10 Part-time Coding Bootcamps

With the ever-growing demand for coding skills, there has never been a better time to consider a coding BootCamp. If you can’t commit to a full-time program, the best bet is part-time coding bootcamps.

In the past few years, part-time coding bootcamps have seen an influx of new programs and an increase in the quality of education overall. However, with so many available choices, it can be tough to know which is best for you.

This blog post will look at the ten best part-time coding bootcamps in 2024. Additionally, we will discuss what each coding bootcamp offers and why they made our list. So whether you’re looking for a flexible option or want to jump-start your coding career, carefully read through!

What is a coding bootcamp?

A coding bootcamp is a short-term, intensive training program that provides individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue a career in software development or other related fields.

Coding bootcamps typically last between 10 and 12 weeks. During that time, students complete a rigorous course of study that covers everything from basic programming concepts to advanced coding techniques.

Bootcamp graduates usually have little to no experience in coding. Still, by the end of the program, they should be well-prepared to enter the job market and pursue a career in software development or another tech-related field.

10 Best Part-time Coding Bootcamps In 2024

If you want to learn coding or take your skills to the next level, here’s a list of the ten best part-time coding bootcamps in 2024.

  1. Bloom Institute of Technology
  2. Flatiron School
  3. General Assembly
  4. Thinkful
  5. Fullstack Academy
  6. Hack Reactor
  7. App Academy
  8. Coding Temple
  9. Codeup
  10. Bloc

1. Bloom Institute of Technology

Bloom Institute of Technology is one of the best part-time coding bootcamps because it offers an immersive and comprehensive curriculum taught by experienced instructors.

The school also offers flexible scheduling and financing options, making it an excellent option for working professionals. This means you can learn part-time while you work, cater to your family, or blaze through your program at top speed.

BloomTech courses are divided into sprints of four modules each. You can go through courses at your leisure and participate in optional live Code-Alongs available at various times seven days a week. After passing the sprint challenge and evaluation, you advance to the next sprint.


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2. Flatiron School

The Flatiron School is one of the most popular coding bootcamps in the world. Located in New York City, the school offers a variety of part-time and full-time courses to fit your schedule.

The part-time courses are great for people who are already working or have other commitments during the day. The classes are offered in the evening and on weekends, so you can still take them even if you have a full-time job.

The full-time courses are perfect for people who want to jumpstart their careers in programming. These courses are intensive and require a lot of dedication, but they will quickly get you up to speed.

No matter which course you choose, you will be taught by experienced instructors who are passionate about helping you succeed. The school also has an excellent job placement program, so you can be sure to find a job after graduation.


3. General Assembly

General Assembly is a great part-time coding bootcamp for those looking to enter the tech industry. Their comprehensive curriculum covers everything from basic programming to more advanced topics such as web development and data science.

The coding Bootcamp boasts experienced instructors and professionals passionate about teaching and helping students succeed.

With over 15 courses offered part-time, you can expand your skills and advance your
career while working full time.

I highly recommend General Assembly as a great option for those looking to learn code and jumpstart their tech career.


4. Thinkful

Thinkful is one of the most well-rounded and comprehensive coding bootcamps available today. It offers part-time and full-time courses depending on your schedule and needs.

Their part-time option allows you to set your schedule, committing your 25-30 hours per week to the times that work best for you.

As one of the best part-time bootcamps, their coursework is very hands-on, allowing you to put what you learn into practice immediately. And there is a vital community element to the program, so you’ll always have support when you need it.

Their teaching staff comprises the most passionate, energetic, and experienced professionals in their respective fields. They are continually improving teaching procedures to keep up with a quickly changing market, guaranteeing that you are prepared to flourish in your new job.


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5. Fullstack Academy

Fullstack Academy is a part-time coding bootcamp located in New York City. Their part-time coding bootcamp program lasts 28 weeks and teaches students the skills they need to become full-time web developers.

The curriculum covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and Express. Fullstack Academy also offers career services and job placement assistance to help students find a job after graduation.

Their part-time coding program will help you balance everyday life commitments and launch your coding career in 28 weeks.

You’ll spend 15-30 hours each week for four weeks learning through videos, workshops, and digital activities, with access to a discussion forum and mentor help.


6. Hack Reactor

Hack Reactor is a part-time coding bootcamp that offers an immersive 12-week program. The curriculum is designed to teach students the skills they need to become proficient in web development.

