McConnell Foundation Scholarship Program

We are pleased to announce the ongoing McConnell Foundation Scholarship Program 2024. The scholarship’s worth is $30,000. See eligibility and qualification below.

McConnell Foundation Scholarship Program 2023

McConnell’s Brief History

Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr is an American from Kentucky, born on February 20th, 1942. He is currently married to Elaine Chao and blessed with three children; Elly, Porter, and Claire. In history, he is a politician who is the longest in service in US Senate.

His political career began in 1984, and so far, he has bagged a reputation as a highly-skilled strategist and tactician due to his roles in the regimes of Barrack Obama and Donald Trump.

McConnell’s first marriage lasted from 1963 to 1980, and his three children are the products of his first marriage. He later married his second wife, who former President Donald Trump made the secretary of transportation.

Her husband was present during her election, in which she had more votes. McConnell is a Republican who drastically changed and embraced extreme obstructionism. McConnell was always at the forefront of those who fought to make Barrack Obama’s reign difficult by rejecting his nominees of judges for the supreme court and advocating for a one-term office of the former president (Obama), among others.

He gloats in that speech he made publicly and said it’s one of the best decisions in his political career. He was also not initially in support of Donald Trump but only supported him after his candidate stepped down and fellow Republicans gave Trump massive support.

Though he made Trump his chosen candidate, he never hesitated to voice out strongly on occasions he didn’t support or agree with Trump’s decisions.

What You Need to Know About the McConnell Foundation Scholarship Program 2024

The program is a social investment that enjoys dividends through a remarkable trait all scholars have. However, they may showcase it differently, which is giving back sincerely for the betterment of others. This is to say that when they eventually become successful in their chosen fields and as individuals, they help others succeed, thereby bringing sustainable growth and development to the nation’s affairs.

The foundation envisions a Canadian nation where the well-being of indigenes and non-indigenes will improve through the advancement of the economic and social systems. It seeks to bring out the in-depth creativity of people and organizations from all sectors by supporting them in the best ways possible. You can also see other ongoing Canadian scholarships.

The foundation is in Redding, California.

McConnell Foundation Scholarship Program 2024

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship program can only ign be registered for by qualified candidates who fall under any of these categories:

  • Brilliant students with outstanding performance
  •  First in their families to go to college.
  •  People who emerged victorious without allowing their problems to take a better part of them.
  •  People with self-respect and integrity positively command influence their younger ones and the community.
  •  People that are committed to giving back to their society.
  •  The program also caters to physically challenged students, the Homeless, People in foster care, and very poor homes, who have shown outstanding commitment to serving others.

Students may use financial support at institutions that are accredited regionally.

  • In non-profitable institutions
  • In institutions that do not discriminate based on race, gender, color, sex identity, sexual orientation, political ideology, age, pregnancy, disability not related to the requirements of the course of study, etc., as protected by law while hiring, admitting, or offering services.
  • In institutions with a physical presence that offer the majority of their courses in person in the United States of America

Host Nationality

You can take this scholarship in the USA. You can check out the links below if you want scholarships to study abroad or other latest Scholarships in the USA.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country: Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

The McConnell scholarship is only eligible for US students

The following colleges and universities qualify for McConnell scholarship funds:

  • All public community colleges, such as Shasta College, College of the Siskiyous, Klamath College, etc.
  • All California State Universities, such as CSU Chico, Humboldt State University, Sonoma State University, etc.
  • All University of California campuses, such as UC Davis, UC Berkeley, etc.
  • All public universities within the United States.
  • Many private universities also qualify.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship program offers various support: financial, mentoring, and conferences.

  • They support students with thirty thousand dollars($30,000) in pursuing academic excellence. Annually, students have access to about seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500), and the balance can be rolled over to the following year if unfinished, which may last for six years. And with the remaining cash, students can also register for a higher degree.
  • Dave Tanner, the program’s officer, offers mentoring services by providing advice and support to the beneficiaries throughout their academic experience as he prioritizes the general well-being of every student. He does this because of his interest in how the college can transform, grow and affect students in their aspirations and search for identity. Therefore, he shows more concern for their strengths and helps them embrace and reconcile their talents, aptitudes, and interests with their academic goals.
  • Annually on the second weekend of August, beneficiaries, both past and present, gather for a three-day conference organized by the students. The conference focuses on new things they desire to learn and comes with workshops centering on fitness and nutrition, studying abroad, finding internships, managing stress, and being wise in spending, among many others. The conference, while equipping them with information that would help them thrive after college, also helps them develop a network of friends and peers that would support one another and stand the tests of time.

Eligibility for McConnell Foundation Scholars Program 2023

The application for the McConnell Scholarship program 2024 is open to all who fall under any of these categories:

  • Students that reside or attend high school within the service area in places like Mordor, Trinity County, Lassen County, Humboldt County, etc.
  • Students who, in the fall term of the next academic year, will freshly resume in a college or university and those who might not have bagged a bachelor’s degree.
  • Students who will resume at a qualified college or university such as community colleges (public) like Shasta College etc., state universities in California campuses, public, and many private universities within the United States of America.
  • Those whose Expected Family can contribute eight thousand six hundred dollars ($8,600) or less.
  • Those who have not been convicted of a felony or have dutifully served their term.
  • Those who are not directly related to any board member or community volunteer.

How to Apply McConnell Foundation Scholarship 2023

Follow the steps below to apply for the McConnell Foundation Scholars Program.

The McConnell Foundation Scholarship Programs application process opens online every year on November 1st.

You can create an account and start filling out the application at that time.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and California Dream Act Application is available starting October 1st for the following academic year.

You may complete and submit your McConnell scholarship application once you have received your Student Aid Report (SAR) from the FAFSA website or Dream Act Student Aid Report (DASAR) and uploaded it to your scholarship application.

After submitting your FAFSA or California Dream Act Application, it usually takes three business days to receive your SAR or DASAR. The McConnell Foundation Scholarship Programs application is always due on March 5th at 9:30 pm Pacific Standard Time. They will not accept applications after that time for any reason, including internet or computer problems.

After submission, they assign all complete and eligible applications to reading groups based on region. Each application is read and ranked by at least three trained community volunteers. They will forward the top-ranking applicants from each group to a regional interview, where they will make final selections.

McConnell Foundation Scholarship 2024 Application Deadline

Scholars can begin to register for the scholarship program on or around the 1st day of November every year, and applications expire on March 5th of the following year.

Behold the McConnell Foundation Scholars Program Official Application Link


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