Do Coding Bootcamps Get You Jobs | Latest Opportunities

If you’re considering going to a coding bootcamp, you’ve probably thought about how hard it is to get a job afterward. After all, the reason to go to a bootcamp in the first place is to get ready for a job in tech.

Different bootcamp providers have different success rates for their graduates. Whereas some bootcamps have 90% of their graduates find jobs within six months of graduation, some schools find that 86% of their graduates find jobs within that same time frame.

After finishing a program, many people who went to a bootcamp find good jobs. What job to get after a coding bootcamp depends partly on the bootcamp.

Are you thinking of going to a bootcamp? This article serves as a guide and answers “do coding bootcamps get you jobs”. Keep reading!

Do Coding Bootcamps Get You Jobs?

Yes. Over 80% of people who finish the best coding bootcamps find jobs within six months of graduating. For instance, Coding Dojo students get placed in jobs 84% of the time within six months and 91% of the time within a year. Mostly, as soon as the bootcamp accepts you, they send you a questionnaire to find out what kind of help you need with your career.

This way, bootcamps can help make sure you get just the right amount of help. No matter who you are or how much experience you have, bootcamps are always ready to help you.

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Is going to a Bootcamp Worth it?

The main goal of a coding bootcamp is to get a job in the tech field. Due to this, these programs often offer the following:

  • Hands-on lessons in the basics and more advanced ideas of computer science
  • Projects that are useful and often ready for a portfolio
  • Access to teachers who are well-trained experts in their fields
  • Help with finding a job, writing a resume, and practicing for an interview are examples of career development tools.
  • Opportunities to network with program graduates who are already working in the field and classmates who are rising professionals.

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How Can You Ensure You Get A Job From A Bootcamp?

To ensure you get the maximum experience and ultimately a job after graduating from a bootcamp, there are some things you must do. Some of them are-

#1. Work with a coding teacher

When attending a bootcamp, talk to the career development team one-on-one as often as you need. They can always tell the different industries and jobs that are out there. The teachers also help you find the best one that fits your career goals. Working with the teacher is one of the easiest ways to get a job from a BootCamp.

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#2. Practice with fake job interviews

They do not say this often, but this is one of the ways to get a job from a bootcamp. Even for people with a lot of experience, job interviews can be scary. Practice, practice, practice is the best way to feel more comfortable in an interview setting.

Most bootcamps offer mock job interviews that ask the same questions you’ll probably encounter in a real interview. This allows you to improve your answers and hear what you could do better.

#3. Make use of the resume support

You already know that there is a lot of competition for jobs. In fact, for every corporate job opening, 250 people want to work there.

So, if you want a great job at a top company, you’ll have to stand out. Your resume is one of the best ways to get a job from a bootcamp.

Even more so since recruiters only look at your resume for an average of seven seconds. Use the right format and words to keep their attention.

The bootcamps know what makes a hiring manager fall in love with your resume. It is one of the ways to get a job from a bootcamp.

#4. Work on your networking

So, you might be great at networking computers, but how are you with people? At bootcamps, you can improve your skills by meeting CEOs, recruiters, and alumni who are important leaders in the tech industry.

These events are great chances to meet new people and grow your network. You would also need a strong network in the future because more than half of the jobs never get posted. Networking is easily one of the best ways to get a job from a bootcamp.

#5. Update your LinkedIn page.

Most bootcamps help you improve your professional online presence, starting with LinkedIn.

Even if you already have a LinkedIn profile, you can always make it better to get job offers. This is one of the ways to get a job from a bootcamp.

#6. Look at your GitHub.

One of your first tasks is to set up a repository on GitHub, a site that hosts software development. The bootcamp can look at your “repo” and social media on GitHub to ensure that your work display is the best way possible.

After all, it’s common for employers to look up applicants online before inviting them to an interview. They help you make a good impression before you’re in the hot seat. GitHub is one of the best ways to get a job from a bootcamp.

#7. Hunt for job openings

When bootcamp is over, the help doesn’t stop. They keep helping graduates get jobs by giving them mock interviews, making changes to their resumes, and giving them career advice.

They also use their large network and reputation to find graduates jobs. You will have to do your part by applying, but the bootcamps help by doing everything we can to help you get the job you deserve. Hunting for jobs is the surest way to get a job from a bootcamp.

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What Kind of Jobs Can You Get After a Coding Bootcamp?

Here are some of the best jobs you can get after these programs.

#1. Technical Support Expert

This person’s main job is to help people who are using digital products, computers, or other technical devices.

