15 Meditation Online Courses | Free & Paid

Are you looking for the best meditation online courses to go for? This article contains a carefully researched list of the top paid and free meditation courses online with certificates.

Whether you are begnner or an advanced meditator, our list conatins some of the best courses you can ever find online to help you start out your meditation journey as well as to help to deepen your understanding of meditation.

Continue to read to find about about the15 top meditation online courses in 2024. 

Meditation Online Courses| Free & Paid

This is a craefully researced and compiled list of both free and paid meditation online courses in 2024. While you’re here, you can take as many courses as you wish and earn your shareable certificates upon completion.

Even better, all of the courses on our list are self-paced, that means, you can take tem at your own convineinece.

So, lets get right in! The best meditation online courses ya all!

1. Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) offers this course offers this course, a university established by the Korean University in 1971 as the country’s first research-intensive graduate school for science, technology, and engineering.

This is one of the best free meditation online courses in 2024.

It aims to define, outline, and explore the principles of the mind in the most straightforward and most understanding ways possible. Also, it explores the methodology of finding the true original mind of inner-self by escaping from the false of mind possession.

In addition, this course will help to reveal the positive power of your inner potential and your peaceful and happiest mind.

Furthermore, it provides a step-to-step guide and practice to meditation.

To achieve this, the course covers the following syllabus:

  • Necessity of self-reflection
  • Principle and practice of self-reflection
  • Copied world and real world
  • The methodology of mind cleansing
  • Self-reflection and the mind cleansing in ordinary life
  • The starting point of new life, life with wisdom, and a peaceful world.

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 13 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

While you’re here, you may want to check out: 10 Powerful Benefits Meditation for College Students | Best Advice

2. The Science of Well-Being

This course is offered by Yale University, a university based in New Haven, Connecticut, founded in 1701 and as since been devoted to bringing ideas and people from all over the globe together for positive impact.

This course comprises of series of challenges specifically designed to help learners to boost their happiness as well as to build more productive habits.

Also, learners will get to learn about and demystify the misconceptions about happiness, the annoying features of the mind that causes humans to think the way they do as well as the research that can help them change.

To achieve this, the course covers the following syllabus:

  • An introduction to the science of well-being
  • Misconcepptions about happiness
  • Why our expectations are so bad
  • How we can overcome our iases
  • Stuff that really makes humans happy
  • Putting strategies into practice
  • Start your financial rewirement challenge
  • Continue your rewirement challenge (1)
  • Continue your challenge rewirement (2)
  • Final assignment submission

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 19 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

3. Foundations in Mindfulness and Well-being

This course is offered by the Rice University, a university that has consistently ranked among the top 20 universities in the US and the top 100 in the world.  It is one of the best meditation online courses.

Also another one of the free meditation online courses, this course aims to provide an in-depth overview of the basic concepts, principles as well as practices of mindfulness.

Also, it comprises of interactive exercises that can help students in exploring their attitudes, ehaviours and mental attitude.

In addition, the course offers a pthway for living with more authencity, freedom and ease. It features componnets such as experiential exercises, personal reflection, guided meditations and interactive discussions.

By the end of the coures, learners would have learned:

  • The core mindfulness concepts and practices that support the ability to use attention in an enhanced way.
  • The concepts and practices that deepen the understanding of the mind/body connection, and highlights ways that the body is a direct portal to presence.
  • Guidance for enhancing resilience, with specific regard to opening to and accepting a wide range of emotion.
  • Also, hw to take the benefits that come from regular meditation and integrate them into daily life, as well as establishing a regular meditation routine.

To achieve these, the course covers the following syllabus:

  • An introduction to mindfullness and wellbeing
  • Understanding the mind/body connection
  • Exploing your inner landscape
  • The nuts and bolts of establishing a practice

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 16 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

4. The mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare

This course is offered by the University of Minnesota, a University that has remained as one of the top and largest public research universities in the country which offers undergraduate, graduate and professional students numerous opportunities for study and research.

The course aims to help learners to be able to assess when mindfulness may be helpful for their clients or patients. Also,it helps them to understand how to educate these patients about the potential benefits of mindfulness as well as refer them to mndfulness programs and resources.

Basically, the course begins with what  mindfulness is and not through presentations and direct experiences. Also, it explores the research supporting the benefits  as well as risks of mindfulness for various conditions.

Furthermore, the course teaches te learners how to identify contraindications as well as the benefits of this practice for them as busy healthcare providers.

By the end of this course, learners would have learned how to:

  • Discuss the benefits of mindfulness as supported by research evidence, including potential impact on pain management, sleep issues, and anxiety.
  • List contraindications, discuss how you would identify when they are present, and identify possible modifications to your recommendations.
  • Identify programs and resources—both local in-person and online where you might refer patients.
  • Discuss the benefits of mindfulness for you professionally, including reduced stress, enhanced focus, and emotional regulation.

