257+ Global Opportunities for Developing Countries

Are you from any of the developing countries? Looking for Global opportunities this year 2019. here we have put together 257+ Fully Funded Global Opportunities for Developing Countries. global opportunities to study abroad or learn a skill are inexhaustible.

Three (3) out of every five (5) young Africans are unemployed, underemployed, and on the lookout for opportunities to ‘hammer’ outside the continent. You are probably one out of the three or know someone who is.

Seven (7) out of ten (10) young people across the globe are currently using their smartphones to look for opportunities seemingly beyond their reach. 1 out of every 10 will be lucky, the remaining 90% will give up at some point because of age restrictions, fear of rejection, and other factors. Are you among the 90% about to give up? I have a gift for you.

The leading cause of unhappiness in individuals over sixty has been found to be regret. Regrets for opportunities not grasped, risks not taken, and time not spent wisely. Many wish they could go back in time to do the things they had set out to do when they were younger. Will you end up in that statistic? I hope not! Let me help you.

I’ll cut straight to the chase. You need to read this. Your life depends on it! Literally!

I have compiled below a list of opportunities that are open to Africans worldwide. Some of these include academic fellowships, internships, Jobs, Incubation and immersion programs for entrepreneurs, competitions and their likes.

Table of Contents Hide
  1. Global Opportunities Fund
    1. Ashoka Making More Health Accelerator Programme Social Entrepreneurs in USA 2024
    2. $10,000 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme 2024
    3. US$1,000,000 Fenox Venture Capital Startup World Cup in USA 2024
    4. Fully Funded International Mathematical Union CDC Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2024
    5. Peace Revolution Inuka Fellowship for African Women in Rwanda 2024
    6. Logan Nonfiction Fellowship in the USA for Nonfiction Reporters and Writers Worldwide 2024
    7. UCLA Law – Sonke Health & Human Rights Fellowship in SA 2024
    8. $10,000 FIJ Grants for Investigative Journalists in USA 2024
    9. $50k MEST Africa Challenge for Tech-focused Scale-ups in 2024
    10. $12,500 NYU Reporting Award in the USA for Journalists Worldwide 2024
    11. $100,000 Open Society Fellowship in the USA for Professionals Worldwide 2024
    12. $15,000 Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Students Worldwide 2024
    13. ICFJ Knight Fellowship in Data Journalism for Journalists 2024
    14. N-Power Build Social Intervention Programme for Nigerian Youths 2024/2024
    15. Fully Funded Visiting Fellowship Programme at ASC Leiden in Netherlands 2024
    16. Cordes Fellowship for Opportunity Collaboration in Cancun Mexico 2024
    17. The Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize in France 2024
    18. Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) Grants in USA 2024
    19. Google Cloud Data Solution for Change – Nonprofit Program 2024
    20. HER Voice Funds for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) 2020
    21. £10,000 The Caine Prize for African Writing 2020
    23. Does this article meet your immediate needs? if yes, leave us with a 5-star rating in the Review Box below. if no, leave a response on the comment box to express your concern or ask the question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Global Opportunities Fund

These Openings have varying degrees of funding and are cut across many disciplines. See them.

  • Ashoka Making More Health Accelerator Programme Social Entrepreneurs in USA 
  • $10,000 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme 
  • US $1,000,000 Fenox Venture Capital Startup World Cup in USA 
  • Fully Funded International Mathematical Union CDC Abel Visiting Scholar Program 
  • Peace Revolution Inuka Fellowship for African Women in Rwanda 
  • Logan Nonfiction Fellowship in USA for Nonfiction Reporters and Writers Worldwide
  • UCLA Law – Sonke Health & Human Rights Fellowship in USA
  • $10,000 FIJ Grants for Investigative Journalists in USA
  • $50k MEST Africa Challenge for Tech-focused Scale-ups in 
  • $12,500 NYU Reporting Award in USA for Journalists Worldwide 
  • $100,000 Open Society Fellowship in the USA for Professionals Worldwide 
  • $15,000 Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Students Worldwide 
  • ICFJ Knight Fellowship in Data Journalism for Journalists 
  • N-Power Build Social Intervention Programme for Nigerian Youths 2024
  • Fully Funded Visiting Fellowship Programme at ASC Leiden in Netherlands 
  • Cordes Fellowship for Opportunity Collaboration in Cancun Mexico 
  • Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) Grants in USA 
  • Google Cloud Data Solution for Change – Nonprofit Program 
  • HER Voice Funds for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) 
  • £10,000 The Caine Prize for African Writing 

Ashoka Making More Health Accelerator Programme Social Entrepreneurs in USA 2024

Ashoka and Boehringer Ingelheim in Africa are accepting applications from social innovation and Healthcare entrepreneurs for her Making More Health Accelerator Programme in 2019.

