12 Best Free Business Law Classes Online in 2024

Certain laws guide business transactions, processes, and agreements. Hence, you need to be careful about the agreements you agree to, so you don’t make a mistake. And a good way to help yourself would be to learn about these laws by taking nuggets from the free business law classes online.

According to the Law Practice Doctor, business law maintains order among businesses, brands, and companies. They protect the rights of the company and of the people who work there and help establish a certain standard for how things should be run.

Hence, you can be in better control of the agreements you sign when you understand the conversations of business law.

What Are Business Law Classes?

Business law examines all the laws that discuss how to form and run a business effectively. This includes all the laws governing starting, buying, managing, closing, or selling any business. Business laws establish the rules that all businesses should follow.

Business law classes are learning environments for those with interest in business law. Depending on the learning model the interested participant is comfortable with, these environments could be virtual or physical.

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Can I Take Business Law Classes Online?

You can get lots of discouragement when you want to begin online learning citing that it has a lot of limitations, especially the lack of a physical contact point. You should never listen to these sentiments that aren’t supported by any facts.

Online learning has strongly increased people’s interest in learning because of its flexibility. And you can learn business law online by enrolling in any of the amazing free business law classes cited here.

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Why Take Business Law Classes Online?

Business law is an ever-expanding scope. With more governmental regulations coming up in line with products, it’s vital to understand these laws so you don’t burn a large part of your money on an uneventful business.

When you traditionally learn business law, you will only learn about the laws that limit your business in an area, not globally. Hence, your products and services will continue to draw local attraction.

You must take up your business law classes online to avoid this. In the online space, you will get to learn about international business law. Furthermore, you will know minor tweaks to help you maintain your model.

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12 Best Free Business Law Classes Online in 2024

There are a lot of business law classes online for interested participants, but many of them have extremely high premium charges. The classes listed here are all free, and they include :

1. Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 1

Duration: 6 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

Hitting on core commercial and artistic activity areas, intellectual property (IP) law is a vital part of modern society. In this course, Part 1 of a two-part series, you will see a broad overview of intellectual property laws, the theories holding this area of law, and an individual look at patent law.

This two-part series focuses on mastering some of the seminal legal cases in each area while considering the law’s policy implications. You don’t require any experience in law to be part of this amazing program.

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2. Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 2

Duration: 7 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

In this course, Part 2 of a two-part series, you will consider the modern realities and debates of copyright and trademark laws, and then investigate alternatives to intellectual property and the future of this interesting area of the law.

This two-part series focuses on mastering some of the seminal legal cases in each area while considering the policy implications of the law today.

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3. Media Law

Duration: 14 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

Understanding media law is essential for professionals in the creative and design fields. This course discusses an interesting aspect of topics and models, such as privacy and art, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Open Source public license, Creative Commons, Digital Rights Management, and working meanings of Fair Use and the practical limits of sampling/mixing in different idioms and economic sectors.

With all the interesting lessons in this course, it is one of the best business law classes.

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4. Foundations of Central Bank Law

Duration: 6 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

This online course, presented by the IMF Institute and the IMF Legal Department, gives you knowledge about the foundations of central bank law. The course accommodates the legal issues necessary to support sound and effective central banks.

It attends to the legal underpinnings of the mandate, decision-making structures, autonomy, accountability, transparency, and operations of central banks. This course combines theoretical components with practical exercises on analyzing and designing central bank legal frameworks, making them one of the best free business law classes online.

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5. Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract

Duration: 8 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

You face contracts daily and even sign many on websites and elsewhere. Knowing the principles of contracts is not just a skill needed by lawyers; it gives light for everyone a vital institution that we use all the time and generally take for granted.

This contract law course is structured to delve into various issues when entering and enforcing contracts. It will provide an introduction to what a contract is and analyze its purpose and significance.

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6. CS50’s Computer Science for Lawyers

Duration: 10 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

This course is a variant of Harvard University’s introduction to computer science, CS50, designed especially for lawyers (and law students).

Through a great combination of technical instruction and discussion of case studies, this course allows students to contribute massively to technology-driven conversations. In addition, it gets students ready to formulate technology-informed legal arguments and opinions. Indeed, it is one of the best free business law classes online.

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7. Taxes and Decision Making

Duration: 12 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

This is one of the best business law classes to help you build your accounting foundation on U.S. federal income taxation. You’ll master the taxation of both businesses and individuals. Added to income tax laws, you’ll learn how to reduce the present value of income taxes.

Topics will involve tax planning strategies, qualified business income deduction, tax compliance, and more.

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Duration: 8 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

The world of sports is very exciting and engaging. The spirit of competition, the possibility of a winner, and the recognition of perseverance and dedication motivate people to watch and even participate as athletes.

This course will teach you basic principles and guidelines to understand sports law. You will explore the fundamentals of sports law: the contracts involved, associated liabilities, and non-contractual liabilities.

In the course, you will consider labor rights and environmental, health, and safety factors and examine ethics, anti-corruption, and dispute resolution. Indeed, it is one of the best free business law classes online.

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9. Applied Business Negotiations

Duration: 7 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

This is a seven-week course wherein you’ll work collaboratively in small teams through obstacles and challenges and structure a deal that benefits all negotiation parties.

As you go through this course, you will discover the legal, business, social, ethical, and political issues that can arise amid a complex transaction. And you will become a better negotiator with a stronger understanding of achieving mutually beneficial results for both sides.

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10. Culture and Law: The East Asian Perspective

Duration: 3 weeks

Price: Free

Level: All

In most Western cultures, personal identification depends on the individual, but in East Asia, the family registry system is the standard format used to identify individuals.

In this course, you will address all three themes. You’ll start with identifying how Confucian moral and legal reasoning has evolved and the unique aspect of the role of apology in East Asia.

The course also acknowledges the notion of Legal Orientalism and argues against the theory by presenting cases related to the advanced notion of anticipatory repudiation in China, a transfer pricing case in Japan, and Inter-Korea business law in Korea. Hence, it is an exceptional free business law class.

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11. European Business Law Specialization

Duration: 5 months

Price: Free

Level: All

The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This specialization is a 3-course bundle that will teach learners the fundamentals of European Business Law.

In the first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, you will examine the vital structures of the European Union and the core sources of law.

This will include having the ability to understand relevant laws and regulations regarding the internal European Union market, understand how to apply the fundamental principles within the European Union legal framework, and utilize the rules of freedom of movement and their impacts in the European Union.

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12. Financial Markets

Duration: 33 hours

Price: Free

Level: All

This is an overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that allow human society to manage risks and foster enterprise with a strong emphasis placed on financially-savvy leadership skills using the description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future.

This course perfectly introduces risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. This course aims to use such industries effectively and towards a better society.

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What is the purpose of business law?

The purposes and functions of business law are maintaining order, protecting rights and liberties, establishing standards, and resolving disputes in businesses and their interactions with individuals, government agencies, and other businesses.

How many types of law exists?

Law is divided into four broad categories. These types of law are tort law, contract law, property law, and criminal law.

Is law an easy course to study?

No. Law is not an easy course to study as it is one of the toughest degrees to attain.

Are lawyers rich?

Yes, lawyers make enough income to be classified as rich.


Business law ensures that people don’t cross limitations and remain true to the right standards in doing business. Furthermore, it introduces materials such as contractual documentation that prove the legitimacy of a business.

In learning business laws, many models are a great fit but online learning classes are bigger than all of them. These classes offer you flexible timelines while giving you the needed knowledge to execute business transactions.



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