MSc funding at Ulster University for International Students

Pursuing an MSc degree program in higher institutions like Ulster University is not a child’s play especially in terms of its tuitions. Now, imagine you get the opportunity to study without having to pay through your nose.

This is where MSc funding at Ulster University comes to play. Currently, Ulster University is giving MSc funding to International students.

This funding program is available for international students who wish to continue their studies in one of the university master’s programs.

It gives you the opportunity to become a part of the Study Abroad program for the academic session 2024-2024. Interestingly, it takes care of 10% of your tuition fees. Isn’t that Interesting?

Now, I won’t advise you to close this tab in hist because you will be making a mistake if you do. In this post, I have put down relevant information you need about this funding program that can really be of big help to you when applying.

What then are you waiting for? Quickly scroll the table of content below to see an overview or packages wrapped up in this post just for you.

Why Study at Ulster University?

In 1865, Ulster University was founded but it was known as Magee College. its name changed to the New University of Ulster in 1969. It is a multi-campus public university situated in Northern Ireland.

Their core business activities are teaching and learning, widening access to education, research and innovation and technology, and knowledge transfer.  Also, the university has a national and international reputation for excellence, innovation, and regional engagement, making a major contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of Northern Ireland.

Currently, the University is home to approximately 27,000 students, with over 1200 international students from more than 143 countries. One interesting thing about the school is that international students are valued and respected for the unique experiences and perspectives that they contribute to university life, enriching the study experience for all students.

Moreso, at Ulster University, the courses they provide are designed with career-mindset. This is to make sure that the skills, knowledge, and experience students get are in line with the profession the chose.

In addition, the students are provided with a good accommodation space with an excellent teaching facility and the advantage of learning from the award-winning teachers. Note, the school has one of the highest further study and employment rates in the UK, with over 92 percent of graduates.

You can take your time and read this post on How long does it take to get a Masters Degree?

Levels/Field of Study

Basically, this funding at Ulster University is for International Students who are pursuing an MSc degree program. And it is also awarded in the subjects offered by the university.

What will I benefit from this Msc Funding?

This MSc funding will cover a 10% tuition fee for the duration of your course as an International Student.

What are the Eligible Criteria?

Every scholarship has its requirements and criteria that any applicant applying must meet up with. Similarly, MSc funding for International Students at Ulster University has criteria that makes you be eligible apart from being an international student. These criteria include

  • You must have applied for a full-time, postgraduate program delivered on one of our campuses in Northern Ireland (Belfast, Jordanstown, Coleraine or Magee), commencing in September 2024 and meet any academic and/or English language conditions as stated in your offer letter.
  • Applicants will need to meet the academic entrance requirements for their course.
  • Note, Students applying to part-time or eLearning programs, or to programs delivered at our branch campuses (London or Birmingham) are not eligible for this award.

Supporting Documents

Note, before you submit your application, the following documents should be attached

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  • Cover letter,
  • Academic transcript/s.
  • CV

Note, this scholarship can be taken in UK

Basically, this MSc funding at ureter University is for international students. So, if you are an international student, you should not miss this opportunity if you want to pursue an MSc degree at Ulster University.

As an international student, you can apply for Stanford University Scholarships Opportunities for International Students

How do I apply for MSc funding at Ulster University, 2024?

You don’t need to apply for this MSc funding at Ulster University– all eligible students are awarded it automatically.

Also, ensure you submit all the necessary documents that should be attached to your application. Furthermore, you should check all the English language requirements when you come to study at Ulster University

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When is the MSc funding Application Deadline?

This MSc funding for International Students at Ulster University, 2024 Application does not have any particular deadline for submission. It Varies according to the program offered.


MSc funding at Ulster University is available for international students

Yes, very important. When applying for MSc funding for international students at Ulster University, you are expected to attach your CV, academic transcript, and cover letter.

This MSc funding takes care of 10% of your tuition fees.

No, this funding program is basically for MSc students.



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