To achieve these, the course covers the following syllabus:

  • What is mindfulness?
  • Assess if mindfulness would be beneficial
  • Getting started
  • Peer review project
  • Evaluate use for your patients and yourself

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 10 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

5. Of mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease

This course is offered by Rice University, a university ranking among the top 100 universities in the world and has highly recognized schools of architecture, engineering, business, humanities, music, natural sciences, continuing studies and social sciences.

This course provides an overview of the essentials concepts, principles as well practics of mindfulness. It is a sequel course to the Foundations of Mindfulness and aims to provide students with the interactive exercises that can help them to explore their attitudes, beaviours and habits. 

Just like the Foundations of Mindfulness course, this course also offers a pathway for living with freedom, ease and auhtnecity. Also, it features components such as experiential exercises, personal reflectio, guided meditations and interactive discussions.

Although learners can take this course as a standalone course, we recommend they take the first Foundations of Mindfulness Course first before etting into this one.

By the end of the course, learners would have learned:

  • How to increase capacity for attentional control, sustained focus and presence.
  • The concepts and practices that deepen the understanding of the mind/body connection, and highlights ways that the body is a direct portal to presence.
  • How to cultivate compassion for self and others

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 20 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

6. Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health

This course is offered by the University pof Sydney, a university that has constantly ranked as one of the top universities in Australia and has been highly ranked among the bst universities in the world.

This course explores the various aspects of good mental health and as well provides an in-depth overview of the primary kinds of mental disorders, their causes, treatments as well as how to seek help and support.

In addition, the course employs an evidence-based approach to a broad range of strategies and techniques learners can learn to use to enhance their mental health as well as that of their clients. These ranges from exercise and relaxation techniques through to love, relationships and the good types of work. 

Also, it covers topics ranging from creativity and yoga trough to psychiatric meditations as well as psychotherapies.

The course covers the following syllabus:

  • Positive mental health and psychiatry
  • Body and mind
  • Love and work
  • Mental illness
  • Paths to recovery

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 20 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

Also, check out: 30 Mental Health Tips for College Students 2024

7. De-Mystifying Mindfulness

This course is offered by the Leiden University, a university that has constantly ranked as one of Europe’s foremost research universities and doubles as the oldest university in the Netherlands established in 1575.

This course aims to combine conventional scholarly inquiry from numerous disciplinesraning from psychology, philosophy through to politics, with expeeiriential learning . This includes specially designed meditation labs in which learners can practice as well as analyze mindfulness on themselves.

Basically, the course offers a deep and profound dive into the ethical, psychological, social and the philosophical implications of modern-day mindfulness practice.

By the end of the course, learners would have learned:

  • To understand popular conceptions and misconceptions about Mindfulness
  • How to interpret your own experiences of Mindfulness practices
  • How to evaluate the social and political significance of Mindfulness
  • To compare different psychological and therapeutic approaches to mindfulness  

Also, the course covers the following syllabus:

  • A welcome and introduction to the course
  • Introduction to mindfulness
  • Psychology of and mindfulness
  • Philosophy of and mindfulness
  • Politics and of mindfulness
  • Mindfulness, trauma and social justice
  • Mindfulness and nature and land
  • Also, mindfulness into the future
  • Honours project

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 43 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

8. Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life

This course is offered by the University of Edinburgh, a university funded in 1583 and has constantly been at the forefront of invasion in education and research.

This course aims to examine how to know one’s self in an effort to discover what self-knowledge, how it might be valuable as well as the limitations it might face. 

The course offers learners an in-depth knowledge on the prominent themes from Western, classical Chinese and Buddhist approaces to their knowledge of themselves. Also, learners will get to gain an appreciation of the relation of self-knowledge  to wisdom, of the value of intellectual humility.

Furthermore, learners will learn to appreciate the relation as methods of learning about oneself that do not depend on introspection.

The course covers the followin syllabus:

  • An introduction to the course
  • Socrates and examined life
  • Descartes’ essence
  • A re-casting of mind and body problem
  • Mind and self: Some aspects of human nature
  • Final assessment

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 19 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

9. Mindfulness and Well-being: Peace in, Peace Out

Also, this course is offered by Rice University, a university ranking among the top 100 universities in the world and has highly recognized schools of architecture, engineering, business, humanities, music, natural sciences, continuing studies and social sciences.

The course is specifically designed for the purpose of of introducing the learners to mindfulness as a robust tool for psiritual development.

The course highlights the rich traditional roots of mindfulness as well as its capacity to expand understanding about the nature of human consciousness as well as facilitate specific transcendent emotional experiences which includes wonder, awe and flow.

Furthermore, the course encompasses an array of meditations, reflective exercises as well as the activities to help make the material personally meaningful. 

Basically, this course is designed to demonstrate how parcticing mindfulness can be an effective means of maintaining and enhancing optimal health as well as an overall well-being that you can implement in all the areas of your life.

This course covers the following syllabus:

  • Introduction to the course
  • Universal truths
  • Nature, spirituality and mindfulness
  • Let peace flow
  • Walking the mindful path

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 25 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

10. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

This course is offered by Deep Teaching Solutions, a team devoted to producing high quality educational materials with the latest insights from neuroscience.

