Nikon Storytellers Scholarship  [UPDATED]

Through the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship, Nikon is encouraging art students to unleash their creativity in visual storytelling. These Nikon storyteller scholarships lift off the financial burden of attending college for US and Canadian art students attending accredited not-for-profit colleges. Learn more about this Nikon photography scholarship so that you too may win the $10,000 scholarship award.

Nikon Inc. provides the Nikon Storytellers scholarship to celebrate its 100th anniversary. So, they decided to celebrate the power of visual storytelling by supporting the education of the next generation of visual content creators. However, the set of young content creators that the scholarship focuses on are undergraduate and graduate students.

In this post, we will share with you all the information you need to help you apply for the Nikon Storytellers scholarship 2024. You will learn about the criteria that make you eligible to apply, the worth of the scholarship, and how to apply for the scholarship.

What is the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship About?

The Nikon Storytellers scholarship is a scholarship program by Nikon Inc, which aims at celebrating the power of visual storytelling through sponsoring the education of students who will pursue careers in creative fields.

This Nikon photography scholarship is open to undergraduates and graduate students at an accredited, non-profit college/university or vocational/technical school in the United States or Canada.

However, the scholarship targets students pursuing a career in visual arts, fine arts, journalism, film, photography, and multimedia/content creation.

Furthermore, to ensure that the selection process is impartial and professional, Nikon offers these storyteller scholarships through the International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS). This firm manages sponsored scholarships, grants, tuition assistance, and tuition reimbursement programs.

What is the Nature of the Nikon Scholarship?

The Nikon Storytellers Scholarship is an art scholarship that students receive based on GPA and academic achievements; Recommendation from a teacher, professor, or academic advisor; Photo portfolio or video submission and description; and Academic transcript.

How Much is the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship?

Nikon Inc. will award Individuals an academic scholarship of $10,000 USD, to help foster their growth and pursue careers in creative fields.

You should also know about the Nikon International Small World Competition to see how you can apply and win.

Eligibility Requirements

To be able to apply for the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited, non-profit college/university or vocational/technical school in the United States or Canada.
  • Have completed your freshman year of college or academic equivalent before Fall 2018.
  • Be majoring in visual arts, fine arts, journalism, film, photography, or multimedia/content creation.
  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 at the time of application.
  • Provide a recommendation letter from a professor, teacher, or academic advisor.

Meanwhile, suppose you progress to the semifinalist stage. In that case, Nikon Inc. will ask you to provide a photo portfolio or video submission, a description of the photo/video submission, and a copy of your academic transcript.

Level/Field of Study

The level of students Nikon Inc. needs for the Nikon Storyteller Scholarships are undergraduate and graduate students in the United States or Canada. However, these students must be pursuing degrees in visual arts, fine arts, journalism, film, photography, and multimedia/content creation and have completed their freshman year of college or academic equivalent.

Host Nationality

Nikon storytellers Scholarship is hosted and taken in the United States of America and Canada.

However, you can access these other scholarships available for USA students.

Eligibility Nationality

This Nikon photography scholarship is open to only USA and Canada citizens.

However, if you can’t apply for this scholarship because of your nationality, see this list of International Scholarships for you. Cheers!!!

How To Apply For The Nikon storytellers Scholarship 2024

The application process for the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship in 2024 is pretty easy. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

Time needed: 30 minutes

Step by Step Application Process

  1. Create Account

    The Nikon scholarship is only done online. So, you’ll commence by clicking the “APPLY NOW” button below. It will lead you to the ISTS (AIM) page. If you don’t have an account already with ISTS, you’ll need to “REGISTER” to create an account and continue your application.

  2. Log In

    If you already have the AIM account, log in and start your application. On the other hand, after verifying your account, for those registering for the first time, return to your AIM account and log in to start your application.

  3. Fill Application & Upload

    Now on the Nikon Storytellers Application page, complete all required fields in the online application and upload any required documents (e.g. recommendation letter).

  4. Submit

    After filling out the online application form and uploading the necessary documents, check that the information you provided is correct. Then click the Submit button on the Save/Submit page of the online application.

