Top 10 Careers In Technology That Are Marketable

In just a few years, the rapid growth of technological innovations has benched many lengthy and mechanical jobs. Now that companies are moving beyond the basics of artificial intelligence, it is important that you know the top in-demand careers in technology that are marketable today.

Maximize your marketability by pursuing technology skills in demand for the future!

Indeed, it can be difficult to predict what will be most valuable in the labor market when it comes to learning a new technical skill. In fact, with thousands of technological careers available, it can be unclear to finally settle on one career. 

According to  Melinda Gates, “To be successful, every single one of us has to learn new skills — not just once, but throughout our careers”.

Getting stuck in the wrong career will lead you to frustration. With this in mind, all you need to do right now is to read this article and discover the top in-demand marketable careers in technology today.

The table of content below will guide you on the key points you need to note. Keep reading.

Why do I need to choose a marketable career?

While some people are lucky enough to know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of us are not.

The importance of choosing a marketable career in life is huge. If you want to stay happy, selecting the right career is imperative.

So, when choosing a career, you must do it carefully, as your future mainly depends on your decision.

Since time is money, it will be most unfortunate for you to invest a large portion of your career in something that does not reward you for all the time you put in. Thus, the need to choose a marketable career in technology.

Regardless of the technology being developed in the workplace today, some jobs and careers will always be in-demand and marketable. 

Again, work on your passion, but make sure it’s in demand.

How do I make the best career choice?

Having clarity and guidance can help you find the right in-demand marketable careers in technology.

If you want to learn how to make the best career choices, we have arranged some proven hacks to help you achieve this. Follow these steps to narrow potential career options:

  • Assess yourself – Know your passion. Think about who you are, what you’re good at, and what you enjoy. This will help you choose career ideas that match your skills and interests.
  • Identify your career goals – both long-term and short-term. Know what you want and why. Reaching each goal will be difficult, so be prepared to work hard, make adjustments when necessary, and remain committed. Goals are typically achievable when defined, flexible, realistic, and attainable within a specified period.
  • Narrow down your list – Once you’ve become acquainted with your possible career choices, narrow your list to 1-2 options. Eliminate careers that no longer interest you after thoroughly reviewing each one.
  • Create a career action plan – This plan will clearly define how you will receive the required training or education, obtain employment, and develop professionally once you begin your career.
  • Obtain training – Lastly, you must acquire adequate training for whatever marketable technology career you choose. This is because, whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well.

Marketable Careers in Technology today

Of course, technology is a broad field, and there are a lot of interesting directions you can go in. Technology remains a hot sector for the job market.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, computer science is the STEM major with the highest job offer and job acceptance rate. 

A degree in a computer-related field can lead to a variety of well-paying and high-demand jobs. However, aside from that, there are other in-demand creative careers in technology today.

Some of the careers in technology that are marketable today include:

  • Data Science & Analytics
  • Social Media Management & Marketing
  • Software Development
  • Network and Information Security (Cybersecurity)
  • UI/ UX Design
  • Project Management
  • DevOps Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Business System Analysis
  • Copywriting
  • Data Engineering
  • Video Production
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Data Administration
  • Cloud Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Graphics
  • Corporate Communications
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Translation
  • Audio Production
  • Digital Marketing
  • Customer Service Systems

Top 10 careers in technology that are Marketable in 2024

We use technology more than ever to connect with friends and family, stay up to date on the latest and greatest happenings in the world, and sometimes pass the time. 

In fact, most careers have been relegated just by the surfacing of Technology. Check out what makes these technology careers marketable.

The top 10 marketable careers in technology today are:

#1. Data Science & Analytics

Median salary for Data Scientists: $94,280/year

Average salary for Data Analysts: $61,111/ year

Data science and data analytics are two top in-demand technology careers that are marketable. It’s a field that requires statistics, quantitative reasoning, and computer programming skills.

Also, you need to be a good communicator so you can report your research findings and explain how they address a larger question you’re trying to answer.

Data science and analytics use different scientific methods and algorithms to synthesize data and yield actionable insights. Again, data science includes specialties like data mining and machine learning.

Employers increasingly recognize the value of professionals with this expertise. So, today, you will find data scientists & analysts working at various organizations, including tech startups, government agencies, large companies, and research institutions.

Where to learn it:

#2. Software Development

Median salary: $107,510/year

Software development is one of the most sought-after technology careers that are marketable today.

The best software developers are creative and have the technical expertise to carry out innovative ideas. As a software developer, you must be familiar with various computer languages, such as C++, Python, Java, PHP, XML, HTML/JavaScript/CSS, and Unix Shell Scripting.

A bachelor’s degree in software engineering, computer science, information technology, or other relevant majors is often required. Also, a software developer must be able to work in a team environment.

