Nigerian Navy: Recruitment, Portal, Exams, Courses, and Ranks

Do you wish to work with the Nigerian Navy? Are you willing to serve with the Nigerian Armed Forces sea branch? Then, this article is for you.

The World Scholarship Forum has gathered the vital information you need regarding the Nigerian Navy Command. This information includes the Nigerian Navy recruitment, qualifications, portal, recruitment exams, courses, ranking, and more.

More About The Nigerian Navy

The Nigerian Navy is a branch of the Armed Forces of Nigeria. They handle the protection of Nigeria and its borders. Also, it is one of the largest navies in the African continent and has several thousand members, including those of the Coast Guard.

The origin of the Nigerian Navy dates back to the Marine Department of the Royal Navy, established in 1887 as a quasi-military organization, which combined the tasks of the current Nigerian Port Authority (NPA), the Nigerian Inland Waterways Authority and the Nigerian Navy.

In July 1959, the Nigerian Naval Force was transformed into a full-fledged Navy with the permission of Queen Elizabeth II to use the title ‘Royal Nigerian Navy.’ In 1963 after Nigeria became a republic, it changed the title to the ‘Nigerian Navy.’

Furthermore, the constitutional task of the Navy was expanded in 1964 after the repeal of the 1958 Ordinance.

The Nigerian Navy has a command structure which comprises the following:

  • The Naval Headquarters which is at Abuja.
  • It has three operational commands: the Western Naval Command, with headquarters at Lagos; the Eastern Naval Command, with headquarters at Calabar; and the Central Naval Command, with headquarters at Bayelsa.
  • The training command’s headquarters at Lagos, with other training facilities spread across Nigeria.
  • Five forward operational bases.
  • Five operational bases.
  • Two dockyards in Lagos and Port Harcourt.
  • Two fleets based in Calabar and Lagos.

Functions Of The Nigerian Navy

Generally, many people find it difficult to pinpoint what the functions of the Nigerian Navy are. Therefore, they end up guessing. 

However, if you have the ambition to become part of the largest naval force in Africa, at least know what activities and interests you will defend.

Below are the duties of the Nigerian Navy:

Naval Defence of Nigeria

The Nigerian Navy’s primary duty is Nigeria’s naval defense; under the Navy Act of 1964. NN is to protect and defend the nation from any potential threats within its domain. They are to maintain the country’s laws within territorial and internal waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

As we know, large waters surround Nigeria, significantly the Atlantic ocean. Through such water channels, attacks could be launched at the nation. Therefore, the NN is responsible for ensuring the nation’s safety from such threats.

Furthermore, aside from the external threats, internal threats are also noted in Nigeria’s naval defense.

Coastal Duty Rule

The Nigerian Navy also has to assist in enforcing Customs laws and making hydrographic surveys.  In addition, they are to train officers and men in naval duties.

Other roles, duties, and functions of the Nigerian Navy include:

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  • To defend Nigerians from enemies in the waters.
  • Performing the military role under the Act of 1964.
  • To negotiate from the position of strength when necessary.
  • Performing its diplomatic and policing roles when necessary.
  • To train a new generation who wishes to join the Nigerian Navy.
  • To perform all the duties and functions defined by the Constitution.

Nigerian Navy Recruitment

Every year, the Nigerian Navy conduct recruitment exercises to replace retirees. Candidates have two options depending on their qualifications. They are the Regular Recruitment and Direct Short Service Commissions (DSSC).

The regular recruiting exercise is for O’Level, OND, and other certificate holders, while the DSSC seeks to recruit Degree and HND holders.

Also, read on Nigerian Air Force: Recruitment, Portal, Exams, Courses in 2024 by clicking on the Box Below.

Nigerian Navy Regular Recruitment

Nigerian Navy regular recruitment takes place annually. We advise interested applicants to apply and have time to be among the successful applicants to begin a career in the Nigerian Navy whenever the recruitment portal is open.

Unfortunately, navy recruitment is not on as one was carried out earlier. However, when the recruitment is on, you are to fill and submit a navy recruitment form via the portal if you meet up with the requirements.

Nigerian Navy Recruitment Requirements

To successfully complete your application into the Nigerian Navy, you must meet up with the following general requirements:

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  • Be an O’level & OND certificate holders. Therefore, degree, HND holders or holders of other higher qualifications are not eligible to apply.
  • Bearing that in mind, any certificate or qualification not declared or tendered and accepted during the recruitment exercise is not acceptable after recruitment and cannot be tendered for change of branch or advancement while in the Naval service.
  • Applicants must not suffer from impaired hearing or eyesight.
  • Male applicants must not be shorter than 1.68 meters while female applicants must not stand at a height of 1.65 meters.
  • Also, you must be of Nigerian Nationality.
  • Applicants must not suffer from the following deformities: fractures, flat foot, stammering, or any other form of physical disability.
  • Applicants must have undergone none major orthopaedic surgery.
  • Applicants must be unmarried.
  • It does not permit pregnant women to apply.
  • An applicant must have received none criminal conviction by any court of law.

