17 Scholarships for Tanzanians In the USA –

Your scholarship search is coming to an end; all you need to do is take a deep breath of relief and go through these numerous scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA, Scholarships for Africans in the USA, and many other international Scholarships in the USA, and scholarships to study in the USA for international students in the USA.

One of the reasons you need to go through the scholarships critically is that most scholarships in the United States of America are open to citizens and permanent residents of the united states of America, so we’ve done standard research to figure out platforms that offer international scholarships to students from Africa, including Tanzania that would end there study in the United States of America.

Research has shown that the United States of America is one of the countries that host the most lucrative scholarship platforms, which explains why international students flood the country to ply their academic trade and gain accredited degrees in their various institutions. Still, most students have seen their dreams not fully actualized because of their inability to discover the scholarships that would help them study without matching financial stress. That is what we have decided to curb through this article.

If you are a student from Tanzania, another African country, and want to study in the united states of America. Still, you don’t have all it takes financially to see yourself through this, or you are already a student from Africa enrolled in an accredited institution in America. Still, you need scholarships and opportunities to help your study, then calm down and review these articles.

Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA

Kiiky.com has listed the 17 most lucrative scholarships to study in the United States of America for Tanzanian students, African students, and other students from around the international communities of the globe.

Here is a list of Scholarships for Tanzanians

  • EF Scholarship 2024-2024
  • Angels Over Africa Mission Scholarships to study in the USA
  • Blacks at Microsoft Scholarships to study in the USA
  • FTE Fellowships for Doctoral Students of African Descent
  • Least Developed Countries International Scholarships in the USA
  • Leon Bradley Scholarship
  • Oregon-Idaho Conference Ethnic Leadership Award
  • The Fulbright Program 2024
  • Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships for International Students –USA
  • The MMMF Scholarship for Women in the US
  • AAUW International Fellowship for Women
  • The Harambe Fletcher Scholarships for African Students and students from developing countries in the USA
  • Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme
  • Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarships, USA
  • Boustany Foundation MBA Harvard Scholarship programs
  • Borlaug Fellowship Program for Developing Countries
  • Obama Foundation Scholars Programme

AEF Scholarship 2024-2023

Ascend Educational Fund is giving international scholarships for Tanzanians, scholarships for African students, immigrant students, and offspring of immigrants from countries outside the USA who are graduating from New York City high school to enter public or private colleges or universities the USA.

Host/Eligible Nationality:

This is one of the international Scholarships in the USA and is offered to students in African countries.

Scholarship Worth: One of the most prestigious scholarships to study in the USA, and students will get $20,000

Deadline: February 02, 2024

Level/fields of study: International Scholarships in the USA or students born outside the US and admitted to any post-secondary institution and taking any Course.

Angels Over Africa Mission Scholarships to study in the USA

The Angels established these scholarships for Africans in the USA Over Africa Mission to help international students in the USA and other African students in their pursuit of post-secondary education. Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA are also available in various countries.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: These international scholarships in the USA are hosted by African countries to aid African International students in the USA.

Level/field of study: Applicants should be a student at a university in the US. And no area of study is exempted.

Scholarship Worth: total funding for 12 months of study

Deadline: November 30, annually

Blacks at Microsoft Scholarships to study in the USA

Blacks at Microsoft (BAM) is a Hosting scholarship for Africans in the US and other Black Students.  Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA are also embedded in these scholarships. 

To qualify for this international scholarship in the USA, applicants must be of high school and African descent and plan to attend a college or university in the USA.

Level/ Field of Study:

The International Scholarships in the USA must be an undergraduate international student and plan to pursue a degree in:


Computer science

Computer information systems



Management and other related disciplines

Scholarship Worth: $20,000 Scholarship

Application Deadline: March 08, annually

FTE Fellowships for Doctoral Students of African Descent

FTE offers scholarships to study in the USA for doctoral international students in the USA, who are done with the coursework stage of their Ph.D./Th.D.

This platform offers international scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA, Scholarships for Africans in the USA.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: this is one of the international scholarships in the USA open to Tanzanians and tons of African students.