Worth of Award

  • Training (both virtual and in-person) on business growth and scaling strategies, investor engagement, and pitching, tailored to the strategic needs of your organization.
  • Access to technical expertise (in-person) in finance, strategy, operations, information technology, marketing and social investing among others to help you address strategic capacity gaps specific to your organization.
  • Access to strategic networks including social investors, leading social entrepreneurs in the health care space and executive team members from Boehringer Ingelheim and Ashoka.
  • Funding of up to Euros 50k in cash plus additional in-kind expertise valued at Euros 100k.
    Investor engagement support including preparation of investor engagement materials and facilitated access to investors.

Deadline: Applications are due by February 15, annually.APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

$10,000 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme 2024

Tony Elumelu Foundation in Nigeria is currently accepting applications for the 2024 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme for emerging entrepreneurs in Africa.

Worth of Award

Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs who successfully complete the program by meeting stipulated requirements and deadlines will be eligible for funding. There are two stages of funding available to entrepreneurs:

  • First stage seed capital funding of $5,000 (based on the official Central Bank of Nigeria exchange rate)– a non-returnable investment.
  • Second stage capital returnable investment – entrepreneurs will apply and be considered for this based on the viability of their business.

Deadline: Applications close at midnight on March 1st annually. It will not be possible to submit any applications prior to or after these dates.

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

US$1,000,000 Fenox Venture Capital Startup World Cup in USA 2024

Fenox Venture Capital in collaboration with Passion Incubator in Nigeria is accepting applications from Startups based in Nigeria for the Regional event of the Startup World Cup 2024.

Worth of Award

Participating in the Passion Incubator Startup World Cup challenge allows you to:

  • Compete for 1 million USD investment
  • Showcase your technologies/ideas to a wider audience
  • Get PR exposure
  • Obtain access to funds and acceleration support (the judges will commit to second interviews if the pitches are of interest)
  • Tap into different markets (the audience will watch to make connections)
  • Have access to technical expertise (advisers, IP specialists & venture capitalists)
  • Get access to the Match and Invest Lounge, where key funders will be available for consultation.

Deadline: The application closes on February 9, annually for Nigeria Regional Application.   APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

Fully Funded International Mathematical Union CDC Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2024

The International Mathematical Union in collaboration with the CDC is inviting applications for the Abel Visiting Scholar Program for the 2020/2024 academic year from mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month. 

Worth of Award

The grant can cover for one month and only for the applicant up to 4,400 EUR (5,000 EUR):

  • Travel cost
  • Visa fees
  • Travel insurance charges
  • Basic living cost  (daily allowance based on living cost of the visiting country/city, This amount includes the cost for public transport and all other living costs).
  •  If the accommodation includes breakfast or any other meals, the daily amount will be reduced.
  • Accommodation cost in the host country (the hotel is allowed if the host provides a statement that no guesthouse or rented flat is available and max. 4 weeks. If you stay longer than 4 weeks you have to rent a suitable apartment or guesthouse). Receipts for cash payments for accommodation costs cannot be accepted! You have to pay via a trackable transfer method.

Deadline: Application closes December 31st, annually. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

Peace Revolution Inuka Fellowship for African Women in Rwanda 2024

The Peace Revolution World Peace Initiative is accepting applications for the Inuka Fellowship For African Women in Rwanda 2024.

Worth of Award

  • The fellowship covers accommodation
  • Catering
  • Local Transportation within the host country
  • Partial or Full airfare sponsorship from home country
  • The fellowship does not cover visa cost and personal expenses

Deadline: Application closes  April 19th, annually. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

Logan Nonfiction Fellowship in the USA for Nonfiction Reporters and Writers Worldwide 2024

The Carey Institute for Global Good in the USA is accepting applications for the Logan Nonfiction Fellowship for nonfiction reporters and writers working on such important social, political, health, environmental, human rights, and justice topics in 2024.

