Top Nail Tech Schools in Detroit, Michigan

Every day, we use our hands, and they’re also one of the first things people notice about us. If you’re interested in beauty and want to make a career out of it, applying to the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan, could be the start of a job you love.

The nail tech program could give you much more than just the chance to do something you enjoy daily. Nail techs do a lot more than just put polish on nails.

They also look for signs of problems like fungus or sores that need to be treated, keep your nails trimmed and shaped so they look good and don’t split. When nails are clean, trimmed, and well-cared for, it shows care about your health and how you look.

Do you want to pursue this career path? Then this article is for you. Keep reading!

Are the Top Nail Tech Schools in Detroit, Michigan, Worth It?

Absolutely. If you are passionate about this career path, you will enjoy attending the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan. Some of the reasons are:

You would learn and enjoy the expression of art.

Being a nail technician gives you a chance to show your creative side. Jobs in the beauty industry require creativity and artistry. If that’s something you’re interested in, you can improve your skills in these schools. With your craft, you’ll be able to make your ideas and plans come to life.

You can let your creativity run wild and make new and unique designs to help your business grow and become more well-known. Using different nail shapes, colors, and patterns, you can create beautiful works of art on people’s nails.

Constantly make people happy and fulfilled.

Becoming a nail tech is a great way to help someone feel better. Most people want to look their best, whether they have an important event coming up or just want to look good every day. With this job, you’ll be able to help people finish their looks and make their days better.

Nail technicians can also help people show their personalities. Customers can choose what shape or design best fits who they are. Not only that, but nail techs can also trim and remove dead skin from their clients’ nails to keep them healthy and clean.

Changeable work hours

Not everyone can have a typical 9-to-5 workday because it might not work with their other plans. As a nail technician, you can make your schedule and meet with clients whenever you want. This way, you won’t feel like your job is limiting you, and you’ll be able to work when it’s best for you.

You could also have people make appointments when they come in, so you know when to do their nails. This lets you keep any other plans without worrying about your schedules overlapping.

You would get to try new things in your career.

A license as a nail technician will open up a lot of doors for your career. You could keep improving your work and find new ways to move up in your field. Whether you want to go into business and open your nail salon, or you wish to book famous people and become their nail tech.

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What is the Cost of the Top Nail Tech Schools in Detroit, Michigan?

The cost of a program usually depends on what it teaches and where it is. Among other things:

  • The number of class hours that your state requires
  • Whether you go to school full-time or part-time,
  • The available facilities and tools
  • If the school is private, for-profit, or has a well-known name,

Programs that only teach people how to be nail techs usually cost a few thousand dollars to finish. The breakdown-

  • $100 for the application
  • $2,400 for tuition, and
  • $1,478 for tools, books, kits, and supplies.

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How Long Does it Take to Become a Nail Technician in Detroit Michigan?

You need 400 hours of education or a 6-month apprenticeship to get a license. You should go to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs when ready to get your license. They check to see if you’ve had at least 400 hours of training and give you two exams.

You must pay a $200 fee in the application process. If you pass your tests, you can get a license to work as a nail technician.

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10 Top Nail Tech Schools in Detroit, Michigan in 2024

#1. Michigan College of Beauty

The Michigan College of Beauty teaches students the art of cosmetology. Before graduation, you would learn how to do creative things with nails. Graduates will know how things are done and have the practical skills they need to get a license from the State Board of Cosmetology.

Michigan College of Beauty is committed to raising the standards of its students’ professions by giving them a rigorous education. It is one of the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan.

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#2. P&A Scholars Beauty School

P&A Scholars Beauty School works on giving men and women who want to work as nail technicians a good education. Their main goal is to provide each course’s students with the best possible training so they can learn the skills and procedures required by the State Board of Cosmetology, pass their exams, get their licenses, and become valuable members of society.

Also, to get students ready for a career in cosmetology by teaching them what they need to know to get an entry-level job in a salon or a related field. The school is one of Detroit, Michigan’s top nail tech schools.

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#3. Dymond Designs Beauty School

At Dymond Designs Beauty School, you can learn how to become a nail technician. Classes at DDBS will help you get ready for your State of Michigan licensing exams.

