PZ Cussons Nigeria Engineering Graduate Trainee Program

Young Engineers in today’s world are faced with challenges like the inability to design innovative solutions that can support GE’s industrial businesses within high-growth markets worldwide. And to help them build these technical and professional skills, PZ Cussons Nigeria provides Engineering Graduate Trainee Program for every Nigerian student who wants to impact the engineering field.

Over the years, PZ Cusson has helped several Nigerian students pursuing a career in Electrical, Chemical, or Mechanical Engineering at different levels reach their career peak. Note, The application deadline for this PZ Cussons Nigeria Engineering Graduate Trainee Program is fast approaching.

Therefore, applying the right way is expedient because applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

To help you apply, I have detailed the essential information about the Engineering Graduate Trainee Program, including the levels, How you can apply, and most importantly, the application deadline.

So, to ensure you don’t make any mistakes, Carefully read the article word words. Below is an overview of what to expect.

What Is PZ Cusson all about?

PZ Cussons began in Sierra Leone in Africa, where our founders, George Zochonis and George Paterson, started trading commodities with the UK in 1884. 

However, it is a dynamic consumer products group and innovator of some of the world’s best-known and loved brands. Calling on over 130 years of expertise, we operate internationally in carefully selected developed and emerging markets with the most significant strategic potential for future growth.

Our world-class supply chain and distribution networks enable us to meet global consumer needs and deliver quality brands that add value and enhance everyday lives.

Similarly, they are committed to attracting passionate people who want to make a difference – people who represent our consumers – and we want to keep them here. This means respecting and rewarding people and treating them fairly from joining.

PZ Cusson Career

PZ Cussons is a company that is big enough to make your mark, small enough to make it yours.

They are built on relationships, on the passion of our teams to do a great job, and on the belief that empowering our people to shape the business makes a difference.

Furthermore, their size and open culture mean that their people can influence at all levels, genuinely making a difference to our business.

They value everyone’s ideas and encourage our people to speak their minds, challenge, and experiment so they can make their mark.

What is PZ Cusson’s Salary Like?

According to hotvibesmedia.com.ng, Newly employed staffs at PZ Cusson earn lower than other staffs. However, an increment in PZ Cusson’s salary of staff is based on promotion and experience. 

The current estimated salary earned by PZ Cusson’s entry-level workers is ₦145,000 – ₦160,000 per month after Tax (excluding allowances)*. 

Other PZ Cussons Experienced Workers Salaries: 

  • Electrical Engineer : ₦ 250,000 – ₦ 290,00
  • Network Engineer : ₦ 200,000 – ₦ 240,000
  • Plant Manager: ₦ 100,000 – ₦ 110,000

Note: The current minimum wage in Nigeria, applicable from 2011, is ₦18,000 per month, excluding all deductions. Most multinational companies pay according to global standards and are among the

Eligibility For Engineering Graduate Trainee Program

To apply for the Graduate Trainee Program, You must meet the following criteria before you can apply:

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  • Minimum of 2:2 in Electrical, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering
  • Completed the mandatory NYSC or have an exemption certificate
  • Not more than 28 years as of December 31st 2024

This Trainee program includes the following fields Electrical, Chemical, or Mechanical Engineering, a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher National Diploma Degree (HND).

However, Engineering Graduate Trainee Program is provided by PZ Cusson and is hosted in Lagos, Nigeria.

Speaking, the program is designed for Nigerian Engineers.

Application for PZ Cusson Engineering Graduate Trainee Program

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CVs to: pzgtrecruitment@pzcussons.com using the Job Title as the subject of the email

Graduate Trainee Program 2024 Application Deadline

PZ Cussons Nigeria Engineering Graduate Trainee Program 2024 Application deadline is the 20th of October 2024. So if you are interested, quickly drop your application at the official email above before the deadline.

PZ Cussons Nigeria Engineering Graduate Trainee Program FAQs

What is the deadline for PZ Cussons Engineering Graduate Trainee Program?

The last date for submitting the PZ Cussons Nigeria Engineering Graduate Trainee Program application is 20th October 2024

Who is eligible for the PZ Cussons Engineering Graduate Trainee Program FAQs

This engineering graduate trainee program is specifically for engineering students, specifically electrical, chemical, and mechanical engineering.

Where do I submit my PZ Cussons Engineering Graduate Trainee Program application?

Kindly submit your CV and application or cover letter at pzgtrecruitment@pzcussons.com

What is the required CGP for PZ Cussons Engineering Graduate Trainee Program?

You have had a minimum CGP of 2.2 before you can apply.


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