Worth of Award

  • Logan Nonfiction fellows at the Carey Institute are provided all the necessary tools to complete their critical work.
  • Lodging, workspace, sophisticated technological support (including Wi-Fi, a state-of-the-art screening room and dedicated space, equipment and software for video, film and radio editing) and meals are provided.
  • Fellows may also benefit from the mentorship of several board members and internationally renowned journalists.
  • They also help selected print fellows to convert their work into audio, video or digital media through the expertise of our partners.
  • The Institute is eager to convene issue-oriented conferences related to their fellows’ projects to bring their reporting to policy-makers and other experts.

Deadline: Fall Class (October-December), Application due: June 15. Applicants informed and notified: August 15.

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

UCLA Law – Sonke Health & Human Rights Fellowship in SA 2024

The University of California, Los Angeles School of Law (UCLA Law), and Sonke Gender Justice Network (Sonke) invites applications for the UCLA Law – Sonke Health & Human Rights Fellowship for the 2020/2024 academic year.

Worth of Award

  • The Fellowship offers a full-tuition grant to enroll in UCLA Law’s Master of Law Program (LL.M.) and assists Fellows in securing living and travel expenses for their studies.
  • It also offers the opportunity to apply for a one-year Fellowship placement with Sonke’s Policy Development and Advocacy unit.

Deadline: Application closes February 1st, annually.APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

$10,000 FIJ Grants for Investigative Journalists in USA 2024

The Fund for Investigative Journalism, FIJ, is inviting applications for its grants to support journalists who do in-depth coverage of issues concerning their localities. Investigations involving government accountability, environmental issues, or local issues with national implications are encouraged.  Watchdog reporting for ethnic media is also encouraged.

Worth of Award

  • The maximum grant is $10,000. Grants cover out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, document collection, and equipment rental.
  • It is FIJ policy to pay the first half of approved grants to successful applicants, with the second half of the grant paid on publication of a finished project in accordance with the original proposal and within the agreed deadline (generally, one year after the grant is issued). All application documents must be written in English and budgets expressed in U.S. dollars.
  • The Fund also considers requests for small stipends, as part of the budget.
  • With the generosity of the Scripps Howard Foundation, FIJ has the ability to provide mentors to a select number of grant recipients. You will be able to apply for a mentor during the grant application process.

Deadline: Applications for this round automatically close at11:59 pm (Eastern time zone) Monday, February 4, annually.APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

$50k MEST Africa Challenge for Tech-focused Scale-ups in 2024

The Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) invites applications to MEST Africa’s second annual MEST Africa Challenge, a Pan-African pitch competition for scale-ups who are ready to expand into new markets.

Worth of Award

  • The inaugural MEST Africa Challenge in 2018 saw over 700 applications across four markets, out of which 40 made it into the regional finals in Accra, Lagos, Nairobi, and Cape Town. One representative from each team was flown to Cape Town, where they presented in front of a jury of judges from Facebook, MTN, and Meltwater, as well as the Summit’s global audience of investors, Pan-African entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders.
  • Country winners from each region will be flown to the finals at the MEST Africa Summit in Nairobi to compete for up to $50,000 in equity investment and a range of other support to accelerate their Pan-African scale-up.

Deadline: Applications open January 15th, and will close February 15th, annually. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

$12,500 NYU Reporting Award in the USA for Journalists Worldwide 2024

New York University (NYU)’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute in the USA is currently accepting applications for the  Reporting Award in 2024.

Worth of Award

Launched in 2010, The Reporting Award award provides up to $12,500 for a significant work of journalism, in any medium, on an under-reported subject in the public interest.

Deadline: The submission deadline falls within February every year. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

$100,000 Open Society Fellowship in the USA for Professionals Worldwide 2024

The Open Society Foundations in the USA invites applications for the Open Society Fellowship to address the following proposition: New and radical forms of ownership, governance, entrepreneurship, and financialization are needed to fight pervasive economic inequality.

