$15,000 University of Winnipeg, Manitoba Graduate Scholarships 

If you’re wishing to apply for a full-time Master’s Degree at the University of Winnipeg consider the Manitoba Graduate scholarship.

This scholarship application is open to all students regardless of their nationality. Applicants must have a cumulative minimum average of 3.75 during the last 60 credits hours of study.

Level/Field of Study

This University of Winnipeg Manitoba Graduate Scholarships are open to a Master’s degree.

As a public university based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, it offers degrees in science, art, business and economics, education and undergraduate studies.

Host Nationality

The University of Winnipeg and Manitoba have entered an asset agreement to support research-based higher education studies and attract and keep outstanding students within and outside Canada.

There are other USA Scholarships available for International students in 2024. You can use these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The University of Winnipeg Manitoba Graduate Scholarships are opened to students of all nationalities.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Aside from the University of Winnipeg Manitoba Graduate Scholarships 2024there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

Winners will receive $15,000 for a 12-month period.

Number of Scholarships

There are five scholarships available.

Eligibility for Manitoba Graduate Scholarships 2024

All students are entitled regardless of their nationality, the applicants must:

  • In the last 60 credits hours of study, points have reached a cumulative grade point average of 3.75.
  • Participate in a pre-master program and/or enter the first or second year of a qualifying Master’s program in May or September of the current year or January of the following year.
  • You must be registered or certified to register as a full-time student for a master’s degree.

How to Apply for Manitoba Graduate Scholarships 2024

The entire application form, along with the department’s letterhead, must be sent from the e-mail address of an institution to the Program Manager/Coordinator by 1 March.

To apply for the scholarship, you must submit an online application via the link provided: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/graduate-studies/docs/uwmgs-application+checklist-revisedjan2019-2.pdf

Manitoba Graduate Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline

The Closing date is March 1st or the next Business Day (to the President of the Graduate Program), March 15th or the next Business Day (Chair of the Graduate Program).

Click here to apply.

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