10 Best Bootcamp For Kids

As the world of technology evolves, so does how we learn about it. Kids are no longer confined to learning about coding and computer science in a traditional school setting – there are now plenty of bootcamps and coding camps explicitly designed for kids! 

This blog post will look at 10 of the best bootcamps for kids that will be available in 2024.

These bootcamps offer various programs and courses that will get your child excited about learning to code. So if you’re looking for a way to get your child started in coding, read through.

10 Best Bootcamps For Kids in the United States

There are a variety of bootcamps for kids in the United States that cater to different interests. Here are 10 of the best:

  1. Kids Robotics Academy
  2. Scratch Ninja
  3. LEGO Bootcamp
  4. ScienceBoot
  5. Techrocket
  6. Girls Who Code
  7. Black Girls Code
  8. Browngirlscode
  9. Budding Digital Artist Class
  10. Kode With Klossy

1. Kids Robotics Academy

Kids Robotics Academy gives kids hands-on experience tackling real-world difficulties and introduces them to physics, mechanics, electronics, programming, language development, and much more.

All necessary supplies will be available, such as motors, gears, pulleys, wheels and axles, and laptop computers.

This bootcamp for kids in the US has three levels of training: 

The DuBotics program, developed for children aged 2 1/2 to 5, provides their first exposure to our STEM-based curriculum. These activities combine counting, special awareness, vocabulary building, physics, mechanics, and other skills.

The WeBotics program introduces children as young as five to laptop technology, motors, gears, and sensors and the experience of building robots and beginning programming.

NXTBotics is a more intensive curriculum involving mastery of the Webotics application and a better understanding of programming while honing and enhancing abilities learned earlier.


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2. Scratch Ninja

Since being created in 2003 by the Scratch Foundation, a non-profit organization run by MIT computer scientists, Scratch has become the largest community for kids to learn to code. Scratch uses block-based coding, rather than text, so children can learn computer science fundamentals in a colorful and fun environment. 

Their coding instructors can guide your kids through the stages of simple coding programs in Scratch 1 toward complex games and animations in Scratch 2 and 3. This is our favorite class, and we are sure your kids will love it that Create & Learn has a trial class for free.

Start with the free Scratch coding introductory class if your youngster is new to Scratch. Then on to Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, and finally, Part 4. Complete Parts 1–3 to acquire all of the fundamental programming techniques available in Scratch.


3. LEGO Bootcamp

LEGO Bootcamp allows middle and high school students to learn about coding and programming their inventions while also improving their cooperation abilities and learning about design-thinking as a problem-solving strategy.

This Bootcamp is a creative problem-solving program for kids aged 6-12 that uses LEGO bricks as a medium. They have locations in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle.


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4. ScienceBoot 

ScienceBoot is a science enrichment program for kids aged 5-15 that offers week-long summer camps and after-school and weekend classes throughout the year. They have locations in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.

Science Boot Camp was created to assist pupils in preparing for their KS2 Science SATs. It includes science questions for KS2 and year six science games to aid children’s science learning. 

If your school has been selected to participate in the Science SATs sampling paper, you can also download previous KS2 Science SATS papers. If your school is chosen to take Science SATs, their free Science Boot Camp provides SATs preparation for Year 6 pupils. 


5. Techrocket 

Techrocket offers tech camps for kids aged 8-18 that cover various topics such as game design, coding, and 3D printing. 

Tech Rocket is a year-round and on-demand online learning platform developed by iD Tech for kids and teens to gain vital STEM skills. Online learning channels are available for programming languages such as Java, C++, Python, and iOS app development, as well as Game Design, tracks such as Minecraft Modding/Redstone, and other popular 2D and 3D platforms. 

There’s also an online forum where you can ask questions and interact with the social community, Live Coaches who may assist you with courses via chat, and other great features that make studying fun!

They have locations across the United States.


6. Girls Who Code 

Girls Who Code, or GWC, is an international nonprofit organization that strives to encourage and expand the number of women in computer science by providing young women with the computing skills they need to pursue 21st-century opportunities.

This bootcamp for kids seeks to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry y training girls aged 13-18 in computer science skills. 

Girls Who Code is a program that aims to close the gender gap in the tech industry by teaching girls aged 13-18 computer science skills. They have locations across the United States.


7. Black Girls Code 

Black Girls Code is a program that teaches girls of color aged 7-17 computer science skills with a focus on entrepreneurship and social impact. 

As one of the best bootcamps for kids in the United States, they provide avenues for young women of color to enter the contemporary tech economy as builders and creators by teaching them computer programming and technology skills.

The organization provides computer programming and coding programs, website, robot, and mobile application development, to prepare African-American kids to fill some of the 1.4 million computing job openings predicted in the United States in 2020.

They have locations across the United States and South Africa.


8. Browngirlscode

Browngirlscode offers one of the best bootcamps for kids. Here kids are taught how to build code with their peers, which gives them confidence.

This program is exclusively for girls of color between the ages of 7 – 18. The Bootcamp equips learners with the skills and training needed to pursue 21st Century opportunities in Computer Science, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, and other STEAM-related fields.

Browngirlscode has locations in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.


9. Budding Digital Artist Class

For two weeks, this eight-session course is held every day from Monday through Thursday. In each session, your child will use digital tools to create a different artist project, such as Minecraft skins, emojis, animations, photography, and more. 

