of Intent For Medical School

My name is Craigs Maxwell and I am currently applying to Boston University School of Medicine (BUSOM). I interviewed on December 1st and am writing this letter for three purposes. My first purpose is to reiterate that the Boston School of Medicine is my top choice for medical school. If accepted, I will definitely attend BUSOM.

Second, I hope to express why I am a good fit for your school. Last, I wanted to update you on any new accomplishments that may not be in my current applicant file.

During my interview with Dr. Emmanuel, I asked her how I should decide which school to go to. Her main advice to me was to figure out which school is the best fit for me.

After attending multiple interviews and learning extensively about different schools, I truly believe that the Boston University School of Medicine is the best fit for me. I agree wholeheartedly, with the vision and mission of the school especially, the focus on serving both the local and global community.

BUSOM’s emphasis on PBL and small groups is extremely enticing to me because I too value hands-on and group learning. On my interview day, I definitely felt at home. I loved the passion and warmth of the faculty. The speech by Dr. Sam was amazing in welcoming and inspiring all of us interviewees.

In addition, I could not help but notice how genuinely happy BUSOM’s medical students were. They repeatedly expressed how much they loved the school. All the students walking by had smiles on their faces and greeted us kindly.

BUSOM is renowned for producing intelligent, mature, and diligent physicians. I believe I have what it takes to live up to BUSOM’s standard of excellence. Since graduating from the University of California Berkeley, I have been working full time as a clinical research associate.

As a clinical researcher, I have consistent exposure to patients as I enroll them in our study. Right now, I am learning how to effectively communicate with patients but I know that BUSOM will further prepare me to become the best clinician I can possibly be.

Our research team recently submitted a paper for our project on breast cancer that will be appearing in Nature. As an author of the paper, I contributed by collecting and analyzing data, helping design the study, writing and editing the manuscript, and critically evaluating methods of dissemination.

BUSOM is a place where cutting edge research never stops. My intent is to continue its tradition of research greatness.

I would be highly elated to attend Boston University. I know that I can make a positive contribution to the school. Thank you so much for your consideration. I hope to see you in the fall!

Yours Sincerely,

Craigs Maxwell.

Letter of Intent Medical School FAQs

How long is a letter of intent?

Letters of intent may be as long as 2-4 pages. However, your med school letter of intent is better in one page of a few words above it.

Is a medical school letter of intent a legal document?

No, a medical school letter of intent is not legally binding. However, for integrity and honesty sake, do ensure to send to just your most preferred med school.

What are short correspondence?

 They are both short letters of correspondence, usually less than one page in length, that are addressed to the dean/director of admissions or the admissions committee. However, an update letter discloses updates on achievements, awards, and endeavors to the admissions committee while a letter of intent reaffirms and strengthens your interest in the school.


Attending medical school is the first step towards becoming a licensed physician. It is no hearsay to posit that the acceptance rate for most medical schools is quite low.

Even the easiest medical schools to get into still have a low acceptance rate. One of the greatest mistakes you may make is to send in applications and relax. The competition for medical school placings is quite overwhelming and intriguing.

So, you need to be on your toes till you get into a good medical school. How can a letter of intent help? Well, once you are done with attending med school interviews for all the institutions you have applied to, you may realize that one school that clings to your heart.

This medical school should be your most preferred school. This simply means, if you get accepted by all the med schools you have applied to, you will definitely choose this one. Then, you should send a letter of intent to let them know.

Actually, how to write one, should not be your headache anymore. This article has put in place all the components of a letter of intent or med school update letter to aid you write an endearing piece.

In fact, you are permitted to steal one of our letter of intent for medical schools templates to write yours. You should read this article carefully, certainly, getting into medical school may be easier.



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