Catholic Relief Services International Development Fellows Program 2024

Nominations for the Catholic Fellows Program 2024 are open. The International Development Fellowships Program of Catholic Relief Services (IDFP) is aimed at people committed to international development careers.

The Catholic Fellows Program holders receive comprehensive training in the management and implementation of the program.

They support the work of CRS in various areas such as agriculture/livelihood, health, peacebuilding, emergency education, microfinance, or a combination of these areas. The Fellows’ training focuses on project management, project design and proposal development, partnerships and capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, budget and resource management, supply chain and logistics, human resources, and safety protocols.

Catholic Relief Services offers 20-30 scholarships every year. Each fellow is enrolled in one of the overseas Catholic Relief Services programs for a 12-month scholarship.

CRS determines the location by matching the fellows’ skills and experience with the country program’s portfolio and needs. Most fellows continue to work in various positions for CRS upon completion of the scholarship.

More About the Catholic Fellows Program 2023

Host Nationality

Catholic Relief Services are hosting an international Development Fellowships Program.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

This Catholic Relief Services International Development is open to developing countries’ citizens.

Aside from the Catholic Fellows Program 2024, other scholarships are available for international students studying abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

CRS offers International Development Fellowships Program participants the following benefits:

  • Great opportunities for professional growth and development abroad
  • Compensation, allowances, and furnished apartments
  • Transport to and from the country
  • Extended insurance (medical, dental, life-long, travel/accident, evacuation, and personal items)
  • Paid holidays, sick holidays, and personal holidays, as well as 12 days, paid holidays
  • Help with language learning
  • For 2024, the allocation is $ 30,000. The scholarship holders pay their share of the health insurance premiums and contribute to their placement like other CRS employees. Some scholars may receive a maintenance allowance depending on their job in the country.

Number of Scholarship

CRS accepts 20 to 30 scholars each year. They expect to select 25 Catholic Fellows Program holders for August 2024.

Eligibility for Catholic Relief Services International Development

  • University degree in relevant areas of international development (eg agriculture, health care, engineering, trade, public administration, finance, supply chain
  • English language skills and good oral and written communication skills
  • Professional knowledge of a second language (preferred are the main languages in which the SIR works)
  • At least six months of work or volunteer experience abroad in a developing country (candidates with at least five years of experience and residence in a developing country)
  • Strong interest in a career in development or emergency aid
  • Willingness to work in different regions and developing countries around the world
  • Can work with respect and professionalism in an intercultural environment

How to Apply for Catholic Fellows Program 2023

To be considered for the program, please follow these 3 steps:

  • Write your cover letter (maximum 500 words). The cover letter should contain the following:
  • Why would you like to participate in the CRS Fellows program, and why are you a good candidate?
  • Relevant experience demonstrating your understanding of the working environment abroad
  • Update your resume or resume to highlight your experience and qualifications.
    Apply for the scholarship program.

For more information, see Catholic Relief.

Catholic Fellows Program 2024 Application Deadline

The IDFP application closed in November yearly. They accepted and check the applications on an ongoing basis. Applications received before 8 October are given priority consideration.

FAQs on Catholic Relief Services International Development Fellows Program

How many persons do Catholic Fellows Program hire every year?

CRS hires around 20 fellows each year.

How much is the Catholic Fellows Program stipend?

The stipend is approximately $30,000. Fellows pay their portion of health insurance premiums and contribute to housing like other CRS employees. Depending on the country’s assignment, some fellows may receive a cost-of-living allowance.

When is the Catholic Fellows Program closing?

Application closes in November. Strong candidates will begin advancing through the various stages of the selection process (application review, video interview, English writing assessment, and foreign language test). In January, the top 35-40 candidates will be invited to the in-person interviews at CRS Headquarters in Baltimore. CRS will make fellowship offers to successful candidates in February or March each year.


The Catholic Relief Services International Development Fellows Program (IDFP) is a unique professional development opportunity for individuals pursuing international relief and development work careers. Interested candidates are urged to apply as applications will re-open in the summer of 2024.


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