Worth of Award

  • Stipends are either $80,000 or $100,000.
  • A fellow’s stipend is based on several factors including the fellow’s experience, seniority, prior earnings and the cost of living in the city where he/she is based.
  • The stipend does not necessarily equal the applicant’s current salary.
  • Applicants’ dependents are not factored into the stipend calculations.
  • In addition to the stipend, fellows will receive a project budget. That budget may include expenses such as travel (including airfare and hotel), visa costs, part-time research assistance, conference fees, and health insurance.
  • Fellowship expenses should not include operational or programmatic costs, such as employees and physical infrastructure. The purpose of the fellowship is to support individual fellows; therefore, the program will cover mainly individual expenses.

Deadline: Applications are received till February 4, annually. APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

$15,000 Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Students Worldwide 2024

Open Society Foundation in the USA invites applications for the Civil Society Scholar Awards open to doctoral students of eligible fields studying at accredited universities inside or outside of their home country.

Worth of Award

Maximum funding requests: $15,000Deadline: applications close March 29, annually.APPLICATION LINK:  Click here for more details and to apply

ICFJ Knight Fellowship in Data Journalism for Journalists 2024

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) offers two types of opportunities for an ICFJ Knight Fellowship: Candidates may either propose a Fellowship or apply to a Fellowship opening.

Worth of Award:  During the Fellowship, each Fellow receives an allowance for expenses related to the Fellowship.

Deadline: applications are open, the deadline is not specified. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

N-Power Build Social Intervention Programme for Nigerian Youths 2024/2024

The N-Power social intervention program of the federal government opens for applications to recruit Nigerian citizens under its N-Power build category for the 2024/2024 cycle.

Worth of Award: Previous volunteers under this scheme were paid a stipend of 3000NGN monthly. Successful applicants will be contacted on the current worth of the award.

Deadline: The deadline will be announced. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

Fully Funded Visiting Fellowship Programme at ASC Leiden in Netherlands 2024

The ASC Leiden invites applications for the visiting research fellowship in the framework of the Leiden African Studies Assembly (Leiden ASA), a network for cooperation between Leiden-based Africanists for 2024.

Worth of Award: full-funding.

Deadline: applications are open. The deadline to be determined later.

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

Cordes Fellowship for Opportunity Collaboration in Cancun Mexico 2024

The Cordes Fellowship invites applications to participate as a full Delegate at the Opportunity Collaboration in Cancun, Mexico in 2024.

Worth of Award: Partial grants.

Deadline: Application closes on January 31, annually.

APPLICATION LINK: Click to read more and to apply

The Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize in France 2024

The Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize is open to researchers and scientists in the field as well as to inspire young promising researchers to work towards excellent science in the service of society.

Worth of Award: $100,000 USD Grand Prize.

Deadline: applications close 28 February annually, 23:57 (CET, French time). 

APPLICATION LINK: Click to read more and to apply

Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) Grants in USA 2024

Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) invites applications for the Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) Grants open to anyone DIV accepts applications from U.S. and non-U.S. organizations, individuals, nonprofit and for-profit entities.

Worth of Award: Scaling ($1,500,000 to $5,000,000 – up to 5 years).

Deadline: applications are open. DIV accepts applications 365 days a year. There is no deadline.

APPLICATION LINK: Click to read more and to apply

Google Cloud Data Solution for Change – Nonprofit Program 2024

Google invites nonprofits around the world to query the data and change the world through its applications open for the Google Cloud Data Solution for Change – Nonprofit Program 2020.

Worth of Award: Varies. 

Deadline: applications are open.

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

HER Voice Funds for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) 2020

Applications for the HER Voice Fund are open for 2020 entrance. HER Voice Fund is giving USD 2000 grants for activities meant to influence policy processes in 13 African countries.

Deadline: Applications are open throughout annually and awardee’s selection is on a monthly basis. 

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply

£10,000 The Caine Prize for African Writing 2020

The Caine Prize for African Writing is a literature prize awarded to an African writer of a short story published in English. The prize was launched in 2000 to encourage and highlight the richness and diversity of African writing by bringing it to a wider audience internationally.

Deadline: applications close 31st January 2020.

APPLICATION LINK: Click here for more details and to apply


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