MTN Foundation Theatre for Schools Competition, 

The pilot phase of the Theater for Schools initiative is open to secondary schools in these states – Kaduna, Oyo, and Rivers. It is run in collaboration with the Theater Arts Department of the following universities – Ahmadu Bello University of Zaria, University of Ibadan, and the University of Port Harcourt.

School drama and art units and their counterparts in the Theatre art of the aforementioned Universities in the states are expected to apply for the competition.

About the MTN Foundation Theater for Schools Competiton

Theater for Schools is an initiative of the Arts & Culture Foundation of the MTN Foundation (MTNF). The aim is to arouse the interest of the public in the art and culture of Nigeria and to promote the adoption of the theater from childhood on through the promotion and development of the identified talents.

The theater competition for MTN schools

In order to ensure effectiveness, the MTN Theatre for Schools Competition will be conducted in the following processes

  • Application received are reviewed and only selected schools are contacted (four high schools from each state are selected).
  • The pre-selected schools would participate in the competition at the state level
  • The victorious secondary schools than attend the grand finale in Lagos, accompanied by their theater teachers and a member of their parent association (PTA).

Scholarship Level/Field

The MTN Foundation Theatre for Schools Competition is made available for secondary school students in Oyo, Kaduna and Rivers states in Nigeria, in partnership with the Theater Arts Department of the following universities – the Ahmadu Bello University of Zaria, the University of Ibadan, and the University of Port Harcourt; to arouse their interest in Theatre art as a way of promoting the art and culture of Nigeria. You can have access to explore other Arts scholarships, Just click on the link

Host Nationality

The MTN Foundation Theatre for schools competition 2024 will be hosted in Nigeria. If you are an international student and you desire to study in Nigeria. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in Nigeria

MTN Foundation Theatre for Schools Competition Benefits

The benefits accrued to MTNF competition are majorly at different levels in which the competition will take place which is state level and National level. other benefits include the award for outstanding individuals. These include;

State competition

First position: Trophy (for the school) and a Cash prize of 100,000 N (for the school theater club)
Second position: Trophy (for the school) and Cash prize of 50,000 N (for the school theater club)
Third position: Trophy (for the school) and Cash prize of 25,000 N (for the school theater club)

National Competition

First position: Trophy (for the school) and Cash prize of 1 million nairas (for the school theater club)
Second position: Trophy (for the school) and Cash prize of 500,000 N (for the school theater club)
Third position: Trophy (for the school) and Cash prize of 250,000 N (for the school theater club)

Other Distinction awards

Best actor award
Best actress award

Eligible Nationality

The MTN Foundation Theatre for Schools Competition 2024 is available for Nigerian students who are current students or enrolled in Secondary Schools in Oyo, Kaduna and Rivers States in Nigeria. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

MTN Foundation Theatre for Schools Competition Number

The number of offers is not specified

Eligibility for MTN Theatre for School Competition

  • The MTN Foundation invites all public and private secondary schools from selected countries: Kaduna, Oyo, and Rivers, who have theatrical clubs and a passion for the performing arts, to participate in this contest:
  • Interested public and private secondary schools near the specified universities can apply via their functional theater club. The schools must provide the following:
  1. Proof of a functional theater club in the school
  2. Proof of a space dedicated to theater practice
  3. An active union of teachers and parents of students (PTA)
  4. Picture of the theater club
  5. A one-minute video sketch of the performance of the Drama Club (uploaded to YouTube and the link to the video inserted in the application form)

Application Procedures

  • Click Apply Here to access the form.
  • Fill out the form and enter the required information
  • Click Submit to capture your application.

There are 4 teams from each partner university (12 teams in total) who serve as secondary school coaches. Every coaching team needs to understand the following:

  • A theater student specializing in staging
  • A theater student specializing in technical theater
  • A student in the theater specializing in control
  • A theater student specializing in costume and make-up
  • Each team has to train one state secondary school (four secondary schools per state) to take part in the competition.
  • This means that 12 schools (4 secondary schools in Kaduna, Oyo, and Rivers) will be paired with 12 partner university teams for the competition.
  • The winning high school and its team of high school coaches will represent the country/region at the final in Lagos.
  • Note that the 12 selected secondary schools automatically become members of the MTNF School Theater and benefit from later stages of the initiative.

Interested candidates can apply online through the given link

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Application Deadline:

Your application must be submitted no later than April 7th, annually

Important NOTE

  • Please note that only selected secondary schools are contacted. MTNF reserves the right to determine if you have successfully met the above requirements within the required time.
  • By completing this form, you agree that parents must sign a consent form and send it to your school in order to enter the competition and travel.
  • By completing this form, you agree that your school will designate an accompanying parents’ association for parents to accompany the students. Do you need to travel during the competition?
  • You agree that any travel arrangements are a private decision of the school and the parents of the students, with the exception of MTN and MTNF.
  • By completing this form, you agree that your participation in the Contest is specifically conditioned on MTN and MTNF having the full right to monitor any activity carried out by your institution in connection with the funds provided for the Contest and to obtain all necessary reports to enable the evaluation of your work
  • Please note that MTN and MTN Foundation do not use recruitment agencies and do not charge application fees (application fees, agency fees, exam fees, etc.).
  • By accepting this form, your school commits to indemnify MTN and MTNF from all claims or problems related to the application and your participation in the competition.
  • By completing this form, you agree that MTN and MTNF may use your personal / school records, images and/or videos for promotional purposes without restrictions.

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