Free Online Courses in Indonesia With Certificates

It’s no longer news that online learning has become the new normal. Hence, less crowded halls eventually lead to more online classes. Asian countries like Indonesia are not behind. They’ve built solid portals for online learning and we will quickly look at the Free Online Courses With Certificates in Indonesia.

According to Cambridge International, Indonesian students are among the world’s highest users of technology in education. Indonesian students are also the most eager to become entrepreneurs, compared to their global peers.

Hence, in this article, we will outline Free Online Courses With Certificates in Indonesia and how online courses have helped Indonesians. The table of content clearly outlines all you’ll learn from this article.

How Do I Choose the Right Online Course?

There’s always an excitement that bursts through your head whenever you see an online course for free. Indeed, the temptation to enrol is always present and you’re a click away. However, before you click you must understand basic concepts.

A good number of online courses have levels attached to them. Hence, you should understand that you have to pass each level to gain a level of credibility. So, you need to understand that passing the beginner level is just the beginning.

The best approach to every online course is to ask critical questions. Questions which include; “Is this course relevant to my career path?” or “What can make me lose interest in this course?”. Once you answer these questions, you would have made a better decision.

In summary, once you start an online course, ensure you complete it. Because you lose out on so much value and information when you don’t complete a course.

How Do I Take An Online Course?

Getting confused on how to start and complete an online course is a general problem. However, we have outlined an easy way for you to complete your online program which includes;

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  • Find The Right Course
  • Complete Your Registration
  • Follow the Course Outline
  • Take Necessary Breaks
  • Use Discussion Forums

Find The Right Course

Searching for your course of interest was a difficult task. Yes, I said it was difficult. However, due to the internet’s bolstering power, it’s now very easy for you to find a course of your choice. You only need to use the search toolbar.

Complete Your Registration

After finding the course of your choice, you must complete your registration. Every registration requires you have a valid mail address wherein you can receive notifications regarding the progress of your program. You will need to input your name as well to complete the registration.

Follow the Course Outline

I get it. Most times the videos are boring and you just want to skip some lessons. Well, it’s not the best. A good part of what every online course teaches you is patience. You must be meticulous enough to listen so as to gain true value.

Take Necessary Breaks

You can easily get fatigued when you don’t take the necessary breaks. It’s not advisable that you try to complete a course within a shorter period of time. Ensure you plan yourself well so you can take breaks every day of your course.

Use Discussion Forums

Discussion forums are platforms where instructors and students meet. In this platform, students who didn’t fully understand any of the lecture modules can ask questions. Their fellow students can answer as they also carry out assignments as well

In summary, you have a chance to connect with likeminded professionals outside your network in these online courses. Hence, there’s a lot of profit when you register for an online course.

Free Online Courses With Certificates in Indonesia | 2024

When it comes to free online courses in Indonesia with certificates, the following courses rank among the best courses you can find. Hence, the courses include;

15. Introduction to Business in Asia (Open2Study)

This course equips you with ideas to help you understand and negotiate business in Asia. However, this course focuses on the social and cultural aspects of business, such as leadership, management and personal relationships.

Participants in this program have 2-4 hour classes every week. Every successful participant eventually receives a certificate from the course coordinators. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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14. Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners (Coursera)

The Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners is a course that utilizes lectures, short plays, interactive exercises and cultural tips to create a foundational strength in Chinese. Students eventually learn how to handle real-life situations when the language is concerned.

Participants in this program have 3-hour classes every week for five weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English and Chinese are the languages of instruction for this course

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13. Federal Taxation I: Individuals, Employees, and Sole Proprietors (Coursera)

Federal Taxation I: Individuals, Employees, and Sole Proprietors cover and focuses on the U.S. federal tax system in relationship with individuals, employees, and sole proprietors.

Gross income and items which are statutorily included or excluded in it, personal and business expenses that qualify as tax deductions, and the differing tax treatments for employees versus are keynote areas in this course.

Participants in this program have 6-8 hour classes every week for eight weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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12. Professional Certificate in Applied Data Science

The Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth has a professional course with a certificate in Applied Data Science. As the demand for data scientists keeps rising, you and other graduates will access countless offers wherein you can build and eventually further your career.