Apply Now

Nikon Storytellers Scholarship 2024 Key Dates

The application deadline for the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship is March 15, 2024. However, take note of these important dates;



Application Opens


MARCH 2024

Application Deadline


MARCH 2024

Recommendation Deadline


APRIL 2024

Semi-Finalist Open


APRIL 2024

Semi-Finalist Deadline

JUNE, 2024

Notification of Selection Results

AUGUST, 2023

Funds Disbursement

This timeline is subsequent to change at the Sponsors discretion. However, you can always check back next year on these dates for the 2024 edition of the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship since it is an annual scholarship.

Furthermore, you can get all the information about this scholarship from the scholarship website below.

Scholarship Website

Nikon Storytellers Scholarship Semi-Finalist

After Nikon receives applications from eligible USA and Canada undergraduate and graduate students, they screen the applications to select semi-finalists.

When they get their semi-finalists, Nikon will then ask them to provide a photo portfolio or video submission, a description of the photo/video submission, and a copy of the academic transcript.

Nikon Storytellers Scholarship Past Winners

The Nikon Storytellers Scholarships began in December 2017, and in the following year, ISTS received 1,000 submissions from both undergraduates and graduates in the USA and Canada.

However, after the selection process, 10 winners emerged in 2018 for the 2018-2019 Nikon Storytellers Scholarship.

Nikon Storytellers Scholarship 2018 Winners

Here is the list of the 2018-2019 Nikon Storytellers Scholarship with their university and course of study:

  • Cassie Chang – California State University – Fullerton (Film)
  • Carter Knopik – University of Nebraska – Lincoln (Film)
  • Edward Ripley – Ryerson University (Photography)
  • Ernest Pund – University of Southern California (Film)
  • Jall Cowasji – New York University (Film)
  • Leah de Leon – Chapman University (Film)
  • Mushfica Masud – Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema (Film)
  • Nicolas Antaya – Michigan State University (Journalism)
  • Sofia Camargo Hoyos – New York University (Film)
  • Zachary Krahmer – Syracuse University (Photography)

Nikon Storytellers Scholarship 2019 Winners

Following the timeline above, Nikon has concluded the 2019-2020 Nikon Storytellers scholarships. And just like in their first year of the scholarship program, Nikon has awarded the sum of $10,000 to these ten finalists.

Here are the winners of the 2019-2020 Nikon Storytellers Scholarships with their university and course of study:

  • Antonia Thornton – University of California – Los Angeles (Film)
  • Carmen Vincent – Valparaiso University (Multimedia/Content Creation)
  • Emilija Gasic – New York University (Film)
  • Jessica Eve Rattner – University of California – Davis (Fine Arts)
  • John A. Miller – New York University (Film)
  • Laura-Ellen Adair – University of North Carolina School of the Arts (Film)
  • Meiying Wu – University of California – Berkeley (Journalism)
  • Monika Ivonne – University of California – Los Angeles (Film)
  • Terri Griffin – Mount St. Mary’s College (Film)
  • Yuan Yuan Zhang – New York University (Film)

Meet the Judges of the 2024 Nikon Storytellers Scholarship

Have you been wondering who made up the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship selection team? Worry no more.

Nikon selected a diverse group of professional photographers, brand ambassadors, and Nikon executives to review submissions of semi-finalists for the 2024 Nikon Storytellers Scholarship.

Here are the judges:

  • Amanda Mohammed – Director; Marketing & Communications, Nikon Canada
  • Brandon Woelfel – Professional Photographer
  • Daniella Zalcman – Documentary Photographer, Founder of Women Photograph
  • Deb Sandidge – Professional Photographer, Nikon USA Ambassador
  • DeShaun Craddock – Professional Photographer, Nikon #100 Member
  • Joe McNally – Professional Photographer, Nikon USA Ambassador
  • Kristine Bosworth – Manager; NPS Campus & Education Markets, Nikon Inc.
  • Matthew Jordan Smith – Professional Photographer, Nikon USA Ambassador
  • Michelle Valberg – Professional Photographer, Nikon Canada Ambassador
  • Mike Corrado – Senior Manager; Pro Relations & Marketing Business Development, Nikon Inc.
  • Reed Hoffman – Professional Photographer, Nikon School Graduates Group Moderator
  • Sangeeta Day – Professional Photographer, Nikon #100 Member
  • Tim Rasmussen – Digital Photo Editor, ESPN
  • Todd Owyoung – Professional Photographer, Nikon USA Ambassador
  • Tom Kennedy – Executive Director, American Society of Media Photographers.

