MasterCard Foundation Scholarship for Kenyan Students, 

Kenyan students are been invited to hurry and apply for the MasterCard Foundation Scholarship for Kenyan Students, 2024, only students that are eligible for this program will be given consideration.

We will go directly to the post. This is about the MasterCard Foundation.

About Mastercard:

Mastercard Foundation is a global foundation established by Mastercard in 2006. Since its creation, the Foundation has partnered with a number of worldwide Non-governmental organizations and core partners aiming to ameliorate financial life, primarily in the Global South.

Its objective is to use a $2 billion endowment on Microfinance programs. With these programs, the Foundation’s goal is to make global economics more accessible to people around the world. These programs also strive to give youth around the world new educational experiences and access to financial services and programs.

Scholars Program:

The Mastercard Foundation’s Scholar Program is a globally recognized program that helps youth gain access to new educational opportunities thus furthering social and economic progress among disadvantaged communities.

The Scholars Program is aimed at disadvantaged, but academically inclined individuals, interested in expanding their education.

Partners in the program include, but are not limited to; Queens University, the University of Gondar, McGill University, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia.

With the University of Gondar and Queens University, the Foundation has a 10-year partnership in which they have invested $24.2 million to provide advanced education opportunities to youth with disabilities in Ethiopia and Africa.

For the University of Gondar, this will mean 290 undergraduate degrees and 160 master’s degrees. Queens University will provide 44 Ph.D. opportunities to faculty members of the University of Gondar. These programs are multifaceted, allowing for a wide range of diversity in education. 

McGill University will facilitate education for approximately 90 students from Africa. Two-thirds of these students are participating in undergraduate degree programs – around half of which will be from the French-speaking countries within Africa – and the remaining third will be those completing their master’s degree programs.

What you need to know about this Mastercard Foundation Scholarship


Millions of young people in Africa lack access to quality education. Only  20 percent of young people move from primary to secondary school and only 5 percent transition to university. Research shows that education is an effective path out of poverty, particularly for women.

Mastercard foundation defines education as learning that takes place both within and outside of the formal school system. Our partnerships focus on providing quality, accessible secondary and tertiary education, as well as skills development for those living in poverty

With chronic unemployment and underemployment on the continent, we believe it is important to focus on appropriate education that addresses foundational skills, such as literacy and numeracy, as well as market-relevant skills that young people need to transition to employment, such as digital literacy and financial management.

Scholarship Program:

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program provides access to secondary and higher education for young people who are committed to giving back to their communities.

This Mastercard foundation program is implemented through our partner universities and NGOs that serve young people from vulnerable backgrounds. The application process and decision-making are managed by each partner in the Program.

Students are considered for the Program must be academically strong and have demonstrated a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

Level/ Field of Study

This scholarship is for undergraduate and postgraduate students to study at any of the MasterCard Foundation partner universities.

Host Nationality

The MasterCard foundation scholars program is taken in Kenya. If you are an international student and you desire to study in Kenya, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in Kenya

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is for the brightest and best scholars in Kenya with great potential but few educational opportunities.

Aside from the Mastercard  Foundation 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

The MasterCard foundation scholars program will provide full scholarships, including

  • Accommodation costs,
  • Living costs,
  • Travel and
  • Tuition fees to students taking courses on campus at Edinburgh.

Number of Scholarships:

The number of the offer is not specified.

Who Is Eligible MasterCard Foundation Scholarships 

Undergraduate and Postgraduate scholarships are available over the next four and two years for the brightest and best African scholars with great potential, but few educational opportunities.

  • You must qualify academically for admission to their choice of University. We prefer that applicants apply to the scholarship BEFORE applying to the University.
  • You must be a resident and citizen of Kenya.
  • You must demonstrate a track record of leadership and service within your community; and
  • You are able to present economically disadvantaged circumstances and be able to show that you lack financial means from family or other sources to pursue post-secondary (university) education in your home country or elsewhere.

The scholarship is not available to students already on a program.

The scholarship may be terminated at any time when an unsatisfactory progress report is received from the School or if the scholarship holder ceases to be registered as a full-time student at the University.

For information on scholarship eligibility and requirements, we encourage you to view this site here

How To Apply For MasterCard Foundation Scholarships :

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024 MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program.

If you have recently submitted the pre-application assessment, you will receive an email shortly with further directions.

Applications for the 2024 MasterCard Foundation Scholars cohort will open in Autumn 2024 and further information about the process will be available from Summer 2024.

In the meantime, if you have any inquiries, please email us at

The scholarships are competitive and awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, the overseas equivalent of a UK first-class honors degree. Applicants’ financial, personal, and family circumstances will also be taken into account.

Applicants must also be committed to returning to Africa following their graduation to give back to their home community and country

For more on Mastercard foundation scholarship for Kenya, please see this official link

Application Deadline:

Updates on application deadline for this program will be communicated as soon as possible, we advise that you continue checking this site to get the much desired standard information in this regard.

Author’s Recommendation

We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response on the comment box for us to serve you better.

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