Kader Asmal MSc Fellowships in Ireland 

Applications are open for the Kader Asmal Fellowship Program 2024. The Embassy of Ireland in South Africa in partnership with Canon Collins Trust invites applications for scholarships for postgraduate study in Ireland commencing in September.

If you wish to apply for this fellowship carefully follow the instruction below.

About Kader Asmal

The live and times of Abdul Kader Asmal iwas one dedicated to service of humanity. The South African Politician was a professor of human rights at the University of Western Cape where he served as a chairman of the council of the University of the North and vice-president of the African association of international law.

His unalloyed contributions to the education sector gave birth to Kader Asmal MSc Fellowships.

What You Need To Know About The MSc Fellowships

Level/Field of Study:

The scholarship is available for Masters Fellowship in the following field. The fellowship program has two strands:

In 2024, fellowships will be offered for postgraduate study in:

  • Agriculture, Environmental Science, Conservation, Rural Development 
  • Food Science, Food Engineering and related
  • Pharmacy and Biotechnology
  • Health, Medicine and Health Economics
  • Development Studies, Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution, and Humanitarian Action
  • Education
  • Social Policy, Social Research, Community Development, and Sociology
  • Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, Equality Studies
  • Law, Human Rights and related
  • International Relations, Politics, Government, Ethics
  • Engineering, Hydrology, Sustainable Technology
  • Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Business
  • Information Systems and Communications Technology
  • Tourism

B) One annual award will be made for a fellowship in:

  • LLM in International and Comparative Law at Trinity College Dublin. This will be selected by the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC).

Host Nationality:

The scholarship can be taken in South Africa. 

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Eligibility Nationality:

The  Fellowship Program is targeted at South African students. If you are an international student and you wish to study in SOUTH AFRICA, this is for you: List of South African Scholarships.

Kader Asmal MSc Fellowships Benefit:

The Kader Asmal Fellowships will cover:

  • university application fees
  • tuition fees
  • examination and other fees
  • economy travel to and from your country of residence to Ireland;
  • settling in allowance, book allowance, and study allowance
  • accommodation
  • a monthly personal living allowance (stipend) to cover other living expense for you only and
  • the costs of an entry clearance (student visitor visa) application

Kader Asmal MSc Fellowships Eligibility

Applicants must:

  • be a South African citizen holding a South African Permanent Residence Permit
  • have achieved the necessary standard to be accepted onto a postgraduate course in an institute of higher education in Ireland
  • be seeking funding for a full-time postgraduate program in one of the above-listed subject areas
  • be able to take up the fellowship in the academic year 2024/2024
  • Not have already applied for a course at an institution in Ireland – if you have already been admitted to a university you are not eligible

Please note applicants already in possession of a Master’s degree are not eligible

Kader Asmal MSc Fellowships Application Procedure

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Kader Asmal MSc Fellowships application deadline

Scholarship Application Deadline: 21st December annually


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