NMMS Scholarship [For Indian Students]

The government of India is constantly trying to keep dropout rates as low as possible, which is why it introduced the NMMS Scholarship. The National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme can help you complete your education, providing a monthly income even in financial difficulties.

The rate of Indian schools dropout, particularly in rural areas and for those who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, is quite alarming.

This is mainly because the families of these children decide that it is better if they work and receive salaries than for their children to complete their education. With the NMMS scholarship, more financially disadvantaged students can now get access to quality education.

The National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme is an initiative of the Indian central government to ensure that promising and talented students with a weak economic background have access to their required training at the secondary level.

The Indian government launched this scholarship in May 2008, and they have given over 100,000 of the NMMS scholarship to meritorious students.

About the Sponsor: Government of India

The Government of India (GoI), which the people also call the Union Government or the Central, provides the NMMS scholarship, same as the other years since its inception.

The constitution of India established the government, which is the governing authority of the union of 29 states and seven union territories that makes the Republic of India. It is based in New Delhi, the capital of India.

GoI issued the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, “National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS),” in May 2008. The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students of economically weaker sections to cut short their drop out at class VIII and encourage them to continue the study at a secondary stage.

However, the NMMS scholarship has reservations as per State Government norms. The state governments conduct an examination for interested students to select the most qualified ones for the scholarship.

Also, students who the government finally selects for the award get disbursement of the award from the State Bank of India. The state bank disburses the amount directly into students’ bank accounts on a quarterly basis.

Level/ Field of Study

GoI offers the National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme for High/Secondary School degree in all subjects.

Host Nationality

The Ministry of Human Resources & Development (Government of India) hosts the NMMS Scholarship.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

NMMS Scholarship is open only to Indian Students from the weaker section (Minority) of the country.

Aside from the NMMS Scholarship, there are other scholarships available to Indian students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

NMMS Scholarship Worth

The NMMS Scholarship awards successful Indian students Rs. 6000/- per annum. However, the students receive Rs.500/- per month for twelve months every year. Meanwhile, this award is for students from class IX to XII, who are studying in a State Government, Government Aided, and local body schools.

Eligibility for the NMMS Scholarship

To be eligible for the NMMS scholarship, Indian students should meet the following criteria:

  • Be students whose parental income from all sources is not more than Rs. 1,50,000.
  • Have a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade in the Class VII examination to appear in the selection test for award of the scholarship. However, this mark is relaxable by 5% for Scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) students.
  • Should be studying as a regular student in government, local body, and government-aided schools. Note that the students studying in “Kendriya Vidyalaya” and “Jawahar Vavodaya Vidlayas” are not entitled to get a scholarship under this scheme. Similarly, those students studying in Residential Schools run by the State Government Institutions, where they can access facilities like boarding, lodging, and education, are not eligible. Also, students studying in private schools are also not eligible for scholarships under this scheme.
  • At the time of selection for the award of scholarship, you must have scored at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in the Class VIII examination. There will be 5 % relaxation for SC/ST, however.
  • Students at the Secondary and Higher Secondary stage or equivalent Classes IX to XII receive the scholarship award for a maximum period of four years for studies in India only.

You can try out these 30 Free Online Courses with Certificates in India if you need to update your skills or continue education.

How Do I Apply for the NMMS scholarship?

Applying for the NMMS scholarship is pretty easy and doesn’t take so much time to complete. However, do ensure to read the eligibility criteria and confirm that you meet them before starting your application.

To properly guide you to apply for the 2024 NMMS scholarship, we provide you with a step-by-step application guide below.

Time needed: 25 minutes

  1. Register

    You will complete the NMMS application online, so first, you must register on the National Scholarship Portal as a new user by filling all the correct profile information. The portal generates an application ID for you upon registering on NSP. Keep this application ID safe as you will use it as ‘Login ID’ on NSP to continue your application as well as for future references.

  2. Preparation

    For the application, you’ll need to have copies of relevant documents down and scanned. These documents hold information like educational qualifications, Aadhaar card number, school enrolment number, bank details, and the state domicile. Fill in these important details in the spaces for them on the NMMS scholarship online application form.

  3. Category Requirement

    If you’re studying class 9 and 10, you’ll need to apply under the Pre-Matric scholarship category. However, if you’re studying in class 11 and 12, you need to apply under the Post Matric scholarship category.

  4. Review

    After you’ve filled in all the required information, check again to make sure you filled in the right name, date of birth, email ID, identification details, and mobile number.

  5. Upload

    After reviewing the information which you have provided, upload all the necessary documents and save the details as a draft.

  6. Submit

    Submit your application when your upload is done and you’ve checked again to make sure all your information is correct.

