10 Best Portland Coding Bootcamps | Dates & Application

At least 100 tech firms call Portland home, including the ones that deal in computer hardware, such as Intel, which has over 21,000 employees in Oregon.

The Portland area is home to several other tech companies, including SolarWorld, Tektronix, Pixelworks, HP Inc., and Epson. In addition, Portland, Oregon, is also a heart to the best coding bootcamps in 2024.

If you’re new to the IT field, you’ll probably need some training because many jobs at these companies require technical expertise. Over the past ten years, coding bootcamps have grown in popularity for career changers to enter the tech sector.

So, this article contains some of Portland’s top coding bootcamps. It covers the anticipated job outlook for Portland bootcamp graduates and answers some questions you may have about coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon.

What Is a Coding Bootcamp?

Coding bootcamps have changed how students learn technology over the past few years. Unlike college, bootcamps are short courses that typically span six weeks and six months.

Students that attend coding bootcamps prepare students for a rewarding career in the tech sector. During these intense training sessions, aspiring software developers are taught coding techniques and other helpful tech skills.

After completing a bootcamp, you’ll be well-versed in fundamental programming languages and frameworks like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, Python, and Django.

Why Study At Portland Coding Bootcamps in 2024?

There are several advantages to studying at the best 2024 coding bootcamps in Portland. You will receive high-quality education due to the solid reputation of many Portland coding bootcamps worldwide. 

Furthermore, you will master new, in-demand coding skills within a few months. Meanwhile, most traditional universities and colleges are usually more expensive than Portland’s bootcamps. 

They are, therefore, fantastic for college students who want to start their computing professions on a tight budget. Additionally, every bootcamp on our list provides scholarships and other forms of alternative finance.

Related: 10 Best Coding Bootcamps in Denver in 2024

Is a Portland Coding Bootcamp Worth It in 2024?

Yes, enrolling in coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon, is worth it. They are the ideal option for Portland students who wish to change careers as soon as possible.

In a few months, you can develop fantastic coding skills. A bootcamp can help you to become a web developer, software engineer, data scientist, and many others. For students seeking entry-level jobs in technology, coding bootcamps are excellent.

Many 2024 coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon, have affiliated companies that seek to hire graduates as soon as they complete the program. This means that you can land a job in Portland after graduation.

Most bootcamps provide career training services and have graduates working at prestigious companies. So, try a coding bootcamp if you want to work in technology.

Can You Get a Job After Completing a Portland Coding Bootcamp?

Yes. You can get a job after completing a coding bootcamp in Portland. However, most of these positions will be entry-level and will not require further education.

Senior positions typically need advanced education or extensive work experience. So, attending a college or university and receiving a certificate are two ways to do this.

A professional organization could certify you to prove your expertise in a specific field. As an alternative, you could complete internships and gain equivalent experience.

How To Apply For The Best Coding Bootcamps In Portland, Oregon, 2024

If you want to pursue a career in programming, you might be wondering how to apply to a coding boot camp. Attending coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon, requires extensive research and planning. 

However, there’s good news: many bootcamps do not require potential students to have any prior coding experience. Here, we’ll guide you on increasing your chances of admission to a Portland coding bootcamp.

Prepare a portfolio.

Since they don’t require prior coding knowledge, websites like Udemy, Udacity, edX, and Codecademy are ideal places for short, introductory coding classes. So, you can take beginner classes from there; it will help boost your portfolio. 

You can also consider taking a Bootcamp prep course, which many Bootcamp providers offer to help prepare prospective students for their demanding programs.

Do your best in your interview.

The application process in 2024 for coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon, usually entails an admissions interview or possibly a series of interviews. These conversations assess your technical competence and cultural fit. 

So, the right way to start preparing would be to learn more about each potential Bootcamp. It is essential to polish your programming skills or enroll in introductory coding classes before the interview. 

Doing so will help you stand out from other aspirants by demonstrating your superior technical skills.

More interview tips.

Although your technical expertise matters, the level of commitment and passion you show during the interview may significantly impact your chances of acceptance to a coding bootcamp in Portland. The following tips will help you prepare better for an interview:

  • Show willingness, commitment, and passion.
  • Demonstrate your expertise.
  • Be you.

