MoBSE Scholarships In Gambia | Updated

The ministry of Basic secondary education (MoBSE) is delighted to call for applications from eligible Gambians to hurry and apply for the MoBSE Scholarships 2024 IN GAMBIA. Only applicants that have complied with the eligibility criteria will be considered for this scholarship program; hurry and apply now!!

Let us begin. Here is all you need to know.

About MoBSE Scholarships

MoBSE is an educational ministry in the Gambia and is responsible for seeing to the Basic secondary education there. Over the years, this body has continuously awarded various scholarships to Gambian students to enable them to pursue their dreams and become those they have dreamt of becoming.

This is a step in the right direction by the Gambian Government to ensure that education on scholarship is made available to Gambian scholars in their bid to develop and build the skills and talents that will remain ever-relevant to the growth and development of the Gambia as a nation.

What You Need To Know About MoBSE Scholarships 2024


The Mission Statement of the Department of State for Education is embodied in the statement “A Responsive, Relevant and Quality Education for All Gambians.”

The MoBSE Education Plan and Programme:

The MoBSE Education Plan and Programme are not only all-inclusive. Still, they are particularly sensitive to the learning needs of all children, catering especially for the girl-child, women, the physically challenged, the youth, and the poor. The program covers the whole spectrum of education from the Basic level to Secondary, Vocational and Technical, Tertiary and University Education.

This is premised on the truism that one of the threats to rapid socio-economic development is illiteracy and ignorance. The government will continue its all-out war against illiteracy to achieve the triple objective of making education not only accessible but also relevant, of good quality and affordable. (

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship program is for various levels of education, from the Basic level to Secondary, Vocational and Technical, Tertiary, and University Education.

The field of study is such that it has to be selected by the student for an undergraduate, master’s study in any Gambian educational institution.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is to be taken in Gambia.

Eligible Nationality

Gambians are welcome to apply for this program.

Scholarship Worth

Students on this scholarship are to have their financial responsibilities taken care of by the Gambia government up to any level of their studies, amongst other benefits.

The scholarship shall consist of tuition fees payable directly to the university, book bills, and project or research allowance.

Scholarship Requirements And Eligibility 

  1. All applications must be on the MoBSE-prescribed application form; the Training Committee (TC) is not obliged to consider any application, not on the prescribed application form, which is to be received by the set deadline.
  2. All applicants must be qualified teachers with not less than 3 years of teaching experience for HTC holders and 5 years of teaching experience for PTC holders.
  3. Applicants must have a current unconditional acceptance or offer from the UTG. Those with admission earlier than the current year must do the necessary deferment before applying, and those with conditional offers must meet the conditions on the offer before applying for the scholarship.
  4. Applicants must be duly admitted at the School of Education of the UTG.
  5. All applicants must have 2 relevant subjects; one as a major and the other as a minor.
  6. Late submissions will not be accepted or considered by the TC.
  7. Applicants must be confirmed in the establishment, ready to sign the requisite bonds, and apply for study leave with salary.
  8. The TC will consider only applicants admitted at the UTG on a full-time basis; applications from part-time students will not be considered.

How to Apply

  1. Application forms can be collected from Human Resources Directorate (HRD) or any Regional Education Directorate. Application forms can also be downloaded from this LINK and printed. Application forms are not for sale.
  2. All sections on the form are mandatory and should be filled and submitted to Director HRD at Kanifing Education Complex before closing; late submissions will not be considered.
  3. The signature section on the application form must be duly signed; for applicants from the subvented institutions, the form should be signed by the principal or the education secretariat, as the case may be.
  4. Priority areas will be indicated in the advertisement.

Application Deadline

The latest updates on the application deadline will be communicated as soon as possible; we, therefore, advise that you keep checking this site for this information.

For more information on MoBSE Scholarships 2024 In Gambia, applicants should click on the official link below:

Application link

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