How to Apply For the Nigerian Navy Recruitment online

To apply, follow the following steps:

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  • Visit the official recruitment portal of the Nigerian navy using and click on the ‘register’ button found at the bottom of the page.
  • Read all the instructions you’re provided with (most of which are already listed here) and click on register.
  • Create a password and username which shall log in whenever you have any correction to make before your ultimate submission.
  • Complete all the forms you’re provided with by filling in the correct information, saving and continuing each step along the line.
  • Review all the information you filled before clicking on the submit button, for you cannot change anything after submitting.
  • Submit your application and print out all the documents you’re provided with.
  • Complete all printed forms in the previous step which include: Parent/Guardian Consent Form, Local Government Attestation Form, Police Certification Form, and Guarantor Form.
  • Go along with all those forms to your aptitude test centre.

More Requirements

Candidates must be able to provide the original copies of their primary school leaving and O’Level certificates, along with other important certificates as per their qualifications.

Applicants are allowed to present any of the following certificates: West African School Certificates (WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, GCE), WAEC City & Guilds or London City & Guilds, Ordinary National Diploma (OND), General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level).

Applicants must be between the ages of 18 – 22 years at the time of entry into the Training School for O’level certificate holders, while 24 years of age is the acceptable limit for those with higher qualifications, e.g., Nurses, NCE Holders, ICT Professionals, etc.

Any discovery of forgery and manipulation of information will be strictly dealt with.

Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service Commissions (DSSC)

All Nigerian Naval DSSC recruitments take place online; so there is no separate application form for registration. However, to be eligible to apply and register, you must meet up with some requirements.

Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service Commissions (DSSC) Requirements

To be eligible and successfully complete your online application into the Nigerian Navy, you must meet up with the following general requirements:

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  • Applicants must never provide false information or tender fake certificates. Falsification of any information or certificates will lead to disqualification and subsequent prosecution of guilty applicants.
  • Have a minimum of Second Class Upper Division if you’re a degree holder or Upper Credit if you are an HND (Higher National Diploma) holder.
  • Having excellent knowledge of computer operations (computer literacy) is not a criterion; however, it will be an added advantage.
  • Applicants must possess certificates of full registration with professional bodies as relevant to their professions or field of study.
  • If you studied abroad, make sure your foreign certificate is authenticated by the Federal ministry of education.
  • It does not permit married men or women to apply for the Direct Short Service Commissions program of the Nigerian Navy.
  • Applicants must be able to present O’level West African Examination Certificate (WAEC) compulsorily, including any other results such as NECO, NABTEB, or GCE. Furthermore, credit in Mathematics and English Language is compulsory.
  • Candidates must be able to present their NYSC discharge certificate or letter of exemption as applicable to them.
  • Applicants must not be less than 1.68 meters tall (males) or 1.65 meters tall ( female.
  • To successfully complete your application into the Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service, you must not be above the age of 28 and less than the age of 22. However, if you’re applying as an Imam or chaplain you can be older than 28, but not above 30 years. All present ages are valid for February of the following year.

How to apply for the Nigerian Navy DSSC

To apply, follow the following steps:

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  • Visit the official website of the Nigerian Navy Recruitment portal using and click on “register”.
  • You will see all the requirements, read, scroll down and click on register.
  • Enter a valid email, create your password and click on the “register”
  • Complete all the forms you’re provided with.
  • Submit your application and print out all the documents you’re provided with.

You may also like to read Nigerian Police Force (NPF): Recruitment, Portal, Exams, Courses

Read more

Nigerian Navy Recruitment Screening Date and Exam Centres

Application for Navy Recruitment is not currently on, Applicants from Nigeria wishing to join the Nigerian Navy through the Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course 27 are invited to Apply Now.

Online registration usually starts on 3 October and closes on 14 November. It lists the departments and entry requirements.

  • Applicants are to visit here for the Application Proper.
  • Candidates are to report by 8.00 AM at their chosen centers selected during the online registration as indicated against their names.
  • Candidates cannot write the Aptitude Test in any center other than their chosen center.


Candidates are to come along with the following:

  • HB Pencil and Eraser.
  • Print out of the Application Form showing details of the candidate.

Navy Job Disciplines

For the Recruitment this year, the Navy will invite applications from Master’s degree holders, Undergraduate, Bachelor in Education, Bachelor in Technology.

