Top Node.Js Courses. Learn Node.Js Online

Node.js is a platform for easily creating fast and scalable network applications based on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime.

Over the course of a decade, the software has managed to entice major corporations to check it out. Groupon, Netflix, LinkedIn, IBM, Voxer, SAP, Paypal, Walmart, and many others are among them. This just goes to show how much people believe in this technology.

Netflix is one of the most prominent users of Node.js, claiming that it reduces development time and enables for user customization. Because of the success of Node.js, they are now intending to migrate data access layers to it.

Developers have also begun to utilize JavaScript as their default language as a result of Node.js.

You can try the online node.js certification courses listed in this article if you want to become a fully certified Node.js developer in no time and learn why Node.js is so highly respected by today’s web developers.

What is Node.Js?

According to Wikipedia, Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser.

Node.js allows developers to utilize JavaScript to create command-line tools and server-side scripting, which involves running scripts on the server before sending the page to the user’s web browser.

Also, it employs an event-driven, non-blocking I/O approach, making it lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for data-intensive real-time applications that run across several devices.

How Important is Node.Js?

Node.Js is crucial because it allows developers to write both client-side and server-side code using JavaScript.

As a result, a programmer can utilize JavaScript to create a web application’s front-end and back-end. As a result, the entire program can be written in the most widely used programming language on the planet.

Node.Js may easily be used as a server-side proxy, allowing it to manage a huge number of simultaneous connections without stopping.

It’s particularly handy for proxying various services with varying response times or collecting data from multiple sources.

Furthermore, Node.js performs all I/O operations in an asynchronous manner. This is accomplished by delivering the asynchronous task, as well as the call-back function, to the event loop.

The software is powered by a helpful community. There are millions of people in these communities that can answer questions and explain how to overcome problems with Node.Js.

Can You Learn Node.Js Online?

Yes, you can learn Node.Js online from Coursera, Codecademy, Harvard, Alison, edX, Udemy, and Skillshare, among other e-learning platforms. These websites provide the best online node.js courses.

Online classes can be a great way to quickly (and on your own time) learn about the good stuff, from technical skills like JavaScript to basic node development. That said, you may need to invest to get the real deal.

So, if you devote enough time to the online classes, you can achieve basic or practical expertise.

Furthermore, the amount of time you devote to learning Node.Js determines how quickly you learn the course.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Node.Js Courses?

The length of time it takes to learn Node.JS varies depending on the person. With a simple NodeJS project, a beginner with no coding experience will take at least a year.

However, if you have any programming knowledge, such as JavaScript, Java, PHP, The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site, and so on, it will take you anywhere from 3-6 months.

You can learn Node. js in a few days if you already have a good programming background and are familiar with JavaScript.

It may take 2-6 weeks to learn Node. js if you have decent development experience but no knowledge of JavaScript (the programming language used by Node. js).

Top Online Node.Js Certification Courses

Here are the top Node.Js Certification courses

#1. All about NodeJS

Cost: ₦10,500

NodeJS is a platform that allows developers to create high-performance, networked server-side applications. And all with the help of good old Javascript.

But hold on a second! Isn’t Javascript supposed to be used on web pages for forms and other stuff? That was ten years ago, to be sure.

This course will teach you how to utilize NodeJS to create High Performance and Scalable Apps, as well as how to develop a Web Server utilizing NodeJS Streams.

Also, This is one of the best online Node.Js Certification courses available.

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You can read this: Best Free Javascript Online courses to take in 2024

#2. Learn and Understand NodeJS

Cost: ₦29,900

Node.JS is a rapidly expanding web server technology, with Node developers earning some of the best salaries in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will help you land a job or further your career by allowing you to create high-quality, dependable web applications.

In this course, you’ll obtain a thorough grasp of Node, as well as how NodeJS operates behind the scenes, and how that knowledge may help you avoid common traps and vastly increase your debugging abilities.

Also, you’ll earn about the V8 Javascript engine, which was created in C++, and how NodeJS uses it to extend Javascript’s capabilities. Learn how to structure your code so that it can be reused and is easier to comprehend, manage, and expand by utilizing modules, as well as how modules function.

