MIT Scholarships Opportunities

Looking for Study Abroad opportunities in the USA? Get one of the best education in the USA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at little or no cost.

In recent times, the most common type of financial assistance at MIT is its scholarship. This is easy because it is a grant that doesn’t require repayment. And 59% of undergraduates receive MIT scholarships.

However, MIT scholarships are awarded based on the students’ financial need level. And these scholarships come from MIT alumni, friends, and MIT general funds.

To successfully earn a scholarship at MIT this 2024, this article will highlight all you need to know about the MIT scholarships to study with ease.

Also, you’ll find MIT scholarships for international students who wish to pursue an undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. study in the institution.

What kind of scholarships does MIT offer?

MIT administers four federal grant programs that you’ll automatically be considered for when you apply for financial aid each year.

  • Federal Pell Grant.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.
  • Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant.
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.

Can I study in MIT for free?

The average price paid by an undergraduate receiving financial aid in 2024 was $21,917—approximately what it costs to attend a state school. And for students with family incomes under $90,000 a year, MIT ensures that scholarship funding will allow them to attend MIT tuition-free.

About Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

Founded in 1861, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) is the best university in the world, according to a popular rating organization.

The institution achieved the maximum score across all categories, including research, employability, teaching, facilities, internationalization, innovation, specialist criteria, and inclusiveness.

MIT is also the best university in the world for many subjects, but not limited to architecture, linguistics, computer science and information systems, engineering and technology, chemistry, mathematics, economics, and econometrics.

Based in Cambridge, MIT’s labs and classroom continue to deliver pioneering research into the world’s most pressing issues. Such as cancer therapy, identity politics, global engagement, energy, public service, and industry.

What Does MIT Specialize In?

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers degree programs in a wide range of disciplines, with a mission that focuses on science and technology disciplines.

According to MIT registrar data for autumn 2016, the largest school in the institution is the School of Engineering.

At that time, more than 11,300 students did the institution admit at the engineering school. The nearest major school at MIT is the School of Science, closely followed by the Sloan School of Management.

Similar to MIT Scholarships is Harvard University Scholarships OpportunitiesClick to check it out

Is it Hard to Get into MIT?

Yes! According to US data, MIT’s acceptance rate for first-year students was 8% in the fall of 2017. This means that less than every tenth candidate has been admitted.

MIT does not use the usual application, so aspiring students must apply through the university’s website.

MIT offers both entry-level candidates and fast, regular turnaround times, and its website states that a quick job does not give applicants an advantage in getting admission.

When Do MIT Release Admissions Decisions?

According to the MIT website, the Admissions Office will notify aspiring first-year students applying an early intervention in mid-December.

Candidates who choose the term for the common stock will receive a decision in mid-March. Students must decline or accept their admission offer by May 1st.

MIT Tuition and Fees 

MIT tuition and fees are very expensive for domestic and international students. The MIT undergraduate and graduate tuition are $49,580 per year. The graduate tuition can be greater depending on the graduate programs. Also, room and board for MIT are $14,210 per year, which is added to the MIT tuition. These high Mit tuition, room, and board are very expensive for most students. 

However, MIT scholarships are one of the best scholarships in the world. MIT Scholarships can cover the full cost of attendance, helping international students with financial difficulty to attend this prestigious university. If you want to learn more about MIT scholarships, keep reading!

MIT Scholarships 2024

MIT is awarding scholarships based on financial need and come from endowed funds, gifts from MIT alumni and friends, and general MIT funds. You are automatically appraising for an MIT scholarship if you apply for financial aid and fill out the CSS PROFILE.

Scholarship recipients must submit an annual Student Information Review Form to provide us with information about your background, interests, and experiences. So that we may match you with the right scholarship.

Their scholarship donors take an interest in learning about their scholarship recipients. So they may ask you to write your donor to share your experiences and thank them for their support.

MIT scholarships are geared towards helping students achieve their desired university degrees. A wide variety of merit-based and competitive scholarships and fellowships are available for a second year and incoming students.

But for, incoming students, they are granting these scholarships only after a thorough review process independent of acceptance.

All students will be able to avail the MIT scholarships and fellowships as per their merit and eligibility. Except for MIT Public Service Center Fellowships and Legatum Fellowship, which the respective organizations grant, both fellowships.

Scholarships are the types of funding they give to cover all your educational expenses, and you don’t need to repay the funds they will award.

But, there are specific criteria on the basis of which the institution plan to grant MIT Scholarships to incoming and second-year students.

Specifically, MIT grants scholarships based on financial need, academic merit, and grants. However, at MIT, need-based grants are also offered to undergraduate students as scholarships.

Both graduate and undergraduate students can avail of the scholarships, but they mainly grant fellowships to graduates while they award grants to undergraduate students.

MIT Scholarships for Undergraduates

Any incoming national or international students applying for MIT undergraduate financial aid become automatically eligible for MIT Scholarships and federal grants. However, students must apply separately for private or outside scholarships, MIT Scholarships, and state grants.

With this purpose in mind, MIT Scholarships for undergraduate students are awarded directly by the university based on the students’ financial need. There are four different scholarship programs, including:

  • MIT scholarships
  • Federal grants
  • State scholarships
  • Outside or private scholarships 

Getting an Undergraduate Scholarship

Students interested in availing undergraduate MIT Scholarships must apply for MIT financial aid each year of their semester. The university grants financial aid to all undergraduate students, basically on the basis of their financial need.

Students who qualify for MIT financial aid are automatically eligible for MIT Scholarship for undergraduate study.

The scholarship received by the undergraduates comprises the amount up to the price minus the self-help level and the sum of the expected family contribution.

MIT Scholarships for Graduate Students

The traineeships or scholarships awarded to graduate students covers explicitly partial or full tuition fees. And above all, even offer a handsome stipend to the students to defray their living expenses.

The graduate scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need, academic merit, and a few other crucial factors. Corporations and donors basically provide the scholarship funds to the university. So that they can grant it to outstanding students to cover their education expenses.

Moreover, some government foundations and agencies also provide scholarships and fellowships to excellent graduate students. Which are directly for use at institutions or to the institutions so that they can administer the funds on behalf of the students.

How to Get MIT Scholarships for Graduates 

If you are enrolled in any MIT Graduate program and seeking financial aid through MIT scholarship, traineeship or fellowship. Then check the correct items on the regular graduate application for admission and financial support.

Moreover, any students enrolled in MIT for advanced degree program are automatically considered for any awards for which they are eligible. Students may consult the appropriate department of the university to collect further information about MIT Scholarships for graduates.

MIT Scholarships Funding

Funds for MIT Scholarships basically gathered from two sources. Firstly, the Institute funds and charitable gifts to MIT can be utilized for any purpose.

Secondly, Alumni and donors provide funds to the university for scholarship programs. Which they invest as a part of MIT’s endowment so that the institute can help graduates and undergraduates for generations. With this purpose in mind, the university has over thousands of this gift and endowed funds.

Above all, there are wide varieties of undergraduate and graduate programs offered at MIT. And for each of the programs, there are scholarships available.

So, students need to contact the appropriate department to avail financial aid for their education. And find out the right MIT Scholarship program for which they are eligible.

The scholarships and fellowships are available for all incoming and second-year students. So that they can avail to complete their graduation and undergraduate programs from MIT Sloan with ease.

MIT Fellowships

There is a variety of fellowships available both for permanent U.S Citizens and other international students that they can avail to support their MBA Program at MIT Sloan. Most of these awards and fellowships are offered on the basis of need and merit. You may check the fellowships available for students at, List of Fellowships.


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