  • Nautical Sciences
  • Criminology
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Forensic Sciences
  • Banking and Finance
  • Accounting
  • Theology
  • Education
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • History
  • Library Science
  • Computer Science
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • French Language
  • Chinese Language
  • Arabic Language
  • Mechanical /Marine Engineering
  • Aircraft Engineering
  • Electrical/Electronics Engineering
  • Naval Architectural Engineering
  • Human Resources Management
  • Hydrology
  • Geology
  • Islamic Studies
  • Mass Communication
  • Journalism
  • Website Development and Management
  • Server Administration
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Nursing

For More updates and requirement about the new opportunity, visit the official page for the Navy Recruitment at

Exam Centers

However, you can check back on this platform for information as regards to the next recruitment. Notwithstanding, below are the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Exam centers:

1Abia State Nigerian Navy Finance and Logistics School, Owerrinta
2AbujaMogadishu Cantonment
3AbujaYakubu Gowon Barrack (Mambila Barrack)
4Adamawa23Bde NA Gibson Jalo Cantonment Yola
5Akwa IbomNNS JUBILEE, Ikot Abasi
6Anambra302 Field Arty Regt NA, Onitsha
7BauchiNA Armoured Corp and Centre
8Benue72 Paratrooper Bn NA, Makurdi
9Borno21 Bde NA Maimalari Cantonment, Maiduguri
10Cross RiverNNS VICTORY, Calabar
11Delta StateNNS DELTA, Warri
12EdoEkenwa Barrack Benin
13EnuguHQ 82 Div NA, Abakpa Barrack, Enugu
14Imo34 Arty Bde NA, Obinze Barrack
15KadunaNDA Old Site
16KadunaNAF Base Kaduna
17KadunaHQ 1 DIV NA, Kawo Kaduna
18Kaduna312 Artillery Regt NA, Kalapanzin Barrack, Kakuri
19KanoNAF Base Kano
20Katsina35 Inf Bn NA, Katsina
21KogiHQ CAR NA, Magumeri Barrack
22KwaraNNSHS Offa
23LagosNigerian Navy Primary School Mobil Road Apapa
24LagosNNS QUORRA, Apapa, Lagos
25Nasarawa117 Bn NA, Keffi
26Ondo State323 Arty Regt Akure
27Oyo StateHQ 2 Mech Div NA, Ibadan
28Rivers StateNigerian Navy Basic and Training School, Onne
29Sokoto State26 Motorized Bn Giginya Barracks Sokoto

Shortlisted Candidates for the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Interview

The candidates whose names appear were successful at the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Aptitude Test. In line with this, the candidates are to attend an interview at the Nigerian Navy Secondary School Ojo (Navy Town), Lagos from Monday 29 July–Tuesday 27 August.

The interview will include screening/verification of credentials/certificates, medical/physical, and written tests. Candidates are to come along with the following items:

  • Originals and photocopies of their credentials.
  • Originals and photocopies of valid Drivers’ License (Category H only).
  • Writing materials.
  • Two pairs of navy blue shorts and 2 white (unmarked) T-shirts.
  • A pair of canvas/trainer and stockings.
  • Bedsheets and pillowcases.
  • Set of cutlery.
  • Four (4) recent 30X30 passport sized photographs on white background.

2. Candidates will be interviewed individually and if it is found that any of
the candidates do not fulfil the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature shall be
ended at any stage of the recruitment process.

3. If any information/declaration given by the candidates during
the entire selection process is found to be fake/false/wrong, his/her candidature
shall be cancelled and he/she shall be handed over to the Nigeria Police Force
for prosecution.

4. Failure by any applicant to provide accurate information concerning
his/her medical history during the entire selection process as stated on the Medical Examination Pro forma will result to an automatic withdrawal from training and dismissal even when already in the Service. 

5. The candidates are to attend the interview by states in the following

Batch A. Monday 29 Jul–Wednesday 7 August.
  • (1)  Anambra.
  • (2)  Akwa Ibom.
  • (3)  Bayelsa.
  • (4)  Delta.
  • (5)  Edo.
  • (6)  Ekiti.
  • (7)  Kwara.
  • (8)  Imo.
  • (9)  Ogun.
  • (10)  Ondo.
  • (11)  Osun.
  • (12)  Oyo.
Batch B. Thursday 8–Saturday 17 August.
  • (1)  Abia.
  • (2)  Benue.
  • (3)  Borno.
  • (4)  Cross River.
  • (5)  Ebonyi.
  • (6)  Enugu.
  • (7)  FCT.
  • (8)  Gombe.
  • (9)  Lagos.
  • (10)  Nasarawa.
  • (11)  Niger.
  • (12)  Rivers. 
Batch C. Sunday 18–Tuesday 27 August.
  • (1)  Adamawa.
  • (2)  Bauchi.
  • (3)  Jigawa.
  • (4)  Kaduna.
  • (5)  Kano.
  • (6)  Katsina.
  • (7)  Kebbi.
  • (8)  Kogi.
  • (9)  Plateau.
  • (10)  Sokoto.
  • (11)  Taraba.
  • (12)  Yobe.
  • (13)  Zamfara.

