15 Best Child Birth Classes Online For Beginners | Free & Paid

Childbirth and labour preparation classes are vital in childbearing, especially for first-time parents. This is basically to get them ready for what is coming.

Before this time, most of these classes were provided in person through a hospital, birth center or women’s health group, even though there were online childbirth classes, they were not rampant until the Covid-19 pandemic.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, most expectant mothers who couldn’t meet up with their in-person prenatal class must opt for online classes.

Since then, online childbirth education class is mostly opt for, considering it’s flexibility and other distinguishing features make them more preferred.

Like in-person classes, online classes will allow you to access the course materials for up to one year. You can even access downloadable textbooks that you can read even after delivery.

The most beautiful part of it is that you can easily learn birthing techniques online at your own pace just at the comfort of your home.

Isn’t that awesome?

Guess it is!

So, without further waiting, I implore you to carefully read this article if you’re desiring to have a seamless child delivery because in this article, we’ve everything you need to know about online childbirth classes. We also included15 Best paid and free child birth classes online for beginners.

What are Online Childbirth Classes?

Pregnant women and their partners can prepare for labor and delivery by taking online birthing programs. While some online childbirth classes are text-based, giving you access to online resources that you can see and read at your leisure, some are video-based. This means that you see live or pre-recorded videos of instructors.

Generally, registered nurses or clinical childbirth experts typically teach online birthing seminars. Hence, they often cover the same themes as in-person classes, such as prenatal concepts, labour stages, comfort measures, labor positions, drugs, c-sections, and postpartum depression.

What Does Online Childbirth Classes Cover?

A childbirth class can be an extremely beneficial part of your pregnancy education. You may not understand what you learn in a childbirth class, but they will cover a wide range of topics, such as how to have a safe pregnancy, when to go to the hospital or birth center, and even the fundamentals of baby care and breastfeeding.

Normally, a childbirth class will cover the following topics:

  • The fundamentals of pregnancy, include pregnancy adaptability, diet, and exercise.
  • A look into pain during pregnancy, labor, and birth and the origins of pain management.
  • Postpartum adjustment, infant care (diapering, bathing, cord care), sex after baby, your six-week postpartum visit, bleeding, and postpartum depression are all things to consider.
  • Pre-labor, contraction timing, and relaxation are comfort techniques used during pregnancy and labor/birth.
  • First stage labor: from start to finish.
  • How to be an excellent labor support worker.
  • Second and third-stage labor (pushing and placentas), birth plans, doulas, and a slew of other useful information
  • Labor jobs and pushing techniques
  • Medications, standard procedures, and problems
  • Cesarean section, fetal monitoring, episiotomy, and other procedures
  • How to Make the Best Birth Decisions.

When to Take an Online Childbirth Class?

It is expedient you take your childbirth class with enough time to get through each session without feeling rushed, just like you would with any other childbirth class. This is owing to the fact that you’ll want to finish before your 36th week of pregnancy begins.

Moreover, starting an online class on time will give you time to use what you’ve learned and practice relaxation techniques and labor positions. This implies that you will receive this knowledge prior to the onset of labor for months.

Are there Advantages and Disadvantages?

Yes, of course!

First, taking an online birthing program can be advantageous for expecting parents, especially if their location, schedule, or necessary bed rest prevent them from attending in-person seminars.

Also, parents-to-be can attend the classes at their leisure and devote more attention to the themes that are most important and helpful to them.

On the flip side, there is every tendency that you will miss out on some of the hands-on exercises and in-person connection with the teacher and other pregnant parents if you take an online childbirth class.

Some online programs do not allow users to ask the instructor questions. Whilst online birthing classes may not be the best option for everyone, they can supplement in-person experiences or substitute for individuals unable to attend face-to-face seminars.

How Much Will I Spend to Take Online Childbirth Class?

The cost of online birthing lessons varies widely based on the level of involvement, personal support, and the length of access to the materials.

Some fundamental seminars are free, however, more thorough programs can cost up to $250 or more. The majority of classes cost between $80 and $200.

Can I Take Any Online Childbirth Class for Free?


There are, without a doubt, free childbirth lessons available online. The only setback about going for free online childbirth classes is that most of them lack some of the elements that a paid class would have.

This is always a result of the author not having the resources to invest in interactive features and videos. That aside, there are still some free online childbirth classes that are worth going for.

#1. Childbirth: A Global Perspective

Length: 9 hours

Cost: Free

This is one of the best free childbirth classes online for beginners. This course will examine maternal and newborn health concerns in the poor world.

