Lift Parts Express Scholarship

The Lift Parts Express Scholarship is a scholarship sponsored by Lift Parts Express and managed by

The Lift Parts Express is a company in the United States known for carrying forklift parts. They also keep an inventory that supports all makes and models of forklifts, manlifts, scissor lifts, telehandlers, sweepers, scrubbers, and reach stackers.

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Specific details about Lift Parts Scholarship

Find below some specific details you will need to successfully apply for the Lift Parts Express Scholarship.

Level/Field of study:

The Lift Parts Express Scholarship is specially packaged and organized for a senior with plans to enroll in college by this fall or a current freshman or sophomore college student.

Host Nationality:

The scholarship is organized and taken in the United States.

Eligible Nationality:

Applicant must be a legal resident of the United States or Canada who is a high school senior with plans to enroll in college by this fall or a current freshman or sophomore college student.

The applicant will be required to have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and will also be required to write an essay. The candidate must also be between 16 and 21 years.

Scholarship worth:

This opportunity is open for only one successful awardee. The winner will be entitled to a non-renewable sum of $500.

Application Deadline:

Candidates interested in this opportunity should apply on or before 30th June, 2024.

You can apply to this opportunity using the given link below

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This opportunity is particularly for just one person. The winner will be awarded the sum of $500, which is usually non-renewable. The application deadline for this scholarship is 30th June Annually. Do not miss it!

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