Furthermore, you’ll learn how asynchronous code works in Node and the Node event loop, as well as how to use the event emitter, streams, buffers, pipes, and work with files.

In addition, this is one of the best online Node.Js Certification courses.

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#3. Learn Nodejs by building 12 projects

Cost: ₦10,500

Nodejs is a cross-platform open-source framework for developing server-side and network applications. It’s based on Chrome’s JavaScript Runtime and may be used to quickly create large-scale online apps.

It allows the building of lightweight and highly scalable web applications by utilizing non-blocking I/O and even driven models.

Our training curriculum focuses on the actual application of this incredible technology, teaching you node js development through the creation of real-world applications.

While working on the twelve projects, you’ll learn about JavaScript Server development, Node, NPM modules, and other related technologies and frameworks.

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#4. Node.js for Beginners – Become a Node js Developer + Project

Cost: ₦30,900

Regular classes might be boring for some people, which is why this Node.js course makes learning a lot of fascinating stuff fun. This training is designed for complete beginners in the realm of NodeJs.

This course will teach you how to create amazing NodeJS apps, such as the CMS we built here with Express, MongoDB, and other tools.

You’ll also learn how to work with Express FrameWork. This is one of the top Node.js Certification courses available online.

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#5. Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide

Cost: ₦19,900

This is not an Angular course, but it does provide extensive explanations of the fundamental ideas as well as information about Angular in general.

This course takes a hands-on approach, which means that the entire course is built around a single large application, and each idea will be presented in detail when it is introduced in this application.

You’ll learn how to do things like:

  • Using the Angular CLI, create a NodeJS + Express + MongoDB + Angular application.
  • Make effective use of NodeJS and Express
  • Using the Angular Tools, design reusable components in Angular and a reactive user experience.

In addition, This is one of the best online Node.Js Certification courses.  

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#6. The Complete Node.js Developer Course

Cost: ₦13,500 

The Complete Node.js Developer Course starts with the basics of Node.js before moving into advanced topics like Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB.

The entire course is focused on transforming you into a professional Node developer capable of creating, testing, and deploying real-world production apps.

You’ll be programming every project and working through problems from the beginning, all of which are meant to reinforce what you’ve learned. This will provide you with the practical experience you’ll need to design and launch your own project once you’re finished.

In addition, this is one of the online Node.js certification courses.

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#7. Node with React: Fullstack Web Development

Cost: ₦30,900

This course is all “learn-by-doing”: no tedious Powerpoint lectures, simply live, interactive coding examples.

We’ll develop a large online application in this course that highlights the advanced features of React, Redux, Express, and Mongo.

You’ll have a better notion of when to apply each unique and strong feature by putting each concept into a real program. In addition, this is one of the online Node.js certification courses.

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#8. Node, SQL, & PostgreSQL – Mastering Backend Web Development

Cost: ₦14,900

You’ll construct three entire projects in this project-based course to learn how to build Node, SQL, and PostgreSQL apps. You’ll learn about some of the most extensively used strategies in the industry today. Also, You’ll learn how to use well-known libraries like Express and Pg.

You’ll learn Node by constructing an application from the ground up in this course. To begin, you’ll learn how to construct a server using native Node modules.

Second, you’ll use Node and Express to create a more complex application in order to learn how to create an API with a full set of HTTP request methods.

Additionally, this is one of the online Node.js certification courses.

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#9. Node JS: Advanced Concepts

Cost: ₦16,200

If you work with Node, this is a must-take course.

You will discover how Node runs your source code in this course. And you’ll know why Node exists, as well as how the code you write is finally executed by C++ code in the V8 engine.

Also, this is one of the best online Node.js certification courses.

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#10. Node.js Unit Testing In-Depth

Cost: ₦13,900

This is a targeted, in-depth unit testing course in which we will examine a large amount of code and learn how to test it.

From the most basic JavaScript function to ES6 classes and private code testing, we’ll cover it everything. We’ll also go through how to test your code coverage so you know where you stand at all times.

One of the goals of this course is to educate you how to think about unit testing rather than just teaching you how to use the basic syntax or call an assertion.