6. Any candidate who cannot report for screening on the stipulated date for
his/her Batch will give up his/her candidature.

7. All concerned are to note and comply accordingly. 

Download Shortlisted Names

Nigerian Navy Ranks

The Chief of Naval Staff is the head of the Nigerian Navy. Also, the Chief of Naval Staff is always appointed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and is always the highest-ranking military officer in the Nigerian Navy. The current Chief of Naval Staff is Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ekwe Ibas.

There are two groups of ranks in the NN namely commissioned officer’s rank and non-commissioned officer’s rank.

Commissioned Officers Ranks

Commissioned officers are naval officers who joined the Nigerian Navy as higher institution degree holders. Their training includes the decision-making and leadership aspects of the Nigerian Navy. In addition, commissioned officers are always superior in ranking to non-commissioned officers and earn more.

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  • Admiral of the Fleet (Highest rank)
  • Admiral
  • Vice-Admiral
  • Rear Admiral
  • Commodore
  • Captain
  • Commander
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Lieutenant
  • Sub-Lieutenant
  • Acting Sub-Lieutenant
  • Mid-Shipman

Non-Commissioned Personnel Ranks

Non-commissioned officers are members of the Navy who do not possess a degree from a higher institution to enlist in the Nigerian Navy. Non-commission is in charge of only in the physical aspect and coordination of military strategies.

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  • Warrant Chief Petty Officer
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Petty Officer
  • Leading Rating
  • Able Rating
  • Ordinary Rating
  • Trainee

Nigerian Navy Salaries

Below are the annual salaries of some Commissioned Officers in the Nigerian Navy:

  • Admiral – ₦16,303,140
  • Vice-Admiral – ₦13,363,229
  • Rear Admiral – ₦12,038,945
  • Commodore – ₦7,385,856
  • Captain – ₦3,715,859
  • Commander – ₦3,380,086

Nigerian Navy Portal

For more information on the Nigerian Navy, click on the portal link below:

Official Website

However, if you need information regarding the Nigerian Naval Education:

Nigerian Naval Education


Please note that the World Scholarship Forum has no affiliation with the Nigerian Navy. We do not recruit, organize aptitude tests, or select successful Nigerian Navy applicants. Therefore, this article is just an informative article.

FAQs On The Nigerian Navy Recruitment

What about the Nigeria Navy (NN) recruitment

The Nigerian Navy (NN) recruitment is not ongoing. This article will provide information on the Nigerian Navy official recruitment portal (www.joinnigeriannavycom), how to apply for the Nigerian Navy recruitment form, and other related information to help you get the job.

What is the responsibilities of the Nigerian Navy?

The Armed Forces Act Cap A20 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria charged the NN with the following responsibilities: a. Enforcing and help coordinate the enforcement of all Customs Laws including anti-illegal bunkering, fishery and immigration laws of Nigeria at sea.

What is the statutory duty of an officer

The Statutory duty of the Officer is to plan and execute policies towards the highest attainment of National Security and operational competence of the Nigerian Navy. The current Chief of Naval Staff is Ibok Ekwe Ibas who was appointed on July 13, 2015, by President Muhammadu Buhari to succeeded Usman Oyibe Jibrin.

What is the minimum active duty of a Navy?

The Navy will offer a two-year active duty enlistment, but they couple it with a two or four-year active (drilling) Navy Reserve commitment. The minimum active duty enlistment periods offered by the Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps is four years.

What is a Commodore?

Commodore is a naval rank in the Nigerian Navy that is superior to a navy captain but below a rear admiral. Commodores are officers who are assigned to command over one ship at a time. This rank is equivalent to Brigadier (Nigerian Army) and the Air Commodore in the Nigerian Air Force.

How many program do Navy offer?

The Navy offers two programs: guaranteed job, and undesignated sailor. The Navy also has some special enlistment programs whereby you can enlist knowing what area you are going into, but not your specific rating (job).

What are the sought after Navy jobs?

But if five-figure bonuses and rapid promotions sound intriguing, here are six sought-after Navy jobs you should know about.
Aviation Machinist’s Mate (AD)
Cryptologic Technicians (CT)
Intelligence Specialists (IS)
Hospital Corpsmen (HM)
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians (EOD)
Aviation Rescue Swimmers (AIRR)



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