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National Means cum Merit Scholarship Examination

The National Means cum Merit Scholarship Examination or the NMMS scholarship exam, started in May 2008, and the Central government sponsors it.

The local authority conducts this examination. In line with the scholarship’s goal, the NMMS scholarship exam seeks to identify meritorious students and fund their education expenses.

Since the NMMS scholarship is countrywide, each State/UT will conduct its own exam for selection of students for the scholarship. The State Level Examination comprises the following two tests:

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  • Mental Ability Test (MAT)
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

The Mental Ability Test comprises 90 multiple-choice questions that test verbal and non-verbal meta-cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking. The questions here will border on analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern.
Perception, hidden figures, etc.

The Scholastic Aptitude Test comprises 90 multiple-choice questions in science, social studies, and mathematics as taught in classes VII and VIII.

Furthermore, students have 90 minutes to complete each test. However, GoI gives children with disability extra time, as applicable.

NMMS Result Kerala

After the students attend the selection test, each state will indicate the list of those who qualified for MAT and SAT by at least 40% in each test. Below are the conditions GoI will consider when selecting the NMMS final list of students.

  • According to the rules, students should pass the MAT and SAT test with at least an aggregate of 40% marks from the two, However, SC/ST students have a cut-off mark of 32%
  • In addition, applicants must have achieved at least 55% of the grades in the 8th-grade examination. However, a relief of 5% applies to students in the SC / ST category.
  • Also, applicants must meet all qualification requirements to take advantage of the NMMS.
    If you are looking for more grants, such as the NMMS, read “NTSE – National Talent Search Examination“.

GoI will release the NMMS Result 2024 after the successful completion of the examination. However, candidates can go through the official website to check the result or by tapping the button below.

Visit Website

NMMS Scholarship Important Dates

Here are dates you should not forget if you’re interested in the 2019-20 National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme.



Application Deadline

Ensure to complete your application before the deadline.

31 OCT

Defective Deadline

Make any corrections to your application with the wrong information before the deadline.

31 OCT

Institution verification

Institution verification lasts until this deadline.

FAQs on NMMS Scholarship

What are the subjects for which the NMMS exam is conducted?

There are basically two types of tests that the Central government gives for the correct assessment of candidates – the  Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT and Mental Ability Test, or MAT. You have to excel in both sections to qualify for the scholarship.

The rule of the scholarship states that a general candidate must reach at least 40% in each section, while students in the reserved category must reach at least 32% in each section.

How do I prepare for the NMMS scholarship?

The NMMS scholarship is timed. Each question takes one (1) minute to complete. Therefore, start practicing mock questions by timing yourself.

Make an all-round preparation for the MAT because of the nature of the test. Try to solve as many puzzles as possible.

For the SAT section, go back to what you learned in class VII and VIII and ask help from teachers if necessary.

How Do I get my NMMS award Disbursement?

The Central government pays the scholarship award into your personal bank account, so you will have to open a bank account, preferably in SBI, or any public sector bank or any scheduled bank which has the core banking facility.

Can I get the NMMS scholarship to study abroad?

No, the NMMS scholarship scheme is not available for studies abroad for any course.

Can I still get the NMMS Scholarship if I change my course of study?

If you leave your course of study within one month of registration/admission, you will not receive any scholarship amount disbursement.

I did not attend the exam because I was sick, can I still get the NMMC scholarship?

In the case where you are not able to appear at the annual examination due to serious
illness, send a medical certificate through the Head of the Institution within three months of your falling ill.

A specialist who is a registered medical practitioner should clearly certify the duration of your illness. If you provide this, the facility will be available to you to continue the same course in which are studying provided the principal or the head of the institution certifies that your overall performance during the year is 50% or above.

Can I still receive the NMMC scholarship if I miss a full academic session?

The Central government will discontinue your Scholarship award with any gap of one academic session in studies at any time due to any reason.

What is the duration of the NMMC Scholarship?

The scholarship lasts for four (4) years for awards at the secondary and higher secondary stage or equivalent classes IX to XII, and it is for study in India alone.

Can I apply for the NMMC scholarship for diploma or certificate-level courses?

No, you can’t. No scholarship at this stage is payable for studying diploma/certificate-level courses.

For which degree is the National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme offered?

The Central government offers the National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme to High/Secondary School

Can I get an education loan to study abroad at the Government of India?

Yes, you can secure an education loan to study abroad at the Government of India. Education loans are of two types – Collateral and non-collateral. Collateral includes either: Immovable property – a house or an at or land (or) liquid security – an FD, or LIC or shares or bonds. No bank accepts agricultural lands for education loans.

Public banks like SBI, and BOB offer these types of education loans. There are many NBFCs that offer non-collateral education loans. Apply for the best education loan to study abroad.

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