FAQs on Nikon Storytellers Scholarship

What is the scholarship requirement?

A selection committee will evaluate the applications and select the recipients considering:
GPA and academic achievements
Recommendation from a teacher, professor, or academic advisor
Photo portfolio or video submission and description (semi-finalist application)
Academic transcript (semi-finalist application), and
Decisions of the selection committee.

Can I request a recommendation early?

No. You should request a recommendation as early as possible to ensure there is sufficient time for the recommendation to be submitted by the deadline. Your recommendation must come from a teacher, professor, or academic advisor.

How much is the scholarship awarding?

Up to ten $10,000 USD scholarships will be awarded for use in the 2020-21 academic year and are not renewable. The scholarships may be applied to tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for course load at accredited, nonprofit two- or four-year colleges/universities or vocational/technical schools in the United States and Canada. Students may transfer from one institution to another and retain the scholarship for the 2024-2024 academic year, provided that all eligibility requirements are met.

Is Nikon storyteller scholarship renewable?

No, the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship is not renewable.

Can I apply for the Nikon storyteller’s scholarship again?

Yes, if you applied for the Nikon Storytellers Scholarship last year (2024), you can apply again this year (2024). If you were awarded a Scholarship last year (2024), you are also eligible to re-apply this year (2024).

How will I start my application?

You should list your first choice on the application.

Where should update my school choice?

You may update your final school choice on the My Profile page at If you are chosen to receive a scholarship, it will be your responsibility to make sure your college is updated at least 30 days prior to the check issue date stated in the scholarship notification so your check can be issued accordingly. This will not update any application or acceptance forms; however, all scholarships are issued based on the My Profile page.

What are the status on the scholarship?
Allow five to seven business days after uploading documents for your online status to update. Please monitor the status of your application on your homepage.

Started: items are needed or are being processed. To see the items, click the grey or yellow ‘Started’ tile next to the application title. This will open another box listing all required items and the current status of each.
Complete: all required forms and attachments (if applicable) have been received and you’re application will be considered for the scholarship. You may also monitor the status of your attachments and recommendations (if applicable).
Not Received: the attachment has either not been received or has been rejected.
Not Started: the form has not been requested or started.
Requested: the form request has been created, but the form has not been started.
Processing: the attachment has been received and is being reviewed.
Rejected: the attachment was not accepted and has been rejected.
Accepted: the attachment has been verified and accepted.

Is it my responsibility to monitor the progress?

It is your responsibility to monitor the progress of all application requirements to make sure the application is complete. The status Complete will display on the home page when all forms have been submitted and all documents have been verified.
You will receive a notification of Selection Results from Nikon Inc. to inform you that you were selected as a semifinalist. You will receive this notification via the email which you used to create your account. In rare situations, you’ll get text and voice notifications. However, ensure to verify that your application status on your Home Page is complete.
Nikon announces the semifinalists for the 2024 Nikon Storytellers Scholarship on the 1st of April 2024. Then semifinalists have until 30 April 2024 to submit their semi-finalist requirements.

You should consider attending any of these 17 Best Photography Colleges in the World if you’re very passionate about photography.


The Nikon Storytellers Scholarships started to celebrate Nikon Inc.’s 100th anniversary and now it has become an annual scholarship. It provides $10,000 to art students majoring in visual arts, fine arts, journalism, film, photography, or multimedia/content creation in the USA or Canada accredited not-for-profit college or university.

However, these students must have completed their freshman year and must meet academic and other requirements.

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