British Council #IdeaChangeLives Global Innovation Challenge

The world is turning into a digital world that comes with its problems and challenges. This challenge requires a digital solution that many lack the ideas to provide. That is what IdeasChangeLives Global Innovation Challenge has come to do. The deadline for this British Council IdeaChangeLives 2024 application is January 10, 2024.

This British Council IdeaChangeLive is designed for people with a fresh, entrepreneurial spirit and a big idea that has the potential to make a positive impact for communities across the globe. The winning pitch will get £20,000 to invest in their idea, as well as mentorship and support from the British Council for a full year.

Therefore, in this article, I have put down information about this British Council IdeaChangeLives challenge which I strongly believe will be relevant.

So by the time you are done reading this article, you will know more about this innovation challenge 2024 and how to apply for it.

Below, I summarize what to expect from this article…..

What is IdeaChangeLive Global Innovation Challenge?

British Council IdeasChangeLives is the challenge to find digital solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems.

However, the British Council is looking for people with a fresh, entrepreneurial spirit and a big idea that has the potential to make a positive impact on communities across the globe.

Further, they are interested in rendering thoughtful, creative, and unusual digital solutions. So, even if you only have the very seed of an idea, as long as you have given it real thought, applications are encouraged.

Meanwhile, this year, they are looking for ideas that help them meet any or all of the targets within one of the three Global Goals for Sustainable Development below:

  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all as Goal 4.
  • Help to empower women and girls and encourage Gender equality as their Goal 5.
  • And also, Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
  • End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
  • Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
  • Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. and many more

What will I gain from this IdeaChangeLives Challenge?

  • Funding to get your idea Implements: £20,000 in prize money to develop your product, no matter what stage you’re at.
  • Support to help you succeed: This British Council #IdeaChangeLive provides you with the opportunity to develop your Idea through their digital experts.
  • They’ll give you the opportunity to connect with others and develop further partnerships through access to global networks, events, and sector expertise.
  • Mentorship for a full year: They tailor their support to suit you. You’ll get access to ongoing mentorship from the British Council plus advice from subject matter experts on how to potentially grow and scale up your idea.


  • Anybody from anywhere around the world can apply.
  • You can choose to apply as an individual or an organization.
  • They accept ‘early-stage applications, meaning you don’t necessarily need a working prototype when you make your application.

Note, You don’t need to be working in the digital or technology sector to apply

This challenge is in technology, Digital, and entrepreneurship skills.

This Challenge is hosted and provided by the British Council.

British Council Challenge is basically designed for everyone around the globe.

Global Innovation Challenge Application

However, before you can apply for this British Council Challenge, you should first think about the following points as recommended.

  • The need your idea addresses – be clear about which one of The Global Goals you are focusing on and the problem your idea could help to solve.
  • How people will benefit – tell us why your idea matters to the people it is designed for and how it has the potential to positively impact thousands of lives.
  • Why it’s compelling – we need to feel that you really care about making a difference so tell us the story behind your idea.
  • The competition – show us you have a clear understanding and awareness of any competitors who may work on similar products and tell us why your idea is different.
  • The tools and resources needed to turn it into a product – it doesn’t matter if you haven’t worked with technology before. What does matter is a clear understanding of how your idea will work in the real world.

Also, you can click below to look at the application questions and enter the competition.

Enter the Competition

IdeaChangeLives Challenge Important Timeline

IdeaChangeLives Application Deadline

Applications for this British Council Innovation Challenge are open till the 10th of February.

Candidates shortlisted in to be announced

In February 2022, we will announce our shortlisted applicants. They will be asked to make a short video and develop a business model to showcase their idea.

Finalist Announcement

The finalists that will then be interviewed by our judging panel will be announced. The panel will be made up of industry experts and representatives from the British Council’s Digital, Partnerships, and Innovation team.

The deadline is the 10th of January 2024.

For questions about British Council IdeaChangeLives, email the British council at

This challenge is for everyone all around the world.


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