Decide on your start and payment dates.

Following your acceptance into a Portland coding bootcamp, you should select your start date and make arrangements for financing your studies. Bootcamps occasionally want upfront payment.

If you cannot provide a hunk sum payment at the start of your program, you should seek alternative payment options.

Choosing a start date is often very flexible at coding bootcamps. You might find start dates for every month of the year if you sign up for a bootcamp offered by a major supplier.

Read: 10 Best FinTech Bootcamps in 2024 | Apply Now

Overview of The 10 Best Portland Coding Bootcamps In 2024

Below is a rundown of the ten best 2024 coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon:

  1. Epicodus
  2. PDX Code Guild
  3. The Tech Academy
  4. Alchemy Code Lab
  5. University of Oregon Boot Camps
  6. Thinkful
  7. Nucamp
  8. Codesmith
  9. sourceU
  10. General Assembly

10 Best Portland Coding Bootcamps In 2024

These ten best coding bootcamps are ideal if you want to explore the tech world in Portland, Oregon this 2024. Let’s sail together!

#1. Epicodus

Cost: $11,700

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at https://www.epicodus.com/ to know your preferred cohort and program date.

Epicodus is among the best coding bootcamps that offers online and in-person, part-time and full-time courses in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Students learn JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, C#,.NET, React, and everything else they need to know to become a web developer. 

Furthermore, cohorts will learn how to think like programmers, write codes, and pick up new languages and technologies in this rapidly evolving industry. Epicodus is known for cooperation and diversity. 

Students collaborate in pairs and teams daily, and diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy is a significant component of the curriculum design.

#2. PDX Code Guild

Cost: $18,400

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at pdxcodeguild.com to know the start date for your preferred cohort and program.

The PDX Code Guild provides a full-stack web developer program and a program in advanced full-stack web development with Node and React. And the full-stack web developer bootcamp includes procedural and object-oriented programming, debugging, and test-driven development. 

You will also learn Python, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. The advanced full-stack web development program with Node and React cuts across modern frameworks and libraries, functional programming, destructuring and rest parameters, and agile project management.

#3. The Tech Academy

Cost: $7,980

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at learncodinganywhere.com to know your preferred cohort and program date.

The Tech Academy in Portland, Oregon, has the top & most exhaustive selection of coding bootcamps available. There are eleven distinct bootcamps available to students, including ones for mobile app and game development.

Additionally, you might focus on a particular programming language, like Python or JavaScript. According to data verified by the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting, 68% of graduates from The Tech Academy’s remote full-stack web development program from July through December 2019 got employment within 180 days of completing the bootcamp. The median yearly compensation for these professionals was $62,000.

#4. Alchemy Code Lab

Cost: $24,000

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at www.alchemycodelab.com to know your preferred cohort and program date.

Alchemy Code Lab provides a full-time, 25-week software development bootcamp that teaches computer science fundamentals and full-stack web development. In this bootcamp, students engage in test-driven development, pair programming, and agile development.

Each participant in the program creates a portfolio to showcase their work. Furthermore, students benefit from one-on-one mentoring from their teachers and job search aid, which includes assistance with resume writing and personal branding, as well as mock interviews.

#5. University of Oregon Boot Camps

Cost: $11,995

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at bootcamp.uoregon.com to know your preferred cohort and program date.

The next on our list of the best coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon, is the University of Oregon Boot Camps. This university offers noncredit, 24-week, part-time boot camps for web development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and UX/UI. 

The full-stack curriculum covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. Furthermore, the data curriculum covers Excel, Python, R, HTML/CSS, JavaScript charting, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, basic statistics, machine learning, and other programming languages. 

Enjoy working together with other experts while gaining practical experience!

#6. Thinkful

Cost: $7,000 – $9,500

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at www.thinkful.com to know your preferred cohort and program date.

The focus of Thinkful’s bootcamps is on individualized mentoring and guidance. By enrolling in these courses, students can pursue careers as software engineers, UX/UI designers, data scientists, product managers, and digital marketers.

For its Flexible web development bootcamp, Thinkful offers $600 scholarships, and for its full-time web Development Bootcamp, it provides $1,200 scholarships to women.

#7. Nucamp

Cost: $1,880 – $2,292

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at nucamp.co to know your preferred cohort and program date.