The classes teach you the basics of hair, nails, skincare, and running a salon. It will help you get the skills and knowledge you need to work in the beauty industry. Dymond Designs Beauty School is one of Detroit, Michigan’s top nail tech schools.

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#4. Hair It Iz Inc The Beauty School

The Hair It Iz Inc is a great school that promises to make you a certified nail technician at a professional level in 6 to 9 months. It has many courses that help students prepare for state board exams and get licensed.

The school has everything to give students they need by making them follow strict study plans. They also have a solid curriculum and ensure qualified teachers meet their needs. It is one of the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan.

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#5. Everette’s Natural Beauty School and Salon

Everette’s Natural Beauty School and Salon take you from the idea of starting a salon business to what it takes to run a salon business and make money. You’ll have a lot of skills and be as brave as you want to be. The school dedicates to bringing out the best in you.

At Everette’s, the best part is that you get to work with their professionals on-site. As you go on your journey, you will have a clear idea of where you want to be regarding your skills. It is one of the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan.

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#6. Samuels International Cosmetology Academy

The Samuels International Cosmetology Academy is one of Detroit, Michigan’s top nail tech schools. The school makes plans for a state exam to get a license. This school is flexible, so qualified applicants can go there full-time or part-time.

Samuels International Cosmetology Academy offers a flexible education that prepares students for the beauty industry.

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#7. Vernique’s Unique Cosmetology Tutoring

Vernique’s Unique Cosmetology Tutoring opened in 2007. Since then, more than 25,000 people have graduated with professional skills in Manicure and Pedicure nail removal. They teach students to fix nails that are broken or split, as well as treat nails as a whole.

The school is accredited and has made a name for itself in the beauty industry. It is one of the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan.

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#8. Douglas J Aveda Institute

At Douglas J Aveda Institute, you can go to beauty school and learn skills to become a nail technician. Their nail tech programs are top-notch and rank as one of Detroit, Michigan’s top nail tech schools.

With four schools in Michigan and schools in Chicago, IL, and Knoxville, TN, Douglas J, and Aveda are two of the best names in the beauty business.

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#9. Kim’z Elevation School of Cosmetology

Kim’z Elevation School of Cosmetology is one of Detroit, Michigan’s top nail tech schools. Every nail class you take at this school brings you closer to being able to do your job with confidence. Studying here, you would get real work experience and training to get a real job. In just 20 weeks, you can finish the nail technology programs.

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#10. David Pressley School of Cosmetology

More than 50 years ago, David Pressley School of Cosmetology gave students a chance to make their career dreams come true. They teach you how to take care of your skin, apply makeup, care for your nails, and style your hair using the most up-to-date techniques.

The Michigan cosmetology schools are members of the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences. The body shows they have met specific standards. It is one of the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take in Michigan to become a nail tech?

400 hours. You must finish at least 400 hours of training in a licensed cosmetology school or as an apprentice for at least six months in a licensed nail tech school. You must also take the practical and theory tests and pass them.

How long is the school for nail techs?

The school for nail technicians takes between 3 and 9 months. Most programs take between 300 and 600 hours to finish. Start dates and lengths of programs vary. However, most nail tech programs can be from three to nine months.

What are the best school for becoming a nail tech in the U.S?

Ridgewater College
Mountainland Technical College
Minnesota State Community and Technical College
Lake Land College
Pickens Technical College
Northwest Kansas Technical College

Do you need a license in Michigan to do nails?

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs is in charge of giving nail techs their licenses. You would need a sales tax license from the Michigan Department of Treasury to sell things to the public.

Is being a nail tech an excellent job?

Yes. There are more and more jobs for nail techs. You would also enjoy a steady income.


Becoming a nail technician might be the right job if you love being creative in the beauty industry and making people happy. There are many good things about this job. You would get to express yourself artistically and set your hours.

After reading this article, we hope you understand better why you should become a nail technician. More so, we hope you now know which of the top nail tech schools in Detroit, Michigan, to choose.

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Since you are here, check out: 15 Best Nail Tech Schools in San Antonio | 2024



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