Level/ Field of Study: the opportunity is open to undergraduate students who want to study in the USA.

Scholarship Worth: provides funding for beneficiaries via completing their coursework in the USA.

Application Deadline: February 01, 2024

Least Developed Countries International Scholarships in the USA

The LDC Scholarships for Africans in the USA were developed to encourage Tanzanian students’ enrollment. Students from underdeveloped Countries, as defined by the United Nations Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA, are also made available via this platform.

Host/ Eligibility Nationality: This scholarship for international students in the USA is open to students from Developing Countries

Level/ Field of Study: To win this international scholarship in the USA, applicants must be admitted to any institution in the US. And studying any course.

Scholarship Worth: The Scholarship is worth over $20,000, and other incentives

Application Deadline: The school deadline varies but opens annually

Leon Bradley Scholarship

The Leon Bradley International Scholarships in the USA are established to encourage Tanzanian Students, Africans, and other international students in the USA or persons of color to get admitted to teaching and school leadership.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Scholarships for Africans in the USA and scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA under this platform are named after Leon Bradley, a US citizen. International students in USA and other minority students.

Level/ Field of Study: Scholarships in the USA require that applicants must be enrolled in any institution in the USA, majoring in any field of study relating to education.

Scholarship Worth: $2,000 will be wired to the international student in the USA who wins this scholarship.

Application Deadline: May 29, annually

Application Link

Oregon-Idaho Conference Ethnic Leadership Award

Oregon-Idaho Conference Ethnic Leadership International Scholarships in USA Award, and international Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA and other Africans.

African students who are a part or member of an Oregon-Idaho church are welcome to apply.

International students in the USA are evaluated primarily on their leadership skills.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in the United US and open to international students in the USA.

Level/field of study: this scholarship for Africans in the USA  is an opportunity for undergraduates and postgraduate international students in the USA.

Scholarship Worth: $750 each year. The student who comes out the winner

Application Deadline: March 01, annually

The Fulbright Program 2023

The Fulbright global opportunities operate in not less than 155 countries. They have provided not less than 310,000 international students in the USA  with the opportunity to study in the USA for almost free.

Fulbright, in this section, is offering Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA and scholarships for Africans in the USA to study and conduct research in the united states of America.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: These international students in the USA are hosted by Fulbright in the United States and are open to Tanzanian Students and students from other nations.

Level/field of study: not limited to any areas of study so long as the students are enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate study programs.

Scholarship Worth: these international Scholarships in the USA attract total funding for 12 months and could be extended if the applicant maintains its conditions.

Fulbright online

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships for International Students –USA

The Hubert H. Humphrey International Scholarship in the USA is a program for advanced professionals interested in honing their potential through exchanging knowledge and grasping issues of concern in the United States of America.

Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA and scholarships for Africans in the USA is made available by this platform for international student in the USA.

Level/ Field of Study: The Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA are for international students who must pursue an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or ICT-related disciplines.

Host/Eligible Nationality: one of the Scholarships to study in the USA, and open to Tanzania and other international students.

Application Deadline: October 1.

Scholarship Worth: total Funding for the academic year and beyond so long as credibility is maintained.

The MMMF Scholarship for Women in the US

The Margaret McNamara Memorial award is one of the most popular Scholarships to study in the USA.

The platform provides a wide range of scholarships, including Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA, Scholarships for Africans in the USA, and other wide range of opportunities.

Host/Eligible Nationality:  The scholarships to study in the USA is open to applicants from Tanzanians and other Africans.

Level/fields of study: Must be furthering a Master’s degree program in any field. 

Scholarship Worth: The MMMF international scholarships in the USA are approximately $12,000 each.

Deadline: October 15th to January 9th yearly.

AAUW International Fellowship for Women

American Association of University Women International Scholarships in USA for International students in USA. These Fellowships are given to full-time in the United States to international students.

Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA and scholarships for Africans in the USA will be made available by this platform.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: One of the Scholarships to study in the USA, the international Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA are awarded to Tanzanians and students outside the US.

