Northern California Scholarship Foundations Application For Students

Are you a high school senior looking for a scholarship opportunity? You can take advantage of the NCSF Scholarships Application For Students. This scholarship is provided by the Northern California Scholarship Foundation (NCSF) for students who show a high level of academic achievement, citizenship, and leadership. Such students must be bright and attend a good CGPA in their results.

This means that this scholarship is strictly on merit. It is also one of the California college scholarships.

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Application Process of NCSF Scholarship 2023

“Northern California” is defined, for the purpose of eligibility for an NCSF scholarship, as from the southern boundaries of Kern, San Luis Obispo, and Inyo Counties north to the Oregon border.

If you live in one of the green-shaded counties shown on the map below, you are within the location requirements for our scholarship.

Invitations to nominate are mailed to these public high schools in early January each year. Each school may nominate a single graduating senior based on academic achievement, community engagement, and financial need. The nomination process is completed by the school online.

Students meeting the requirements for nomination are then invited by the Foundation to apply. A portion of the application process is completed online with required supporting documents being submitted in hard copy.

No application will be considered complete until the online information and supporting documentation are received. Students must meet all eligibility criteria in order to be considered for an interview.

Once the application period closes, the Trustees select students to be invited for an interview at the Oakland Scottish Rite. Following the interviews, students selected for the scholarship are informed by letter within a few weeks.

No unsolicited or outside nominations or applications are accepted.

Level/Field of Study

Eligible students from public high schools in Northern California are nominated by their school, selected for an interview, and interviewed by the Trustees to receive the scholarship. The number of scholarships awarded varies from year to year.

Host Nationality

The NCSF Scholarship 2024 is a California college scholarship in the USA.

Eligible Nationality

This California college scholarship is open to US citizens and permanent residents.

Worth of NCSF Scholarship

Since 2008, successful students have received four scholarship cheques of $2,000 throughout the academic school year. This makes $8,000 annually, with a $32,000 total over four years.

If you are a 5th year or alumni scholar, this amount may be different depending on your award amount decided by the Alumni Association.

Scholarship cheques are sent to students on October 1st, December 1st, February 1st, and April 1st. These payment dates are the same every year.


A scholarship recipient is under no obligation to repay the funds received. Any obligation to the Northern California Scholarship Foundations will have been discharged by achieving an excellent student record, becoming a leader in their chosen field, and entering actively into the affairs of the community in which they choose to live.

Students must show a financial need to receive and maintain a Northern California Scholarship Foundation scholarship. Financial need is a student who cannot receive the necessary financial support from family or other resources to attend college. Applicants who receive a “full-ride” scholarship will not be considered for the NCSF scholarship.

Upon leaving the program, scholars automatically become members of the scholarship Alumni Association (

Former recipients have received satisfaction by assisting new scholarship recipients with an orientation to campus life, being an Advisor, and providing financial support to the Foundation in later years.

It is expected that each recipient will remain in contact with the Northern California Scholarship Foundations office and the Alumni Association after graduation for the follow-up evaluation of the program to be successfully conducted.


To retain the scholarship, each selected student must maintain high academic achievements, citizenship, and leadership.

  • A 3.0 cumulative grade point average is required, and students must be enrolled with at least 12 units per academic term (semester quarter, etc.).
  • Scholars must make financial, scholastic, and other reports as the Trustees may require.
  • Each scholar is assigned an Advisor to whom reports are sent regularly, with whom problems are discussed, and counsel and advice are received. This is achieved by correspondence on a bi-monthly basis.
  • Scholars are not required to attend a college or university in California. If the scholar attends college within 150 miles of a planned annual NCSF banquet site, the scholar must attend. Trustees and Advisors will also attend.

This list of requirements is not all-inclusive, and scholars who fail to comply with these and all other requirements may have the scholarship withdrawn at the end of any semester or quarter by the action of the Board of Trustees.

Other Relevant Questions and Answers Information on NCSF Scholarship:

  • When are official and unofficial transcripts due?

Official transcripts are due at the end of the academic school year and will be mailed to the foundation office. If you are a student on probation, an official transcript is due at the end of each quarter/semester, along with a complete transcript at the end of the academic year. The January transcript must include your official grades from the fall term.  

  •  What is the required GPA for NCSF Scholarship?

A: Students are required to maintain a 3.0 accumulative GPA. If you do not maintain this GPA, you may be placed on probation, and your scholarship may be terminated if it is not restored to a 3.0 after a set amount of time.  

  • What is the unit/course requirement?

A: Students are required to take a minimum of 12 units.  

  •  What is the communication requirement?

A: Students are required to communicate with their advisor once every two months. If you are a student on probation, you must communicate with your advisor ONCE A MONTH.

You are also required to forward your communications to the foundation office. You may be dropped from the foundation if we do not see that you are communicating with your advisor.

Application Deadline

No application deadline is given for NCSF California college scholarships.

For more information on the NCSF scholarship 2024 and how to apply, visit the link below:  

Visit Link

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