Participants in this program have 10-15 hour classes every week for six months. Each week they will also get an assignment to test their understanding of each concept gathered.

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11. Ekonomi Pembangunan

This course helps you understand the concept and process of economic development utilizing the relevant economic theories and models. Furthermore, conversations regarding the developmental process involve social, political, institutional, historical and cultural aspects and the role of these non-economic factors and their interactions play.

Participants in this program have 2-hour classes every week for 15 weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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10. Manajemen Bencana

The Disaster management course is a response to the disaster that has visited Indonesia homes. Indeed, most of these disasters are human-caused and that’s part of what this course wants to address. It seeks to educate the average person about preparing adequately for environmental hazards.

Participants in this program have 1-hour classes every week for 5 weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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9. Cyber ​​Law: Rights and Obligations

This Cyber ​​Law: Rights and Obligations course focuses on telecommunications and informatics. In essence, it seeks telematic development and the development of the internet in general. Hence, it will produce freedom of information, communication and expression.

Participants in this program have 1-hour classes every week for 7 weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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8. Introduction to Islamic Economics and Finance

This ‘Introduction to Islamic Economics and Finance’ course introduces you to a means of learning the economic system that can be a solution to the problems of the existing economic system. Hence, this will solve the problem of public awareness.

Participants in this program have 1-hour classes every week for 7 weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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7. Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth-Century Japan (Coursera)

This course exposes you to encounter and appreciate behaviour surrounding the Japanese Artistry. Essentially, you access information regarding the moral character, behaviour and culture.

Participants in this program have 2-3 hour classes every week for 4 weeks. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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6. From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective (edX)

The From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective (edX) course teaches you about basic consumer science, business, logistics, supply chain, and economic principles necessary for a successful transition from fossil resources to renewable biomass resources in a biobased economy.

Participants in this program have 20-25 hour classes every week. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program.

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5. Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (edX)

This course teaches you how entrepreneurship and innovation tackle complex social problems in surfacing economies. In essence, this business and management course takes an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding and solving complex social problems.

Participants in this program have 3-5 hour classes every week which is self-paced. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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4. Supply Chain Management: A Decision-Making Framework (edX)

This course teaches you how to reach rational and confident supply chain decisions, by understanding how they impact the finance, market and strategy of your industry. Hence, at the end of this program, you’ll be making efficient supply chain decisions.

Participants in this program have 6-8 hour classes every week which is self-paced. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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3. Statistics for Business – I (edX)

This introduction to statistics course opens up data from the perspective of business scenarios and teaches you how to apply this data to make better decisions. Hence, at an intermediate level, you get access to how statistics have revolutionized engineering, medicine, business and pure sciences.

Participants in this program have 2-4 hour classes every week which is self-paced. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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2. Strategic Management (edX)

The strategic management course shows you how to develop a strong understanding of how firms compete by learning about important analytical approaches that underlie business strategy. You’ll precisely learn market analyze and creative advantage.

Participants in this program have 3-5 hour classes every week which is self-paced. You can either take an exam or a final project to round up your program. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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1. Result Oriented Project Management (Center for Advanced Professional Studies)

This course will teach you how to master the fundamentals of project management & leadership. In essence, you learn deep insight about leadership patterns and principles.

Participants in this program have 5-7 hour classes every week which is self-paced. English is the language of instruction for this course which remains one of the free online courses with certificates in Indonesia.

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FAQs On Free Online Courses in Indonesia With Certificates

No online course possesses least credibility. It all depends on your interest.

No degree comes easily. Every degree involves a level of work.

You can take online college classes for free at platform like IEDX, Coursera and Udemy.

Yes, free online courses are worth it.


Without a doubt, it’s clear that online courses have improved learning. It has eliminated the barriers of location and racial intolerance between students of different backgrounds too.

As a student of an online course, you work within your schedule as you have live sessions your instructors and fellow students. Furthermore, you can repeat videos of each live session.

Cheaper, Convenient and Flexible are just some of the advantages that online courses possess over classroom learning. So if you’re an Indonesian, check out these free online courses in Indonesia with certificates and start your education.


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