This is because they work closely with systems engineers and computer programmers. Again, they must be able to convey technical information in a language that non-technical people understand.

Also, you need to be a good communicator to have a software development career.

Where to learn it:

#3. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Average salary for AI Specialist: $132,453/year

Average Salary for a Machine Learning Engineer: $138K+

Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior. While AI is the broad science of mimicking human abilities, machine learning is a specific subset of AI that trains a machine how to learn.

To become an Artificial Intelligent specialist, you must have strong computer programming skills, expert mathematical skills, knowledge of cloud applications and computer languages, excellent communication and analytical skills, and certifications like machine learning.

Hiring growth for AI specialists has grown 74% annually in the past 4 years. Artificial intelligence specialties can benefit a variety of technology careers, from software engineers to data scientists to product managers.

On the other hand, machine learning is one of the most innovative and exciting fields moving into the future, making it one of the most marketable technology careers today. For instance, Siri, Alexa, chatbots, and predictive analysis for self-driving cars.

49% of companies are currently exploring or planning to use machine learning. Netflix uses machine learning to make recommendations to its users.

Where to learn it: 

#4. Data Engineering and Visualization

Average salary for AI Specialist: $91,459/year

Average Salary for data visualization engineers: $98,264/year

Of course, this is different from data science and analytics. Data engineers build the infrastructure and tools data scientists use to conduct their work. (xanax)

On the other hand, data visualization is a way to help people understand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context. Thus, this career is a bridge between technical and non-technical roles.

Where to learn it: 

#5. Cloud Computing

Average salary for cloud computing professionals: $146,350 

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Java, Linux, software development, DevOps, Docker, and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are the most in-demand cloud computing skills.

Cloud computing jobs are on the rise because more and more companies are switching from the classical server infrastructure to cloud solutions.

Cloud architects oversee the company’s cloud computing strategy and are responsible for deploying, managing, and supporting cloud applications.

On the other hand, DevOps practices encourage faster code deployment with fewer deployment failures, so more companies are hiring engineers with DevOps experience. This is to oversee coding, scripting, and process development. 

Amazon Web Services is currently the biggest cloud platform.

Where to learn it: 

#6. UI/UX Design

Average salary:

UX Design refers to User Experience Design, while UI Design stands for User Interface Design. Both are among the top marketable technology careers today.

Any interaction a user has with a product or service is a result of the UX design. Meanwhile, UI design is the look and feel, the presentation, and the product’s interactivity.

Demand for UX/UI skills is mostly in mobile platforms, but demand for innovative design in VR, AR, AI, etc.

Where to learn it:

#7. Network and Information Security (Cybersecurity)

Average salary: $99,800/yr

Cybersecurity is a top marketable technology career today. When data breaches do happen, they can be costly for the company to recover from. 

Information security analysts are the gatekeepers or security guards of information systems. They monitor, prevent, and respond to data breaches and cyberattacks.

Truly, the demand for security professionals is far outpacing supply. So, that means you can fill a gap in the market.

As a professional in this field, you should be able to communicate and implement security policies and procedures.

Where to learn it:  Essentials of Cybersecurity on edX

#8. Product Management

Average salary: $95,000

,  product management is about making a product the best. This involves the development, business justification, planning, verification, forecasting, pricing, launch, and marketing of a product.

Communication skills are at the top of the list when considering what it takes to be a successful product manager.

Indeed, project management is a marketable technology career you should consider venturing into. This is because every year, new products and released.

Where to learn it: Become a Product Manager | Learn the Skills & Get the Job on Udemy

#9. Video & Audio Production

 One of the top skills in demand today is creativity. In this field, you’ll work with high-end equipment, cutting-edge technology, and exciting environments, too.

Work settings include TV and radio stations, sporting events, concerts, film sets, recording studios, theaters, presentations, and conferences.

Whether you work in audio or video production, you’ll be satisfied knowing you’re bringing your creative best to whatever event, television show, or film you’re producing.

Broadcast technicians $46,800
Sound engineers $67,090
Audio and video technicians $51,260
Film and video editors $87,300

#10. Web Development

Average salary: $73,760/year

This is one of the few careers on the list that you can get without a bachelor’s degree.

Web development can range from a simple single static page of plain text to complex Web-based Internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

#11. Customer Relationship Management Solutions

Average salary: $107,149/year

customer relationship management (CRMsolution helps you find new customers, win their business, and keep them happy by organizing customer and prospect information in a way that helps you build stronger relationships with them and grow your business faster.


Whether you are new to tech jobs or already have some experience, there are a lot of opportunities to level up your skills without spending a fortune.

These marketable technology careers allow you to work in many industries, including healthcare and business. Also, they are high-paying and reduce unemployment rates.

Now, it comes down to which suits your personality and interests best.

You can begin now to pursue any of these careers. 

Author’s Recommendation

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