Maternal Health Literacy (MHL) Research Awards 

International Research Funding is available for Early-Career Faculty and graduate students interested in Maternal Health Literacy  Research awards.

Four awards will be made – one each to a junior faculty member or student from each country/continent.

The goal is to allow young scholars to advance their knowledge base within the field of maternal health literacy.

Furthermore, to establish new contacts and mentors, and/or enhance their graduate work through the experience gained in other research cultures.

Level/ Field of Study

The research award is meant for students who are pursuing a pursuing research program in the area of maternal health literacy (MHL).

Host Nationality

The Scholarship will be taken in Ghana, the UK, Australia, and the USA.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is opened to International Students from Ghana, the UK, Australia, and the USA.

Scholarship Worth

As a benefit in the scholarship, Support will be provided as direct purchasing of airfare, accommodations, conference registration, or approved research expenses.

They anticipate each award to be approximately £1,000 (~ $1,290.00 USD).


Scholarship Number

Four awards will be made – one each to a junior faculty member or student from each country/continent.


The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

  • These small grants are intended to defray research costs or provide seed money to encourage personal and academic development of early career researchers and to equip them with the skills needed for future success.
  • Applicants must be a citizen and resident of Ghana, UK, Australia or the USA.

Application Procedure

Interested individuals should submit materials to their university’s Developmental Liaison.
University of Ghana – Dr. Amos Laar
University of Sheffield – Dr. Julie Balan] /Dr. Robert Akparibo
The University of Sydney – Ms. Danielle Muscat
University of Massachusetts/University of Washington – Dr. Elena Carbone

Submission Materials

  • A 1-page statement describing how the award will be used and proposed outcomes (e.g., peer-reviewed commentary or short review, supplement to existing MHL research, conference attendance)
  • Current CV
  • Unofficial transcript (students only)

You can commence the application by downloading the form and get more information by clicking on the link below.

Application Deadline

The application deadline was June 15, 2024.


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