This course gives learners an easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in music, mat, art, science, sports and other disciplines. In this course, learners will get to learn about how the brain uses two very distinct learning modes as well as how it chunks information. 

Also, the course explores the illusions of learning, dealing with procrastination, memory techniques as well as the best practices revealed by research to work most effectively in helping learners to master tough subjects.

The course syllabus covers:

  • What is learning?
  • Chunking
  • Procrastination and memory
  • Renaissance learning and unlocking your potential

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 15 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

11. Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology

This course is offered by the New York University, a university that has constantly remained a leading global instituton for scholarship, research and teaching.

The course offers learners the access to explore physiological systems from the perspective of overall heat and wellness. In addition to this, this course focuses on yoga , meditation and mindfulness as therapeutic interventions in cronic illness as well as long term treatment.

Basically, this course is specifically designed for yoga practitioners, teachers, college students and ,edical practitioners who are looking ti gain a deeper understanding of the physiological benefits of yoga and mindfulness.

The course will help learners understand the impact of yoga on stress reduction, healing as well as prevetion of physiological pathologies. It epxplores the different physiological systems and as well highights yoga practices with the ability to influence different systems as well as reduce pathology.

Futhermore, the course provides reading materials, weekly course assignments as well as the right amount of information and hands-on experience for learners interested in alternative health persectives. Also, for learners interested in gaining a more in-depth scientific undertsanding of the ancient healing method.

 Te course covers the following syllabus:

  • Introduction to the course, yoga and physiology
  • The cell and homeostasis
  • Genetics
  • How to read and interpret the research
  • The nervous system
  • The respiratory system
  • Also, the cardiovascular system
  • The lymphatic and immune systems
  • The musculosketal system
  • Renal system
  • The digestive system
  • The endocrine and reproductive systems
  • Effect of chronic stress on human physiology
  • Summary

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 54 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

12. Biohacking Your Brain’s Health

This course is offered by Emory University, a university located in Atlanta, Gerogia, and has constantly ranked as one of the top leading research universities in the world.

This course introduces learners to the different methods of maximizing their brain’s fitness through nutrition, mediation, exercise and sleep. Also, it will debunk some popular myths about practices for overall health and then uncover studies from over the last few decades that uncover practical routines as well as interventions proven to help enhance the brain.

The course covers the following syllabus:

  • Nutrition and the brain
  • Exercise and the brain
  • Meditation and the brain
  • Sleep and the brain

Course Provider:   Coursera

Duration:   Approximately 14 hours

Cost:   Free

Certificate: Yes 

13. How to Meditate and Practice Mindfulness

This course is an exhaustive introduction to meditation and mindfulness. It highlights the several skills of meditation ranging from balance through to presence, focus, choice, relaxation, resting in stillness and silece and doing nothing.

Also, the course teaches how to meditate and practice mindfulness as well as gives the learners the knowledgenecessary to direct their personal growth and transformation. Futhermore, the course provides the learners with the adequate skills required to help the build better lives, enjoy life more fully and realize more happiness.

Course Provider:   Udemy

Duration:   22 hours, 8 minutes

Cost:   $47.84

Certificate: Yes 

14. Complete meditation, mindfulness and mind training course

This course focuses on helping learners to master the art of meditation and te mind as well as how to bring their inner peace, focus and mindfulness into their lives.

This course provides an exhaustive journey into the art of breathing, how te mind works as well as the healing of the spirit. It consists of comprehensive guided meditation sessions in addition to several breathing techniques as well as practical tools that can help to cal and harmonize the body and mind to enale it go int a state of meditation faster.

In addition, the course explores the different types of meditation ranging from mindfulness meditattion and vipassana meditation.

Basiccaly, the course is filled with series of easy-to-follw guided meditations and theory to offer the learners a deeper understanding of the workingsof the mind as well as the emotions and the nature of reality.

Course Provider:   Udemy

Duration:   Approximately 10 hours

Cost:   $59.86

Certificate: Yes 

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15. Meditation for Beginners: Boost Your Productivity in 5 Days

Basically, this course aims at exploring how meditation helps to increase focus, boost productivity and achieve goals. It is one of the best meditation courses online in 2024.

It is specifically designed for beginners who are new to meditation or individuals who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of how mediation works to help one increase focus, boost their productivity as well as to achieve their goals.

Course Provider:   Udemy

Duration:   Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes

Cost:   $15.63

Certificate: Yes 


It must have been a tad difficult finding the best free and paid meditation courses online with certificates that are the best fits for you and we are glad to have taken the time to research and compile this list. We hope you find them helpful.

FAQS Meditation Online Courses| Free & Paid

The best meditation courses online:

  • Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life
  • The Science of Well-Being
  • Mindfulness and Well-being: Foundations
  • Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare
  • Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease
  • Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health
  • De-Mystifying Mindfulness
  • Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life
  • Mindfulness and Well-being: Peace in, Peace Out
  • Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
  • Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology
  • Biohacking Your Brain’s Health
  • How to Meditate and Practice Mindfulness
  • Complete meditation, mindfulness and mind training course
  • Meditation for Beginners: Boost Your Productivity in 5 Days


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