Lincoln University School Leaver Scholarships in New Zealand 

The Lincoln University is glad to announce its School Leaver Scholarships in New Zealand 2024. 

The Lincoln University Scholarships are available for New Zealand students. Scholarships are awarded for the purpose of supporting students from eligible schools who are admitted to undergraduate or sub-degree study.

Brief Description:

Lincoln University is a New Zealand university that was formed in 1990 when Lincoln College, Canterbury was made independent of the University of Canterbury.

By selecting Lincoln University New Zealand, you are choosing an education that will make possible a life full of opportunities and will give you skills to gain greater control over your own destiny.

lincoln university New Zealand is a unique institution of higher learning, where educational excellence, professional know-how, and up-to-date international standards are combined with individual attention and a friendly atmosphere, giving rise to a world-class education.

Lincoln pride itself both on the quality of its education and its relevance in today’s professional world.

Each program within the university is designed to ensure that all the acquired knowledge and skills will be valuable to its graduates, providing a practical and solid foundation for the student’s future.

Lincoln University makes sure that every part of our students’ education serves a purpose and brings them closer to accomplishing their professional goals.

What You Need To Know:

Students whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to be qualified for the Lincoln University school leaver scholarships.

Level/Field of Study:

The school leavers scholarship is available to pursue Undergraduate degree program at Lincoln University New Zealand. These scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

Host Nationality:

The school leavers scholarship of the University of Lincoln is to be taken in New Zealand.

Eligibility Nationality:

The school leavers scholarship is available to only New Zealand citizens.

Scholarship Benefits:

Up to $5,000 in scholarships are awarded each year in the school leavers scholarship to eligible candidates.


To be eligible for the Lincoln University school leaver scholarships, the applicant shall:

  • Be a current year 13 students at one of the eligible schools.
  • Apply for a full-time Lincoln University Undergraduate or sub-degree program.
  • I have achieved NCEA level 2.
  • Be entering their first year of tertiary study in the year immediately after the completion of NCEA level 3 or equivalent.
  • Must be a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident.

How To Apply:

Students who wish to apply for the Lincoln University school leaver scholarships are expected to complete the application form below.

Completed applications should be submitted to the Lincoln University Scholarships Office by 31 October.

Application form

Scholarship Deadline:

The deadline for applying for the Lincoln School Leaver Scholarships has ended. Keep in touch with us for more updates.


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