In this bootcamp training for kids, educators encourage students to investigate and appreciate the creative qualities of their surroundings, such as patterns, symmetry, and perspective, and to use art to express their emotions and feelings.

The digital art tutors handling the bootcamp are trained in digital technology but can also teach conventional concepts like color theory and negative space.


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10. Kode With Klossy

Kode With Klossy provides young women with learning experiences and activities that boost their confidence and empower them to pursue their passions in a technologically driven society.

This scholarship program provides free coding bootcamps for girls aged 13-18. They have locations across the United States. The bootcamp for kids is for anyone passionate and interested in learning a new superpower.

In the summer of 2024, camps will be offered in-person (in select US cities) and virtually. If selected, scholars will attend either a virtual or in-person offering. 


Why Are Bootcamps Beneficial For Kids?

Bootcamps benefit kids by providing a structured environment to learn new skills and improve physical fitness. They also help kids to develop discipline, perseverance, and teamwork skills.

They also provide a structured environment that helps kids focus on their goals. 

Here are a few benefits of bootcamps for kids: 

1. It boosts their confidence

Many children attend Bootcamps either reluctantly or because their parents have asked them to, while others may be enthusiastic about learning new skills. I’ve seen that most youngsters and teens during classes silently take their spots on the first arrival, and some begin to form or size each other up, hoping for some approbation. (scoopsindia.com)  

Surprisingly, it doesn’t take long for the same youngsters and teens to open up. All it takes is for them to feel at ease in their surroundings, and they will become bubbly, vivacious, active, and friendly.

Bootcamps help expose youngsters, and confidence builds as they learn new things among their peers, which is very different from the typical classroom environment.


2. It helps in character education

Today’s millennials are exposed to the actual world in more ways than we can count. The internet and social media think of the internet as being open for everyone who wants to get into it, delivering extensive information that can be tough to govern nowadays.

Some children utilize 21st-century technology effectively and to their benefit; unfortunately, we have witnessed the effects of widespread misuse of social media and internet platforms.

Bootcamps focus on reducing poor behavior, often picked up from current alarming trends. With character education, your child can navigate unpleasant situations, acquire good conduct and mannerisms to assist adapt to their daily lives.

3. It nurtures and develops talents

Every kid has a secret gift that only emerges when given the perfect opportunity. Even when children are asked what they want to do as a career, it is impressive to observe how they express one career path while also telling you about their favorite activity, indicating where their love and talent lay.

Bootcamps encourage youngsters to participate in things they might not otherwise do at school or home. It is fascinating for children because the Bootcamp seeks to promote soft skills rather than just technical skills. Bootcamp is one of the best tools for your child’s extra growth and learning.

4. Build relationships

Bootcamps bring children from all walks of life and ages together. Every opportunity for your child to step away from the television, phone, or social media will help them construct a better future for themselves. 

The Bootcamp will enable them to create contacts with peers, share ideas, collaborate, have fun, and grow away from social devices. Several children form strong connections through bootcamps by meeting new people daily. It is a life skill that will benefit them in the future as they progress into puberty.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 Machine Learning Bootcamps in 2024

What To Look Out For In A Bootcamp For Kids

There are a few things to consider when choosing a bootcamp for kids. First, make sure a reputable organization accredits the camp. Second, check to see if the bootcamp has a good reputation with parents and kids. Third, make sure the camp offers a variety of activities and programs that appeal to your child. Finally, tour the camp facilities to get a feel for the environment.

Here are other things to consider:

  • If you’re looking for a bootcamp for kids, ensure a reputable organization accredits the camp.
  • Check to see if the camp has a good reputation with parents and kids.
  • Make sure the camp offers a variety of activities and programs that appeal to your child.
  • Take a tour of the camp facilities to get a feel for the environment.

If you are looking for a summer camp for kids, check out the top-rated bootcamps in the United States.

How To Prepare Your Child For A Bootcamp

If your child is interested in attending a bootcamp, there are some things you can do to help them prepare.

First, it is essential to have a realistic expectation of what bootcamp will be like. This means understanding that there will be structure and rules that must be followed. You should also expect your child to be mentally and physically challenged.

To help your child prepare for bootcamp, start by talking to them about what to expect. Explain the importance of following rules and being respectful to authority figures.

Help them understand that they will be pushed outside their comfort zone but that this is how they will grow and learn. Finally, please encourage them to stay positive and focused throughout the experience.

If your child is still undecided about attending bootcamp, you may want to consider enrolling them in a trial program. This will allow them to experience what bootcamp is like without committing. Once they have completed the trial, they can decide if they would like to continue the program.

FAQs On Best Bootcamps For Kids

Is coding course suitable for kids?

Enrolling your child in a coding class could be a terrific approach to help them develop their team-building and communication skills. Good communication skills allow children to navigate social situations, work with others, perform well academically, and achieve their goals.

Can I teach my 7-year-old kid how to code?

Coding for 7-year-olds is best taught through innovative programming projects that use high-interest content.

Can kids learn coding for free?

Yes, kids can learn to code for free on any of the platforms; Code.Org, Scratch & Scratch Jr., Blockly, Code for Life, khan academy, and Gamestar Mechanic

When is ideal for kids to start coding?

Kids can start learning how to code from 7. They can start with the programming basics.


There are a lot of great bootcamp options for kids out there, but these ten are definitely some of the best. They offer a wide range of activities and programs that will keep your kids engaged and excited about learning.


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