This will be where many women and newborns suffer from complications throughout pregnancy, labor, and the days after birth.

The topics covered include the epidemiology of mother and newborn mortality and morbidity, pertinent concerns for the global health workforce, and community-based initiatives to promote health.

To learn more about this childbirth online course and enroll click the link below.

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#2. Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy

Length: 7 Hours

Cost: Free Enrollment

This is one of the bests childbirth courses you can take online. This course overviews the most recent research findings and international recommendations on several pregnancy nutrition-related factors and outcomes.

Basically, one of the best methods to assist the healthy growth and development of the unborn child is to maintain a balanced nutritional status and lifestyle before and during pregnancy.

This class will educate you on how a balanced diet and lifestyle should ideally be achieved before conception. Also, you’ll be provided with guidelines for pre-conception counseling of women.

Furthermore, you’ll also get nutrient guidelines for a healthy pregnancy to promote optimal mother and fetal outcomes, as well as the most prevalent nutrition-related pregnancy problems, obesity, and gestational diabetes.

To learn more about this childbirth online course and enroll, click the link below.

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#3. Autism and Neurodiversity: Building Your Child’s Strengths

Length: 6 Weeks

Cost: Free

This childbirth course Autism and Neurodiversity: Building Your Child’s Strengths, aims at helping families of young children who may be showing early signs of autism.

Similarly, this online childbirth class gives learners the knowledge and skills needed to recognize worrisome behaviors and understand the diagnosis process.

It will also enable you as a learner to design a strategy to help traverse the early stages of childhood development, and effectively advocate for your kid. To learn more about this childbirth online course and enroll click the link below.

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#4. Modern Childbirth

Length: 3 Hours

Cost: $95

Modern Childbirth course is among the best childbirth education classes you can take online. Enrolling in this course will help you better understand what childbearing entails. You’ll also understand some of the big challenges and complications women suffer during or after pregnancy.

Normally, the pregnancy process is complicated. To begin with, there is no way to predict when a woman’s labour will begin, but there are certain indications that it may begin shortly.

The baby may drop lower in the weeks before birth, the mother may experience more contractions, or the mother may feel different.

Other symptoms may appear only a day or two before labor begins. The mother’s stool may change, or a small amount of show (blood mucus) may leak from the vagina.

Babies frequently sink lower in the mother’s abdomen approximately two weeks before birth. However, if a mother has previously had children, this may not decline until labor begins.

During labor, the womb tightens and hardens, causing contractions to grow stronger or more frequently. Because the womb contracts or tightens, this is a contraction.

All these and more will this course take you through on.

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#5. FMLA & State Modifications: Parental Rights after Childbirth

Length: 1 Hour

Cost: $25

Next on our list of best online childbirth classes FMLA & State Modifications: Parental Rights after Childbirth.

This is one of the natural childbirth classes online that provides employers with a general review of employee rights following childbirth so that they are aware of issues to address during the process.

In this childbirth education class online, topics like the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the portions that elaborate on will be carefully handled.

Similarly, the course will analyze other state statutes and legislation that augment the FMLA. This is to determine whether places have more strict rules for employers and better employee rights. To learn more about this childbirth online course and enroll click the link below.

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#6. Childbirth Preparation: A Complete Guide for Pregnant Women

Length: 5.5 hours

Cost: $100

You might ask, what are other childbirth classes near me? This particular course Udemy course can be within your reach.

This childbearing online course is specifically for pregnant women who want a pleasant pregnancy, a healthy and happy birthing experience, and a peaceful transition into motherhood.

During this course, you will learn all of the information available in a standard birthing preparation course, with the extra benefit of deep mind-body-spirit training not found in regular workshops and candid stories from my birth-related experiences.

Additionally, you’ll get clear information and compassionate support through video, slideshows, relaxation recordings, and checklists designed to instil greater calm and clarity in your journey through pregnancy, labour, and parenting.

To learn more about this childbirth online course and enrol, click the link below.

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#7. Breastfeeding Basics: From Birth to Back to Work

Length: 3 hours

Cost: $34.95

This one of the best Lamaze classes on childbirth you can take online. Generally, Lamaze classes aim to teach mothers-to-be how to be more in tune with labor and cope with pain.

These classes take them through six healthy birth practices, which include letting labor start on its own, moving around during labor, and avoiding interventions that aren’t medically necessary.

