NDLEA Recruitment Test Past Questions and Answer

Every organization is in search of the best fit to suit their vision. One of the practical ways is to organize a recruitment test. Hence, if you wish to work with NDLEA, then you must pass the NDLEA Recruitment test.

The best way to pass any exam is simply preparing for the exam. You must first understand the organization, the vision, and mission. Then, proceed to prove you’re employable and can aid the organization achieve their goals and in time too.

Basically, NDLEA is an acronym for Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency. Every recruitment year, applications are received from eligible candidates, this could run into hundred of thousands of people. Well, because a lot of people who do not understand the ideology or mission statement of the organization apply, a recruitment test is slated for shortlisted candidates.

Honestly, if you get an invite, with our recruitment test study pack; you should get the job.

What is NDLEA Recruitment Test?

Just like every other organization, NDLEA recruitment test is one of the screening processes employed by the NDLEA in staff recruitment. It is written by all shortlisted candidates seeking to fill up various positions in The NDLEA. Questions usually cover mathematics, English language, current affairs and general knowledge on drugs.

Basically, the NDLEA is a Nigerian agency interested in eradicating the growing, processing and trafficking of hard drugs. So, most general questions will be revolved on your knowledge of drugs, hard drugs and components of hard drugs.

In addition, you will be expected to answer questions on maths and English language irrespective of the position you applied for. Furthermore, the current affairs section will test your knowledge on current happenings around you. Ranging from political changes, global changes and probably sports in Nigerian and around the globe.

What are the Requirements for NDLEA Recruitment Test?

Aside applying, one major requirement for NDLEA recruitment is preparation. It is actually not enough to get a test invite, it is best to get the job. So, how do you get the job? Simply prepare to get the job by preparing to pass the recruitment test.

Firstly, you have to apply rightly, fulfilling all eligibility criteria and following all the rules. In addition, you must get an invite. If you fulfill all the requirements and eligibility status then you may get an invite to write the NDLEA recruitment test.

Secondly, you may have to extensively prepare for the test, understand the recruitment test question pattern and be certain you left no stone unturned during study.

Thirdly, you must arrive the venue on time, breed confidence and answer all questions correctly.

If you are not certain about how to apply, See this article on NDLEA recruitment 2020

What Questions should I Expect in NDLEA Recruitment test?

The recruitment test of the NDLEA comprises of four sections. Section one will require you provide answers to mathematics questions, while section two requires answers to English questions.

The third section will require you provide answers to question which tests your general understanding on drugs. The final section comprises of current affair questions. Interestingly, the NDLEA recruitment test past questions and answer study pack helps you prepare and learn to beat time.

In addition, studying the past questions will give you an idea of the number of questions you’re to answer within a given time. It will also help you increase your speed and learn to beat time.

In summary, you should expect mathematics questions, English questions, general knowledge and current affairs question which may cut across engineering science, medical science and general test on drug knowledge.

What Tips do I need for NDLEA Recruitment Test?

The first tip you need to pass the NDLEA recruitment test is preparation. In fact, I recommend extensive and efficient study leaving no part left out.

In preparing, get the NDLEA recruitment test past questions and answer below. Then, crictically analyze every question to understand the logic behind it. To pass an exam, you must understand the pattern examiners for that particular exam employ.

This way, you will know what you should study to excel in an exam. A practical instance:

  1. Which Country Locks Up the Most People for Drug Law Violations (In Total and Per Capita)? a. Russia b. China c. Mexico d. United states.

The question above is more interested in testing your knowledge on your ability to note changes around than it is in your knowledge of the answer to this particular question.

As it stands, this will expand your study and help you note vital information about the changes in the globe as it concerns drug usage and other notable factors too.

To this end, this explains the pattern of questions you will see in our study pack. If you understand that every year a question to test your knowledge on global changes will suffice, you will engage in an extensive study and leave no stone unturned.

So, my foremost tip for the NDLEA recruitment test is get the NDLEA Recruitment test past question and answer study pack below and study extensively. In studying, try understanding the logic behind every question: in clear terms what does the examiner intend to achieve by asking this question?

If you would love to work in the oil and gas sector, see this article on DPR recruitment.

Sample Questions for Practice

1. The chemical in marijuana that causes the high is:

  • A. Nicotine
  • B. THC
  • C. MDMA
  • D. TER

2. Which of these brain parts plays the most important part in your emotional behaviour?

  • A. Cerebellum
  • B. Thalamus
  • C. Amygdala
  • D. Brain stem

3. How can smoking marijuana regularly be especially harmful to teens?

  • A. It lowers your IQ
  • B. It can affect your ability to drive safely
  • C. It can make you less motivated to do well in school
  • D. All of the above

4. What is the most commonly used illicit drug?

  • A. Marijuana
  • B. Heroin
  • C. Ecstasy
  • D. Cocaine

5. Which of these statements is true?

  • A. Drugs enhance your creativity
  • B. A drug may give you a temporary “high,” but when it wears off the crash is lower than before
  • C. Drugs will remove your fears and make life more pleasant
  • D. It takes years to become dependent on drugs

6. Which of these seasons of the year is not present in Nigeria?

  • A. Harmattan
  • B. Dry
  • C. Raining
  • D. Winter

7. Which of these options can be used to control plant growth around the house?

  • A. Genocide
  • B. herbicide
  • C. Insecticide
  • D. Kerosene

8. The sun or any star and the planets which move round it is referred to as ____.

  • A. Sunny system
  • B. Solar System
  • C. Solar Plexus
  • D. Solar power

Why Should I get NDLEA Recruitment Past Questions and Answers Study Pack?

NDLEA is a federal agency with a federal salary structure. Only a little portion of the total number of applicants who apply for the job will get employment. The secret to the selection of the successful student is the Past Questions.

We have discovered that over the years, NDLEA repeat their past questions. If you get this past question, you will be better equipped to pass NDLEA recruitment test in one sitting and be among those selected for admission.

We have gathered past questions and answers dating as far back as inception and have discovered that most of the questions are repeated. So, we are assuring you that the questions you get when you purchase this NDLEA recruitment past questions and answers are real past questions which you will likely encounter on the exam day.

How do I get the NDLEA RecruitmentTest Past Questions and Answers.

The NDLEA past question cost N2,000 and to get it, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original NDLEA past questions and answers. They are:

  1. Debit Card
  2. Bank Transfer
  3. Direct Bank Deposit

For any of the payment method above, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
Bank Name: GT BANK

STEP 2: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card details and email address. Upon payment, you will get a mail of the past question you had selected in Step One.

If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “NDLEA Recruitment Test Past Questions” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly.

If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

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Fortunately, all you need to land a job in NDLEA is right in front of you. It is collection of all past question from inception to last date it was written. Statistics posits that the NDLEA receives application from hundreds of thousand candidates anytime they call for recruitment.

So, whether you are waiting to apply or have got a test invite already; you must start studying immediately. The NDLEA Recruitment test past questions and answer is a practical way to prepare and land yourself a federal job in NDLEA come next recruitment. The good news is that it is available and just for a token below.

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