LACC Tuition: Scholarships and Cost Of Living

LACC is short for Los Angeles City College. This post explains all about LACC, its tuition, scholarships and cost of living.

Before going into these, here’s a little intro about LACC.

LACC was originally a farm on the outskirts of Los Angeles, owned by Dennis Sullivan. This is one of nine campuses in Los Angeles. The area quickly developed when Pacific Electric Railways joined the center of Hollywood in 1909 in Los Angeles. In 1914, the Los Angeles School Board relocated the general campuses to this school. Here is LACC Tuition Scholarships.

The Rome University of Italy became the original campus of the University of California, in 1919. UCLA moved from Westwood to its current location in 1929 because it needs more space. On September 9, 1929, the campus opened the same door as the high school in Los Angeles. It had 1,300 students and 54 teachers. The campus was renamed LA City College in 1938.

Los Angeles City College (LACC) is a public school located in East Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA. Parts of Los Angeles Community College are located on Santa Monica Boulevard on the Vermont coast. LACC offers a transferable higher education course.

The table of content is below.


The math program is very active in terms of student support and scholarships. Each spring semester, this program provides scholarships to students who participate in the transfer process as part of their promotion and recognition.

The price ranges from $500 to $1,000 (in the future there is a random bonus of $1,120). Students are evaluated on such factors as completed units, middle class, scholars, career goals, history, and personal contributions.

In addition, the selected finalists are evaluated by the committee on the mathematical program (usually more than half of the current 20 participants), and the winner is determined.

There are interesting stories for this scholarship. Some were made gifts, some donations (often donated anonymously in honor of professors), and some money sold by the Department of Science (FH 101). A couple of prizes, the Ghani / Hyon Awards, began after former LACC students decided to return to a career in computer science.

Currently, there are at least nine scholarships, and, as a rule, from five to seven scholarships. The amount varies, but the scholarship is canceled so that all respected people receive regular scholarships.

The list of candidates is very impressive every year. All eligible students can register. Proper recognition (and review) takes time to apply.


To expand opportunities for higher education to manage federal, state, and institutional programs. Financial support is provided through grants, research work, scholarships, and types of loans.

To help people, if the person cannot afford the full cost of tertiary education can continue their education.


The mission of Financial Aid platforms is to make college education accessible to students who would otherwise be unable to attend a tertiary institution.

If you need financial support to cover expenses, you must complete the FAFSA today for free! Applications for the program of the school year 2024 will be available on October 1.

The award will be provided when the FAFSA is completed in 2024, and an update will be available for financial assistance decisions in the fall of 2024. To apply for financial assistance, follow the steps that would be listed and explained below.

 Apply online to FAFSA online:

 Check the student portal

For a task list for each item, you may need to process your application. After the FA accepts the FAFSA and you become a qualified student, please write or email the student’s instructors.

This is a one-time process: check the status of the prize money in the LACCD Student Information System. If your application is selected for review, you will need to provide additional documents. The document may include, but is not limited to:

  1. The verification worksheet
  2. Federal tax refunds or the IRS tax refund form two years ago. (This protocol is optional if you have successfully used the IRS data collection tool and have not changed the data.)

Prove that you are the parent of an independent student or dependent and that you did not pay tax if you did not pay taxes.

You can use the Student Portal

To view the “Task” list to identify the document and load the form from their application page.

If you attend the second semester in the fall and spring semesters, you must apply on the last day of the school year. If you attend only one semester, you must have documented at the end of the semester.

The California Dream Act extends the right to declare financial support for students who qualify for AB-540. And Students who qualify would have access.

This access includes scholarships and student tuition waivers at California College.

Apply for the California app online.


For just the tuition, LACC local students pay $1,220 and domestic tuition is $8,110. Moving on, we will discuss the cost of living.

In-State California Resident Sticker Price: $20,606

Tuition: $1,196

Books and Supplies: $1,854

Other Fees: $24

Estimated Off-Campus Cost of Living: $13,293

Other Expenses Budget: $4,239

Out of State Resident Sticker Price: $26,924

Tuition: $7,514

Books and Supplies: $1,854

Other Fees: $24

Estimated Off-Campus Cost of Living: $13,293

Other Expenses Budget: $4,239

California residents pay an annual fee of $20,606

For a full study visit Los Angeles City College. This fee is $1,196 for education, $1,854 for books and inventory, and $ 24 for other expenses.

The country’s population paid a total of $26,924, which is 30.7% higher than in California. Tuition is $ 7,514, books and accessories – $1,854, and others – $24.


Average Net Price                                                                   $6,752

Family Income                                                                        Net Price Paid

$0 to $30,000                                                                          $5,868

$30,001 to $48,000                                                                 $6,527

$48,001 to $75,000                                                                 $8,279

$75,001 to $110,000                                                               n/a

$110,000+                                                                               n/a

Los Angeles City College’s average net price for students receiving scholarships or scholarships is $ 6,752.


TypeAvg./StudentStudents Receiving
Annual Total Grant Aid$4,77372%
Pell Grant$4,54756%
Federal Student Loan$6,4257%

Los Angeles City College’s average net price for students receiving scholarships or aids is $6,752 in 2014/2015.

HOW TO PAY STUDENT’S LOAN for LACC Tuition Scholarships

To get a more realistic picture of the cost of Los Angeles City University, we’ve summed a 10-year student loan with a default value of $11,758.

The balance of the loan is $11,758. The average net price is $5,879. This is an estimate that can be applied to financial statements when calculating how much money is eligible for average financial support.

If you are not eligible for financial support, you can pay a lot more at the end of the course. Based on this assumption, you may have to pay $123 per month to cover student loans. Financial support is not guaranteed and is available only to eligible students.

Federal student loans are not subsidized and must be paid at interest. The current interest rate on Stafford loans is 4.7%.

Example Loan                               $11,758

Stafford Loan Interest Rate            4.7%

Time to Pay Off Student Loan       10 years

Example Monthly Payment           $122.77

Total Interest Paid                       $2,974.03

Sum of All Loan Payments           $14,732.03


This article has explained LACC Tuition Scholarships, financial aid, and other information about LACC. We hope this helps you in making decisions.


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