Schlumberger Faculty For The Future Fellowships,

Applications are invited for the Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships 2024, open to women pursuing Ph.D. or Post-doctoral research in STEM.

The official website for this application receives new applications from September to November annually.

This program is available to undertake Ph.D. or postdoctoral studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines at leading universities abroad. The application is strongly encouraged by female citizens of a developing country or emerging economy.

Table of contents

Description of Schlumberger Foundation

‣ The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program supports women from developing countries in pursuing advanced graduate studies in STEM at leading universities worldwide.

‣ The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships program also has an extended mission to encourage community building through in-person forums to create an international community of women leaders who will support scientific development and act as change agents in their home countries.


The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships is designed for Female international students pursuing Ph.D. or postdoctoral studies at leading universities abroad in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. List of eligible Programs with UCAS code. If you wish to explore more Undergraduate Scholarships information, click the link.


The fellowship is to be hosted by Schlumberger Foundation and taken abroad. If you are an international student and desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships available for study in the UK. Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships are targeted at Women applicants from developing countries or emerging economies can apply for these Faculty for the Future Fellowships. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country. Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Worth

Faculty for the Future grants are based on actual costs for eligible expenses up to a maximum of USD 50,000 per year. They may be renewed through to completion of studies subject to performance, self-evaluation, a supervisor recommendation, and strong evidence of re-integration plans into the home country.

Grants are awarded on a one-year basis and may be renewed through to completion of a Ph.D. or post-doc study subject to performance, outreach and collaboration initiatives, and recommendations from supervisors (preferably host and home universities, respectively).

Scholarship Number

The Foundation has awarded new fellowships for the 2024 academic year to 155 women and has extended 135 existing grants. This year the program attracted a total of 1166 new and renewal applications.

Eligibility for Scholarship

To be eligible to apply for Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships, applicants must meet the following criteria: You

  • Are female and are a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy. You are not eligible to apply if you hold dual citizenship, which is the citizenship of a developed country;
  • are preparing for a Ph.D. or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences, engineering, and related disciplines;
  • Are enrolled, admitted, or have applied to a host university/research institute abroad (applications are no longer accepted where an individual has not yet applied to a university). If you are applying for a sandwich course, the final degree must be awarded by the University abroad (not from the home country university);
  • hold an excellent academic record;
  • have a proven track record of teaching experience or can demonstrate a commitment to teaching;
  • can demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach programs to encourage young women into the sciences;
  • are willing to contribute to the socio-economic development of your home country and region by strengthening the faculties in your home universities, pursuing relevant research, or using your specific expertise to address public policy matters.

Application Procedure

Applications are only accepted through the online system.

Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from the official website

It is important to read the application procedure and visit the official websites (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Applicants are chosen via a rigorous selection process based on academic performance, outstanding references, research relevance, commitment to teaching, and the ability to be a change agent and inspire other young women into science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) pursuits.

Online Application

For more information about Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships

Application Deadline

The application website will commence receiving new applications from September to November of each academic year.

We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response in the comment box for us to serve you better.

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