Scholarship Worth: The range goes like this: $18,000 for Masters’s, 20,000 for Ph.D. and $30,000 for Postdoctoral international students

Level/fields of study: Masters, Ph.D., and Postdoctoral degree international students in the USA are welcome to apply.

Deadline: 1 August to December 1

The Harambe Fletcher Scholarships for African Students and students from developing countries in the USA

The Harambe Fletcher International Scholarships in the USA is a full-tuition award for young Tanzania Students and other African leaders in entrepreneurship wishing to pursue a master’s degree program at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

Host/Eligibility Nationality;

Hosted in the United States of America, scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA, Scholarships for Africans in the USA, and other kinds of scholarships are made available for international students in the USA.

Level/Field of Study: the scholarships to study in the USA is open to Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) and Master of International Business (MIB).

Scholarship Worth: total funding until completion of the study program.

Deadline: 30 December Annual

Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme

The Aga Khan International Scholarships in the USA is a viral platform; this Foundation provides a limited number of international Scholarships in the USA each year for graduate studies to outstanding international students, mainly scholarships for African students and fellowships for Tanzanians are made available by this platform.

Host/Eligibility Nationality

This Scholarship to study in the USA is open to Tanzanians and other African countries.

Scholarship Worth: Scholarships to study in the USA are awarded based on a 50% grant: and 50% loan through a competitive process once in June or July every year.

Level/field of study: Masters’s and Ph.D. African International students in the USA majoring in Architecture/Health/Civil Society or related disciplines,/Planning & Building/Culture/Rural Development/Economic Development and associated disciplines/Humanitarian Assistance and Education and Music.

Deadline: Starts January to March 31

Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarships, USA

The Microsoft Women’s Scholarship to study in the USA is a one-year scholarship program for outstanding women graduates, Tanzanian students, and Africa Students.

These scholarships for international students in the USA are designed to help increase the number of women seeking a Ph.D. degree in various study fields.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: This scholarship to study in the USA has scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA and other scholarships for Africans in the USA.

Level/ Field of Study: Ph.D. in Computer Science-related fields.

Electrical Engineering or related fields.

Mathematics departments

Application Deadline: August 14 to October 16

Scholarship Worth: complete financial funding until completion of the study program.

Boustany Foundation MBA Harvard Scholarship programs

The Boustany International Scholarships in USA Foundation recognizes the importance of helping Tanzanians and Africans through Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA and scholarships for Africans in the USA. 

The Foundation grants various international Scholarships to study in the USA.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: This International student to study USA is for international students in the USA, including students from Tanzania.

Level/ field of study: MBA

Scholarship Worth: This opportunity can provide all required funds to see the students through the MBA program.

Deadline: 31 May

Borlaug Fellowship Program for Developing Countries

The Norman E. Borlaug International Scholarships to study in the USA in Agricultural Science and Technology Scholarships Programmes.

This award helps Tanzanian Students and students from developing countries strengthen sustainable agriculture by making all training and collaborative research opportunities in science available to visiting researchers.

Host/ Eligibility Nationality: This international Scholarship in the USA is open to Tanzania and African international students in the USA, including students from developing countries, through scholarships for African students in the USA and Scholarships for Tanzanians in the USA.

Level/fields of study: graduate students in Agricultural Science and Technology.

Scholarship Worth: Covers the cost of studies until the end of the program

Deadline: January 15 Annually

Obama Foundation Scholars Programme

As an Obama Foundation, scholarships are open to students from around the world, including students from Tanzanian and other international students who want to join a network of rising leaders.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in the US and open to Tanzania students, including other international students from Africa and around the Globe.

Level/Field of Study: Masters in International Development and related disciplines.

Scholarship Worth: The scholarship takes the responsibility of tuition and living expenses and provides a living stipend /per month, funding for books, including course materials, and opportunities to experience unique off-class programming.

The foundation will fully cover any costs for these experiences.

Deadline: 17 Apr (annual)

Someone searching for scholarships should not limit themselves to just a few of them when there Are more.


And so, we have listed these related scholarships so that you may expand your horizon. Check them out.

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