Fully Funded Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Program 

Young South Africans are invited to apply for this Fully Funded Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship program 2024. This fellowship is the next step in your educational pursuit, and your education is more than just a degree.

It’s the ability to see the complete picture, to use your voice to fill any gap. It’s a directive to do business that’s inclusive, innovative, and downright inspirational. Your education should be an open-ended invitation to redesign the world.

All applications with respect to this program must be submitted before the deadline and all criteria met to avoid disqualification.

About Allan Gray Orbis Foundation

The Foundation was created in 2005 as part of Allan Gray’s vision of making a lasting and long-term contribution to southern Africa by strengthening the emerging business potential of the region.

His entrepreneurial journey has taught him that it takes time, patience and long-term support to create the kind of high-impact entrepreneurs that will have significant economic and social impacts in a country. It is from this vision that the Foundation was born and now operates in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Swaziland.

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is funded by a donation of 7% of the taxable profits of Allan Gray Limited. As these can fluctuate, the commitment is backed by a capitalization fund with more than one billion rands, which was donated by Allan Gray.

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation invests in the education and development of people with entrepreneurial potential in South Africa. We do this because we believe that these curious, motivated and responsible young people are capable of having a significant, positive, and permanent impact on the economic life of communities, cities, and perhaps even the country in which they operate.

The Foundation adopts a holistic approach to business development and has three critical aspects: the person in whom we cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit, the practice of developing business skills and competencies, and the context of understanding African and global ecosystems.

Overview of Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Program

They believe that entrepreneurship is the best way to guarantee equality and long-term prosperity in southern Africa and the world. This Foundation is looking for people who want to make a difference, not only in their lives but also in their community, city, and their country.

The Foundation’s Foundation Program offers you the best opportunity to build the life you want for yourself, your family and your community. So as to help you build one or more important businesses throughout your life.

The fellowship recipients, known as Allan Gray Fellows candidates, receive funding for the university. As well as access to support and development to cultivate entrepreneurship. Personal leadership and academic excellence are also an essential part of the scholarship program.

What You Need to Know About the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Program

Level/Field of Study

This Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Programme is basically for Grade 12 students, that is undergraduate students. Especially, those in the 1st year and 2nd year.

Host Nationality

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Programme is offered basically in four countries. They include South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Swaziland.

In as much as there are four different countries that host this Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Programme. They have a full list of their partner placements Universities. They include:

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Eligible Nationality

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Programme is available for South African, Botswana, Namibia, and Swaziland citizens.

The Scholarship is also available to learners entering University or those in their 1st and 2nd year in University. Learners in Grade 12 can apply.

Scholarship Worth

This Fellowship provides access to quality higher or tertiary education opportunities. As part of their belief, backed by research, they believe that there is a greater chance of success when entrepreneurs have a concrete foundation in their education. Especially in their tertiary education.

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship Programme covers the following areas:

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  • A full cost of university tuition
  • The full cost of university accommodation plus meals, books and tutor allowances
  • A monthly living stipend
  • Academic support and access to an entrepreneurial and personal development programme
  • Mentorship, both from individually assigned Foundation-employed staff, as well as business mentors
  • Access to potential postgraduate funding for graduated Candidate Fellows
  • No postgraduate contractual obligation


The eligibility depends actually on the country. That means each country have their own criteria for the application of this Fellowship Programme.

For South Africans


Level 5 in Pure Mathematics for Grade 11 final results

Level 6 average for your final Grade 11 results (excluding Life Orientation)

Completion of the National Benchmark Test by 30 September 2019

Applicants must be under the age of 21 in the year of their application

The application closing date is 15 March 2019

South African Citizenship

Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities or Health Science (Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS, UKZN, and TSIBA.1ST YEAR UNIVERSITY

A minimum average of 65% for your 2019 mid-year (June) exam results

Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities or Health Science(Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS, UKZN, and TSIBA.

Applicants must be under the age of 22 in the year of their application

South African Citizenship

The application closing date is 2 August 20192ND YEAR UNIVERSITY

A minimum average of 65% for your 2018 year-end exam and 65% in the 2019 mid-year exam

Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities or Health Science(Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS, UKZN, and TSIBA.

Applicants must be under the age of 23 in the year of their application

South African Citizenship

The application closing date is 2 August 2019



Minimum C in Mathematics and English for Grade 11 November and Grade 12 April results

Completion of the National Benchmark Test by 30 September 2019

Applicants must be under the age of 21 in the year of their application

The application closing date is 26 July 2024

Namibian Citizenship

Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities or Health Science(Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS and UKZN



Minimum C in Mathematics

Completion of the National Benchmark Test by 30 September 2019

Applicants must be under the age of 21 in the year of their application

The application closing date is 30 August 2019

Botswana Citizenship

Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities or Health Science(Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS and UKZN



Minimum C in Mathematics

Completion of the National Benchmark Test by 30 September 2019

Applicants must be under the age of 21 in the year of their application

The application closing date is 30 August 2019

Swaziland Citizenship

Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities or Health Science (Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS and UKZN

How to Apply

Do you want to see big changes in the world? Are you a natural leader, someone who sees problems as opportunities and opportunities as challenges to solve?

If you want to make a difference and believe you have what it takes. Apply to join our scholarship program and join the growing community of current and future entrepreneurs of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation.

Candidates from South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Swaziland can apply for their twelfth year or first and second year of college.

You can click on the buttons below to download the application form and the login to kick-off!

South African Application Form

Swaziland Application Form

Botwana Application Form

Namibia Application Form

Application Deadline



Swaziland Application Deadline



Botswana Application Deadline



Namibia Application Deadline



South African Application Deadline

FAQs on Allan Gray Orbis Fellowship Program

General Questions

I am not from South Africa, may I apply for the Fellowship opportunity?

The Foundation operates in countries where Allan Gray Limited is represented and, therefore, offers the Fellowship to citizens of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Swaziland.

I have been working for a number of years now, can I apply for university funding from the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation?

As long as you are 21 years or younger if you are a matriculant, or 22 years and younger if you are applying as a first-year university student, or 23 years and younger if you are applying as a second-year student.

Would like to submit a funding proposal to the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation. How would I go about doing this?

We do not provide funding as all our resources are directed into the Scholarship, Fellowship and Association programs.

I would like to request a donation from the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation to assist an education project. Is this possible?

We do not provide donations as all our resources are directed into the Scholarship, Fellowship and Association programs.

I would like to apply for funding for my MBA. Does the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation fund MBA studies?

The Foundation does not provide funding for MBA studies.

If I apply, do I need to be an entrepreneur or want to be an entrepreneur one day?

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation invests in individuals who display entrepreneurial potential. The Scholarship and Fellowship programs aim to cultivate (grow) that potential further. We believe that an entrepreneurial mindset can benefit an employee and a business owner. So the question should rather be, do you want to make a difference?

How many Fellowships are awarded every year?

We award up to 100 Fellowships every year.

Will I have to work for Allan Gray or the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation after I complete my studies?

You will not have to work for either organization upon completing your studies. There are no post-study contractual obligations.

Are there any additional or preferred requirements for successful Fellowship candidates?

In addition to the mandatory requirements we consider the following:

Have you played any leadership roles at school or university as either a prefect, member of the SRC, or sports team captain?

Have you attained any formal school or university awards within the Academics, Cultural or Service fields?

Is this opportunity only for black candidates?


Selection is based on the region’s demographics, which means that all races are welcome to apply.




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