Enrolling in this childbirth education class will help you become acquainted with other crucial information to better prepare you for life after your baby, such as how to determine if your baby is gaining weight usually or how to prepare to return to work.

More so, you will learn how to identify and respond to feeding cues, manage nocturnal feeding, and more through interactive visuals, slideshows, personal narration tales, and carefully selected resources.

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#8. Labor Pain Management: Techniques for Comfort and Coping

Length: 2 hours

Cost: $34.95

This also one of the best online childbirth education classes for expecting mothers. This class is among the Lamaze classes specifically designed to provide mothers with the information and skills they need to minimize discomfort and labor confidently.

With this course, you can prepare for labor by practicing our breathing methods, labor positions, and advice on how to prepare your birth team better to support you during labor.

According to research, women who use doulas request pain medication less frequently and are more satisfied with their birth and their partner’s participation, therefore, this online program also addresses essential labour-related themes.

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#9. Evidence-Based Birth online childbirth

Length: Varies

Cost: Varies

Evidence-Based Birth online childbirth classes are among the best childbirth preparation classes online any expecting mother can go for.

These courses are designed to help pregnant parents negotiate the conventional norms surrounding childbirth. You’ll be educated on current best practices for laboring and giving birth so they can make—and argue for—their own decisions.

Additionally, you’ll learn the fundamentals, such as labor stages and pain treatment; your professional educator will also advise you on your rights and how to interact effectively with hospital staff.

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#10. Pampers

Length: 3 hours

Cost: Free

Pampers in collaboration with the Childbirth Education Association, provides free childbirth education classes. These classes come in nine-video series that covers all aspects of childbirth, from contractions and stages of labor through breastfeeding and check-ups.

The classes are being handled by two registered nurses with over 47 years of combined experience, and includes real-life experiences from five expecting parents.

Note the videos are brief (no more than 15 minutes) and claim to answer all of your essential questions, such as what each stage of labor looks like and what to expect immediately after birth.

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#11. Kopa Birth

Length: 3 hours

Cost: $34.95

Kopa Birth is one of the best online natural childbirth classes for expecting mothers. It is a fantastic resource for mothers seeking a drug-free hospital birth.

For clarity, this online course was created by a registered nurse and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator created the online course in the hopes of empowering women to have a baby with minimum medical assistance.

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#12. Nurture

Length: 3 hours

Cost: $95

Nurture is one of the best online prenatal classes. It’s a complete prenatal and postpartum guide that will not only teach you the essentials,. It will also you prepare emotionally by analyzing how your relationships, job, and lifestyle will change with the arrival of your baby.

During this course, you’ll have access to printable worksheets and a monthly webinar where you can talk with your tutor. Also, you’ll have access to 26 information-packed videos which covers all the programs.

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#13. Maia Midwifery & Fertility’s Queer & Trans Pregnancy Class

Length: 3 hours

Cost: $34.95

Maia Midwifery & Fertility’s Queer & Trans Pregnancy Program provides a support group-like setting and educational environment online for LGBTQ+ families looking for a more inclusive birth class.

Kristin Kali, a midwife with over 25 years of experience dealing with LGBTQ+ families, is in charge of the class. The thorough lesson goes above and beyond what your doctor usually delivers in terms of care and information.

The Centering Queer & Trans Pregnancy Group walks you through the process of announcing your pregnancy, exploring your care options, and caring for your changing body and emotional well-being as you prepare to become a parent.

The Childbirth Class for LGBTQ+ Families is a gender-inclusive, LGBTQ+-centered curriculum that covers hospital, birth center, and home birth preparation.

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#14. Childbirth and Postpartum: Overcoming Your 5 Biggest Fears

Length: 1.5hours

Cost: $94.95

This is one of the best online birthing classes to help you overcome fear of pain, postpartum period, and fear of being unable to breastfeed your baby after birth.

This online class for childbirth provides you with the information, skills, and strategies you need to have a safe, healthy and satisfying birth and postpartum.

During this course, you will learn how to have a more comfortable childbrith without drugs, plan your life to have an awesome postpartum experience, and surrender control at the right time.

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#15. Practical & proven coping tools for pregnancy & birth

Length: 2.5hours

Cost: $34.99

If you are an expectant mother who needs skills, knowledge and know-how for birth, this online childbrith class is designed for you.

This is one of the best online childbirth classes that helps get your mindset in order with skills, tools, knowledge & techniques that work really well to reduce stress for birth.

In other words, it is an advanced childbirth education program teaching practical skills and tools, for parents who like to know more.

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