In addition to the core curriculum, students will also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities such as hackathons and meetups.

This part-time coding BootCamp lasts for three weeks. Classes hold two weeknights and one-half Saturday per week. During the rest of the week, their teaching crew is available for video conferencing six days a week. 


7. App Academy

App Academy is a part-time coding bootcamp that provides an immersive online coding program that lasts 48 weeks. The program is designed to teach you the skills you need to launch a career in software engineering.

Their part-time program includes weekly lectures, pair programming, and group projects. App Academy also provides access to a vast network of alums and hiring partners.

With the part-time coding program, you may learn to code without quitting your day job.


8. Coding Temple

Coding Temple is a great option for those looking for a part-time coding bootcamp. The program is 12 weeks long, and you can choose to attend either the day or evening sessions.

The curriculum covers everything from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and React.js. You will also have the opportunity to work on a team project during the program.

At Coding Temple, there are no prerequisites; the cohort is tailored for every busy person with an interest in coding.


9. Codeup

Codeup is a part-time coding bootcamp that offers immersive, practical education in software development. The program is designed for adult learners with busy schedules and provides flexible learning options to accommodate their needs.

Codeup’s curriculum is focused on modern web development practices and technologies and is taught by experienced instructors who are actively working in the industry.

Codeup’s unique approach to education helps students succeed both inside and outside the classroom. The program includes regular one-on-one meetings with instructors, small class sizes, hands-on projects, and real-world experience through internships and externships. These elements give Codeup students the confidence and ability to thrive in any professional setting.

At the early stage of the program, you’ll code simple projects with your new skills. With the more tools you have in your arsenal, you’ll progressively develop better functional software.


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10. Bloc

The part-time coding bootcamp in Bloc is a great way to learn how to code. The program is flexible, so you can complete it at your own pace. And, the instructors are experienced and knowledgeable, so you can be confident that you’re learning the right skills.

This bootcamp is built for those who want to become a software engineer as fast as possible while working.


Why Should You Consider A Part-time Coding Bootcamp?

There are a few reasons you should consider a coding bootcamp. First, if you’re interested in a career in tech but don’t have the time or resources to commit to a full-time program, a part-time coding bootcamp can be a great option.

Second, part-time programs can be more flexible and allow you to keep your current job while you’re attending class.

Third, many part-time coding bootcamps offer evening and weekend classes, so you can still have some free time outside class.

Fourth, you can learn at your own pace. If you need more time to understand a concept, you can take a break and return to it later. There’s no need to feel like you have to keep up with the rest of the class if you’re not ready. Lastly, part-time programs typically cost less than full-time programs.

The well-designed pace of part-time coding bootcamp allows for work-life balance as you train for a new career. Those with basic coding skills will become software engineers in 36 weeks.

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What To Expect From A Coding Bootcamp

A coding bootcamp is an intensive training program that helps people learn the basics of coding and web development. These programs typically last between four and six weeks and often include classroom instruction and hands-on experience.

Most bootcamps will teach you the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and back-end programming languages like PHP or Ruby on Rails.

You’ll also learn about software development tools like Git, and GitHub and text editors like Atom or Sublime Text. By the end of a bootcamp, you should be able to build simple websites and web applications.

Coding bootcamps can be expensive, so it’s essential to do your research before enrolling in one. Make sure you know what the program will entail, how much it will cost, and whether it’s right for your learning style.

FAQs On Part-time Coding Bootcamp

Is it possible to work as a part-time coder?

Yes, it is possible. Part-time computer programmers frequently operate on a corporate network and assist in developing technical solutions. Part-time in this context indicates working fewer than 40 hours per week.

Which is the best coding bootcamp?

The Flatiron School appears to be the best coding boot camp in the US, with nine locations and a virtual campus.

Can you work while in a coding Bootcamp?

Yes, you can. Various part-time coding people with busy schedules also want to learn how to code.

Will a coding BootCamp get you a job after the program?

While some bootcamps promise their graduate a job upon completion of the program, there are no certainties in the labor market. Many factors might influence job search success, including geography, previous experience, interview abilities, and specialization.


Although the cost of attending a part-time coding bootcamp can be expensive, it is often worth the investment. The skills and knowledge you gain from attending a bootcamp will give you a significant advantage in the job market.

With the ever-changing landscape of technology, it is more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve and learn new programming languages and frameworks. If you are considering attending a part-time coding bootcamp, we hope this list has helped you narrow down your options.


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