We’ll go over the majority of scenarios you’ll see on a daily basis, as well as a number of challenges and instances that aren’t covered in most online unit testing courses.

In addition, this is one of the best online Node.js certification courses.

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#11.  Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2024

Cost: ₦24,900

Do you want to use JavaScript to create quick and powerful back-end applications? Do you want to become a more well-rounded and sought-after developer?

Then Node.js is the hottest technology to learn right now, and you’ve come to the right place.

The Complete Node is pleased to welcome you. Your fast track to modern back-end development with Js, Express, and MongoDB Bootcamp.

Furthermore, this course is an all-in-one solution that will take you from a total beginner to a highly proficient Node.js developer.

You will learn how to create a complete, beautiful, and real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website), among other things, in this course.

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#12. The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo)

Cost: ₦13,500

This is one of the node.js certification courses available online. GraphQL is rapidly transforming the way Node.js developers write APIs and backend apps.

It provides a much-needed alternative to the standard REST HTTP API. It’s the most exciting upgrade to Node.js development we’ve seen in a long time. Goodbye, Train. Greetings, GraphQL.

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to build Node.js backend apps.

You’ll learn how to utilize GraphQL to replace the basic Express HTTP API and enable features like authentication, real-time applications, and more in this class.

GraphQL can be utilized with any internet-connected client, including web apps, mobile apps, and server-side applications.

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Also, you can check this: Top Linux Courses Online in 2024

#13. Complete back end development with NodeJS with projects

Cost: ₦24,900

Welcome to NodeJS Complete Backend Web Developer with Projects. A comprehensive course that begins with the fundamentals of Javascript and progresses to the advanced features of the language. Then we’ll move on to the node.js section.

Javascript is being used for far more than it originally intended. All backend work may now be done through javascript.

We’ll learn how to use current javascript to develop comprehensive backend code. To begin, we’ll use VSCode to set up some tools. Following that, we’ll learn how to build our own web server without using any third-party modules.

In addition, this course is one of the top online node.js certification courses.

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#14. Understanding NPM

cost: ₦16,900

This course will teach you what NPM is and how to utilize it. You’ll learn how to set up a new project, install new dependencies, and investigate their children’s dependencies.

Also, we’ll go over what Semantic Versioning is and what the terms Major, Minor, and Patch versions mean.

You’ll also comprehend the significance of the package-lock.json file. This is one of the node.js certification courses available online.

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#15. MERN Stack – React Node from Scratch Building Social Network

Cost: ₦4,500

MERN Stack JavaScript Developer from Scratch with React, Node JS, and MongoDB is the subject of this course. Learn to React with Node JS from Scratch – Build a Complete MERN Stack Social Network from Scratch and Deploy to Cloud Hosting in this course.

This course contains a lot more information and serves as a stepping stone toward becoming a FullStack JavaScript Developer. In addition, it is one of the most popular online node.js certification courses available.

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FAQs On The Top Online Node.Js Certification Online

According to Wikipedia, Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser.

Yes, you can learn Node.Js online from Coursera, Codecademy, Harvard, Alison, edX, Udemy, and Skillshare, among other e-learning platforms. These websites provide the best online node.js courses.

A certified Node.Js developer earns an average of $104,964 per annum.

Node.js is primarily used for non-blocking, event-driven servers, due to its single-threaded nature. It’s used for traditional websites and back-end API services but was designed with real-time, push-based architectures in mind.

Here is the importance:

  • It allows developers to write both client-side and server-side code using JavaScript.
  • It’s particularly handy for proxying various services with varying response times or collecting data from multiple sources.
  • Node.Js may easily be used as a server-side proxy, allowing it to manage a huge number of simultaneous connections without stopping.


Express.js, Node Packet Manager (NPM), shrink-wrap, NPM Vet, REST, Express.js with MongoDB, and SQLite CRUD operations are among the principles covered in the online Node.Js certification classes.

This Node JS course covers the fundamentals of the language and gives you hands-on experience building an HTTP server.

The training course is also appropriate for technical project managers, technical leads, full-stack web developers, quality analysts, architects, and students or aspiring professionals interested in leading web development.



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