Coding bootcamp trains these people to solve problems, fix bugs, update software, install programs, keep an eye on digital security, and call for repairs to hardware. This is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

#2. Digital Marketer

This marketing professional’s job is to plan, run, and evaluate online marketing campaigns. They also bring people to the site of their client or employer.

When digital marketers finish a coding bootcamp, they know how to use analytics tools, optimize websites with HTML/CSS, and look at data. It is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

#3. A junior programmer

The main tasks of these entry-level software developers are to help more experienced team members design, code, test, revise, troubleshoot, and debug software.

A coding bootcamp can teach junior developers how to find errors, fix them, and make the code run more smoothly. This is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

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#4. A data analyst

A data analyst organizes, analyzes, and draws conclusions from large data sets.

Attending a coding bootcamp can prepare them for tasks like statistical testing and using coding languages like SQL to interact with data.

Data analysts have one of the easiest jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

#5. Web developer

A web developer writes all the code for a website and tests and fixes how interactive it is. It uses CSS to make it look good and keeps an eye on how well it works.

developers who go to a coding bootcamp learn how to use HTML, CSS, UI/UX design, and accessibility from the ground up. Of course, after a coding bootcamp, this is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

#6. Project manager

A project manager’s main job is to lead a group of technical experts to finish a project. He or she assigns tasks and ensures everyone meets deadlines. It is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

They monitor the budget, allocate resources, and let stakeholders know how things are going. Project managers learn to organize and analyze data and automate management tasks in coding bootcamps.

#7. User interface (U.I.) designer

A UI designer works with UX designers, graphic designers, and developers to make a digital product that is attractive, easy to use, and well-organized.

After going to a coding bootcamp, U.I. designers are often better able to do A/B testing, analyze data from user feedback, use best design principles, and understand how code and design work together. This is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

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#8. Application developers

An app developer is in charge of designing, coding, testing, revising, troubleshooting, and keeping an eye on a software application for mobile devices, computers, or specialized technical equipment.

Coding bootcamps can help these professionals learn about important coding languages, the best testing methods, and how to solve problems. Application developer jobs are one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

#9. User experience (UX) designer

A UX designer’s main job is to work with U.I. designers, graphic designers, application or web developers, and product managers to make digital products, such as websites and apps. It is one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

They figure out what users want from apps and websites, test solutions based on those needs, find design flaws, stability tests, and research user groups and competitors.

UX designers can get the research, design, programming, and evaluation skills they need by going to a coding bootcamp.

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#10. Product Manager

A product manager controls a group of designers, software engineers, developers, and marketers. They work together to make a digital product for consumers.

Product managers develop ideas for products, help make sure they work well, give feedback on prototypes, work together on marketing and advertising, help coordinate production and shipping, and set sales goals.

Coding bootcamp teaches these professionals a lot about the software development process. This includes what each team member’s role is at each step.

This can help them to be better leaders. Product manager jobs are one of the jobs to get after a coding bootcamp.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can you do after attending a bootcamp?

Many people who finish bootcamps get jobs as web developers, software developers, data scientists, and UX/UI designers. Some of them are experts in certain languages, like Java or Python.

Will you get a job after a coding bootcamp?

Yes. Most people who finish a bootcamp find work within six months, but there are no guarantees in the job market. Many things can affect how well a job search goes, such as location, experience, interview skills, and the type of job you want. If you use the career tools that most bootcamps offer, you have a good chance of being successful.

Who hires people who have graduated from coding bootcamps?

Large tech companies, small tech startups, and even non-tech companies hire people who have finished coding bootcamps. Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook are all big tech companies hiring bootcamp graduates. These are Vimeo, Scribd, and Vroom, well-known tech companies. There are also tech jobs in other fields, like finance and health care.

How many people who finish coding bootcamps get jobs?

According to data from CIRR, about 71% of people who finish coding bootcamps get jobs within 180 days. Some coding bootcamps, like Thinkful and BloomTech, have a higher rate of getting students jobs than others.

Does a bootcamp pay off in terms of getting a job?

Some bootcamps are worth it because they help you find a job. This could be a real job guarantee or help with your career from a dedicated team. If you go to a bootcamp that promises you a job, you might get your money back if you don’t get a job within a certain time.


If you want to work in the tech industry but don’t want to get a degree, you might want to sign up for a coding bootcamp. These short-term, fast-paced programs teach you everything you need to know about specialization in technology.

You can start a new, successful career in this fast-growing industry. After you finish a coding bootcamp, there are many jobs you can do that will let you use your new knowledge and skills and push you to improve and learn more.

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