Part-time, evening, weekend, and remote learning are just a few enrollment options Nucamp provides.

Former Microsoft digital learning experts create Nucamp’s courses, and a local instructor teaches them. In addition, students gather for a four-hour workshop once a week to practice what they have learned.

As part of a six-week career development bootcamp, students are also given career coaching and job placement. Furthermore, 78% of NuCamp graduates secure jobs within three months of graduation.

#8. Codesmith

Cost: $19,950 – $20,925

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at www.codesmith.io to know your preferred cohort and program date.

Alongside their full-time NYC Onsite Immersive program, Codesmith also offers full-time (12-week) and part-time (38-week) remote immersive software engineering programs. While it’s one of the best coding bootcamps in Portland, Oregon, Codesmith is known for computer science and full-stack JavaScript

Furthermore, it concentrates primarily on technologies like React, Redux, Node, build tools, DevOps, and machine learning. Through this program, Codesmith students, also known as Residents, can build open-source projects to become qualified software engineers. 

In addition, Codesmith Residents become engineers through a thorough understanding of advanced JavaScript techniques, introductory computer science concepts (including algorithms and data structures), and object-oriented and functional programming.

Enrolling in the Codesmith bootcamp enables you to build vital problem-solving and technical communication skills—two highly prized qualities in a software engineer.

#9. sourceU

Cost: $37,000 – $75,000

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at sourceU.tech to know your preferred cohort and program date.

sourceU is a full-time, accredited bootcamp in Portland, Oregon, that specializes in teaching cybersecurity and provides students with various career paths. It is affiliated with Warner Pacific University. 

In an accelerated structure, sourceU combines components of a tech bootcamp with a conventional higher education curriculum, allowing students to earn a certificate, Associate’s, or Bachelor’s degree in 12–32 months. 

To prepare students for the workforce, the sourceU curriculum strongly emphasizes job readiness through hands-on, active learning.

#10. General Assembly

Cost: $0 – $15,950

Start date: Visit the bootcamp website at generalassemb.ly to know your preferred cohort and program date.

The General Assembly focuses primarily on employable skills. This coding bootcamp teaches you the most current methods and tools for UX design, web development, data science, and digital marketing.

Furthermore, students learn programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Ruby on Rails during the curriculum. Aside from that, you can also dip your toes into how to use Git and GitHub, which involves using third-party APIs.

What Is The Job Outlook For Coding Bootcamp Grads In Portland?

According to the Portland Relocation Guide, the software industry in Portland has rapidly increased over the past years. The reasons for this growth are:

  • Competitive wages.
  • Many talents.
  • The low cost of running a business.
  • The cost of living that’s lesser than in several cities.

These conditions keep attracting new employers to Portland.

According to PayScale, as of May 2024, the average salary for a web developer in Portland was $65,269 per year. Additionally, software developers made an average of $76,439 per year, while software engineers earned around $87,109 per year.

Thus, there are good prospects for coding bootcamp grads in Portland.

See Also: Top 10 Machine Learning Bootcamps in 2024

Bottom Line

Portland is the heart of some of the best coding bootcamps. So if you have a flair for technology and want to explore further, consider enrolling in any of the bootcamps mentioned above.

A career in coding is rewarding, and bootcamp grads often get hired within a few months of graduation. Therefore, there wouldn’t be any need for you to worry about landing a job.


What is the most respected coding bootcamp?

The most respected coding bootcamps include Flatiron School, Fullstack Academy, Hack Reactor, Lambda School, App Academy, Thinkful, Springboard, and General Assembly.

Is a coding bootcamp enough to get a job?

Many bootcamp graduates land a job within six months after graduation. However, the labor market does not guarantee one.

Which coding bootcamp has the highest job placement?

Codesmith. With a job placement of 92 percent, Codesmith is one of the top online coding bootcamps for job placement options on the market. Most coders in a role earn an average salary of $118,250.

How long does it require to learn HTML and CSS?

For an average learner with a reasonable degree of discipline, it should take about seven to eight months to gain a working knowledge of CSS and HTML.

Do I need to go to college to be a coder?

No, you do not require a degree to become a coder. If you have an interest in coding, register for a coding bootcamp.



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