World Press Photo Contest

Young Photographers from across the globe are been invited to hurry and apply for the world press photo contest. This annual photo contest is recognized and celebrates the best visual journalism produced over the last year. 

An independent jury selects the prize-winning photographs and productions, which are later assembled into the World Press Photo annual exhibition.

The World Press Photo annual Photo Contest and Digital Storytelling Contest are now open for entries. Both competitions are free to enter and open to professional visual journalists.

About the World Press Photo Foundation

World Press Photo Foundation is a global platform connecting professionals and audiences through honest visual journalism and storytelling. It was founded in 1955 when a group of Dutch photographers organized a contest (“World Press Photo”) to expose their work to an international audience.

Since then the contest has developed into the world’s most prestigious photography competition, and through their successful worldwide exhibition program, they present to millions of people the stories that matter. The World Press Photo Foundation is a creative, independent, nonprofit organization, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

An international jury picks the World Press Photo of the Year and the World Press Photo Story of the Year and awards first, second, and third prizes in all categories in the World Press Photo Contest.

The World Press Photo of the Year honors the photographer whose visual creativity and skills made a picture that captures or describes an event or issue of great journalistic importance in that year. It has come to be regarded as the most prestigious international award for photojournalism in the world.

Objectives Of The World Press Photo Contest

The organization’s primary objective is to promote professional photojournalism on a wide international scale through the World Press Photo Academy.

It aims to spur developments in photojournalism, support the transfer of knowledge, assist develop high professional standards in visual journalism, and encourage a free and unrestricted exchange of information. It organizes a number of educational projects throughout the world: seminars, workshops, and the annual Joop Swart Masterclass.

Level/ Field of Study

All professionals photographers around the world.

Host Nationality.

The World Press Photo Foundation is hosted in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Eligible Nationality

The contest is open to all professionals around the world.

The World Press Photo contest Benefits

All nominated photographers of the photo contest receive:

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  • Inclusion in the World Press Photo year-long exhibition, which travels to 45 countries and is seen by more than 4 million people each year
  • Inclusion in the annual collectible yearbook, available in multiple languages with a worldwide distribution of more than 30,000
  • Invitation, return airfare, and hotel accommodation for the annual networking event, the World Press Photo Festival, in Amsterdam
  • A diploma and Golden Eye Award, presented at the annual Awards Ceremony during the World Press Photo Festival in Amsterdam
  • Feature in major publications and invited to speak at public events, exhibition openings, and lectures throughout the year.

The World Press Photo Contest Prizes

Firstly, the winners of the World Press Photo of the Year and the World Press Photo Story of the Year awards will get €10,000 each. This means that all the winners of the contest will share in prizes totaling over €130,000 in value.

Secondly, all selectees are invited to Amsterdam in April to receive their prizes at the yearly Awards Show. This takes place just before the World Press Photo Festival, an event to which winners are invited, featuring performances, screenings, workshops, and meetups. Read more about the prizes.

Finally, the prize-winning photographs are gathered into an exhibition that tours to 45 countries and are viewed by over 4 million people annually. The winning pictures are also published in a yearbook, which is available in multiple languages and can be bought in their store.

Eligibility Criteria For The World Press Photo Contest

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  • The World Press Photo contest is only open to professional photographers. Every contestant needs to provide a valid document that proves their current professional status.
  • Team entries of two or more photographers are allowed. Per team member proof of professional status must be presented.
  • The photographer(s) must be the author(s) of the pictures submitted in his/her/their name.
  • The photographer(s), or the agent or representative entering on their behalf, must be the copyright holder(s) or have been authorized by the copyright holder(s) to submit the pictures.
  • A picture can only be entered once, either as a single picture or as part of a story, or as part of a body of work in Long-Term Projects.
  • Pictures submitted more than once will be removed from the contest.
  • Pictures can be submitted whether or not they have been published.

Categories Of The World Press Photo Contest

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  • Contemporary Issues: Single pictures or stories documenting cultural, political, or social issues affecting individuals or societies.
  • Environment: Single pictures or stories documenting human impact, positive or negative, on the environment.
  • General News: Single pictures or stories reporting on news topics and their aftermaths.
  • Long­-Term Projects: A project on a single theme that has been shot over at least three different years.
  • Nature: Single pictures or stories showing flora, fauna, and landscapes in their natural state.
  • Portraits: Single pictures or stories of individuals or groups either in observed or posed portraits.
  • Sports: Single pictures, stories, or portfolios that capture individual or team sports.
  • Spot News: Single pictures or stories witnessing news moments or immediate events.

Why you should enter.

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  • It is free to enter
  • Open to all professionals around the world
  • There are different categories to highlight diverse stories
  • Independently judged by leaders in visual storytelling
  • Your chance to win €10,000 and to showcase your work to a global audience Prizes

How Can I Apply For The World Press Photo 2024?

To participate in the 2024 Photo Contest you have to do the following:

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  • If you do not already have a personal Picter account, click here to create one. 
  • On Picter, register for the 2024 World Press Photo Contest. As an individual photographer, this requires your personal data as well as evidence of your professional status. You can also submit the work of other photographers as an entry coordinator. Registration ends on 9 January 2024.
  • While your status as a professional is under review, you can already upload your images, add captions, metadata, and other information. World Press Photo has the right to request additional information to help clarify the professional status.
  • Until the submission session closes on 14 January 2024, you can always log back into your account and edit your submission.

Winning images are used for the production of their book and exhibition.

However, Pictures must meet the following specifications:

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  • Upload images with the original pixel size (unless cropped). Do not scale and do not change the resolution.
  • ICC profile must be embedded. AdobeRGB, sRGB or grayscale Gamma 2.2 are recommended. No CMYK.
  • It must be uploaded in JPEG format with high-quality compression. We will use winning images for high-quality reproduction.
  • Guidance on how to write captions and avoid manipulation is available here:
  • Participants must provide file(s) as recorded by the camera for all images that proceed to the final stages of the contest. These file(s) will be requested and studied confidentially between 26 January – 4 February 2019. Failure to provide these files when requested will lead to the elimination of the entry.
  • If manipulation is detected in an entry, the photographer(s) will be contacted in the period mentioned above to offer an explanation that will be forwarded to the jury. Once contacted, the photographer(s) will have 24 hours to respond.
  • In the same period, participants can be contacted and asked to verify their captions and metadata with the fact-checking team

Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that employs images in order to tell a news story. … The images have meaning in the context of a recently published record of events.

August 19 is World Photography Day, a day to pay homage to the history of photography, celebrate the present and leave a positive trail for the future. World Photography Day originates from the invention of the daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Louis Daguerre

Personal style can be defined by any number of things. It can be your choice of subject matter, the way you light or style your subjects, your shooting angle, cropping, a particular colour or tonal range you’re drawn to, your post-processing style, or any combination of these and more.

Publicity photos come from a very narrow range of sources, and are made available for distribution by promotional agencies, whereas many images that may appear promotional in nature are intended for commercial use by the image’s copyright holder. Most photos that are found on the Internet are not publicity photos.


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